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Everything posted by Designer225

  1. Floor 187 (48 from Luna): A sign: Hint: Floor 237 is in Luna, and Floor 287 is where you would return to Earth's gravitational field... but there is no turning back. You must venture deeper.
  2. Floor 185 from Earth (50 from the Moon... err Luna): A sign:
  3. What chain? The next user knows what ROFLCopter64bits is talking about. (It would be great if the poster himself answers the question!)
  4. RESET! You have exactly $10 to spend!
  5. Why isn't the Kraken answering? Perhaps he's dead already? Also another attack: Throwing Jool at YOU!
  6. Sorry about bringing it off-topic, but what is about Kill Bill?
  7. Gold Bar Chocolate? Who invented this and when? (In Kerbin Date)
  8. Floor 153: The secure connection to floor 154 will arrive once every 24 hours.
  9. Why did they skip 1? Are they in a hurry?
  10. Aren't both videos the same video? Though the videos are good!
  11. Floor 145: You are smart. Welcome to GSO! You are now orbiting in the same period as the planet. EVA to floor 146. It's not far.
  12. Floor 144: Please wear a spacesuit with helmets on, and please take the elevator to GSO floor. There's no stair to go to that floor.
  13. Maybe. (I predict yes, but find it for yourself.) The next user has the similar or same system and hardware specific: OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU M 450 @ 2.40GHz (4) RAM: 3503MB (It's really 4096MB, but the amount outside parenthesis is the usable memory. You can ignore the usable memory.) GPU: Intel® HD Graphics (811MB)
  14. I don't get why Scott Manley (And some people else) actually call the newer version of NovaPunch Nova (Slug) Punch. Is there Slug-related parts in NovaPunch?
  15. Floor 135: Welcome to space! And just in time to see the Aurora! Do you want to look at it?
  16. I've never heard of Crysis, but once you talked about it, I think KSP is much more optimized than the past.
  17. Maximum Security SPACE Prison update: I have put a Maximum Security SPACE Prison into orbit with 3 Kerbals in it. Yes, that wasn't Jeb and his fellow crew members (Bill and Bob). It was a bunch of other Kerbals that have thought to have killed 3 of my Kerbals... I've made a video with BB Express Video recorder. It's encoding and it should be done any time. After that I need to go into more editing. UNEXPECTED UPDATE: Many of my softwares are so stupid that they think they don't have any space! (In this case, the encoder thought that D Drive --- the drive I store videos and documents and whatnots --- has no space left, when it actually have space! One more time and I'll [CENSORED DUE TO CONFLICT WITH RULE 2]) UPDATE: Encoding done. The quality is so terrible that I need to do another encoding, but until then, I have to leave it as. ATTEMPT 2 UPDATE: Starting the encoding of the video. This time quality or not, I'm gonna post it on YouTube because I have little time... ATTEMPT 4 UPDATE: Encoding complete. Time to edit it. Mann, the second attempt was a failure --- low quality. The third was cancelled due to high space storage... (Damn it Intel!) The fourth time needs quality improvement, but other than that, that's fine. UPDATE 3: Just finished editing, it's still remixing. It should take some time.
  18. I'm doing this as I play KSP. It will be a modular station in Kerboynchronous Orbit. Lander legs will be used to obsruct the hatch so that Kerbal prisoners won't escape. Warrenty void if used on Jebediah, Bill, and Bob Kerman. EDIT: Core module has finished. This will trap the prisoners. Now building a rocket capable of reaching KSO.
  19. OMG! The VAB and SPH is so big and tall... I can't wait for the 0.21 to be released!
  20. Floor 124: Welcome to the Mesosphere! Just a few more floors and you'll be really in space!
  21. False. At least 10 letters. (11 letters...) The next user thinks that 10-character limits applies to everything.
  22. False. You do need a mouse. (Even a laptop mouse pad is a mouse, and so is the circle that makes the arrow move.) Unless you are a genious, of course. (I do use mouse, so deal with it!) The next user thinks they are so clever that they don't need mouses. Then how do you play KSP?
  23. Floor #121: You've encounterd a floor that is in a huge distance from this floor to floor #122, where the outside pressure is near zero.
  24. Floor 119: The pressure engiine room begins to pressurize the above floors, due to loss of pressure.
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