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Everything posted by Designer225

  1. This has just turned into a Kerbal movie naminig thread. Kerblab (just a thought when I think of Skylab) The Kerbal Games (derived from the Hunger Games) Catching Kerbal (More deriviation. From Catching Fire.) Kerbingjay (Even more deriviation from Mockingjay) ... *head explodes*
  2. Floor 327: For some reason the walls get thicker and thicker. Maybe insulations? Anyway, you moved on.
  3. OMG that's a lot of screenshots... almost like a motion video...
  4. Floor 321: The spacescraper is being pushed by a white hole.
  5. Possible idea: The liquid on Eve is probably room temperature Mercury (Mercury is liquid in room temperature), the surface could be a Potassium compound, and the atmosphere could be made of some O2, CO2, and N2, but only purple visible light can go through the atmosphere and making it purple.
  6. Just asking, but if there is no CO2, would the Kerbals be killed? Because when I looked at the IonCrossLifeSupport.cfg, I found this line in the CO2 group: boolCauseDeath = True I asked because I'm writing a configuration for Cepheus's CSS.
  7. Please know that the OME gimbals, which makes it harder to operate. But you do have a point. However run a few tests on ground before launching your shuttles. You need to know which direction the OME control is facing.
  8. Last time we have a marathon, KSP 0.18 came out in the end... good times... Although, I can't stay up for 16 hours, or 48 hours.
  9. Thanks. And sorry for inconvenience, for those of you having trouble watching the texts. Anyway, to fix this, I added annotations of what the video text scripts. Note that I'm not adding them to everything, only the parts where I think is harder to see.
  10. Pitch up 15 degreees from manuover node and you'll be probably fine. Also I just found out that the OME does not compensate, so I need to work on the OME a bit more. I guess you have to manually edit it.
  11. Don't use MechJeb for MCC then. Only use it for launch, it's safer.
  12. Okay then. Anyway done with the CSS (Component Space Shuttle, made by Rocket2Gun, maintained by Cepheus) Modular Fuel System configuration! Took some trials and fixed them. I'm planning to use Oxidizer for the OME, but then again no fuel for RCS... maybe in 0.21. Files will be uploaded soon. Speaking of which, I've actually freaked out in some trials of that configuration. I planned to make my own propellant, but then the game won't use them...
  13. You can't go back down, even if the floor number increases. Floor 309: A sign:
  14. Landing gears still doesn't work (only acts as skis) so breaking apart seemed original but normal. Anyway, I'm workiing on the Modular Fuel Tank configuration for the Shuttle mod.
  15. Okay, I'm working on the configuration for Cepheus's Component Space Shuttle. Not sure how this goes, though. Might end up badly. EDIT: I was planning for the RCS to use both MonoPropellant and Oxidizer, but how?
  16. Applies only to OUTSIDE of the planet's atmosphere. Otherwise, you need to prepare for landing.
  17. Speaking of which, do you have to install all of the .cfg files the mod pack comes? Or just some you need?
  18. Have anyone thought of engines automatically switches from a combination to another combination (Ex: LiquidFuel+LiquidOxygen to LiquidH2+LiquidOxygen)? I think switching fuel combinations can be more effective, as LH2 is better to reach orbital speed than RP-1 (Kerosene, what OP thought as LiquidFuel), while RP-1 is more optimal on early launch than LH2 because it saves fuel. Also, because LH2 and LOX both needs to be insulated (they are cryogenic), the insulation significantly increases the weight of a fuel tank. I think the engines should have combination switch capability, even during flight so that it can use fuel much more efficiently (hopefully).
  19. Is it just the plugin that needs to be installed or are there parts that need to be added? Plugin. The Plugin is Romfarer.dll. You can download it from Romfarer Lazor thread, or from that.
  20. Well, I went to space few days ago... and returned. However, it is sad that the ship separated when at landing (near the end), separating solid boosters (in intro), and no video sections (in outro) . On the other hand, the Kerbals survived --- all of them . If you want to see the whole video, go for it. Otherwise, after watching the intro, skip to landing operation, and then skip to the outro. I'm very stupid at the outro.
  21. Well, I finished a video. However, it is sad that the pilot misunderstood the velocity, plus there is no video sections in outro. Anyway, in this page: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/40888-Review-of-Cepheus-s-Component-Space-Shuttle
  22. Well, I made this video few days ago when I found that Cepheus finally updated the CSS to v5.0.1 (KSP 0.20.2 Compatible version). So yeah. Also, notice that I forgot to add video section to the Outro, so... sorry. Anyway, here it is!
  23. Floor 308 (2 from the center of Milky Way): Damn it Quantum Teleporter!
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