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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Hmmm... I'll have to do some investigation to see what the cause might be.
  2. the KSP_Data/output_log.txt is the most verbose, so that would help the best. I can't imagine WHY it would do this. So after you delete the user config, launch the game it works, and fails if you go back to the main menu or exit entirely? Does it stay broken if you restart the game?
  3. What? You are having issues with a machine of THOSE specs? My machine is much slower than yours, and I don't notice much of a difference! What is the frame-rate you are running at then with/without the clouds?
  4. Yeah, I still have to do some profiling and optimization to make sure it will work well for everyone. You wouldn't happen to have machine specs would you? The mod shouldn't be too terribly strenuous on a machine, though it might tax integrated graphics cards.
  5. Small update, better, more stable lighting/placement. [TESTING VERSION]https://github.com/waka324/VisualEnhancements/releases/tag/VOLUME_TEST5
  6. This is planned. For now, I wanted to provide something that could be tested out. I have a shader improvement coming that should help the blending a lot.
  7. This. Note, that if you have Aggressive texture settings on, you will want to put your texture resolution in the game settings all the way up. Lots of people miss this.
  8. I'll have to get around to installing RSS to toy around with settings.
  9. So I was able to put a "pre-loader" together, and it is a LOT faster. Downside, is as you predicted, there is no way to push a frame update to the screen, so KSP looks like it freezes while it is loading now.
  10. Ah... yes that will be fixed in the next update. Clouds will always be the right color, even if they don't know where they are supposed to be.
  11. Well, in the current implementation, KSP loads the textures, then I load the cache files on-top. This way, I load them BEFORE KSP can, and tell it not to load them. Now, KSP load is about 2x as fast. That is the point. You just don't get a loading bar while the textures are loading.
  12. New test release: Lighting https://github.com/waka324/VisualEnhancements/releases/tag/VOLUME_TEST4
  13. I'm Very close to a lighting fix. A few more minutes I think.
  14. What version of volumetrics are you using? the most recent version should create them over the active craft, they will blow and regenerate.
  15. Probably a rocket malfunction. I have had stuff like that happen to me without the mod.
  16. All I'm looking for is basic info. not necessarily FPS and exact system specs, but if it is laggy, snappy, processor, graphics models, OS but that's about it. Thanks for the feedback!
  17. New experimental version: https://github.com/waka324/TextureCompressor/releases/tag/3-Beta This is an experimental version that pre-loads the texture before KSP does. Should load approximately 2x as fast as the old version. The downside is that it doesn't load the "loading screen" until after all the textures are loaded. So you have to be patient.
  18. That's one thing I need people to help out with. My machine is pretty beefy (for a laptop at least) and I nee some people to report back what they find. I designed it so it shouldn't be too bad on a relatively average machine, but there is only one way to find out.
  19. Hmmm... I Think I may need to either add a detail texture or at least get a higher-res base textures. Nevermind, looks like it might be a formatting issue. I'll have to dig deeper.
  20. I'm thinking about part spot-lights (illuminators). I'm using the three textures (in Clouds/particle) and a special shader to create a "tri-planar" billboard particle. That is why the particles don't look like they follow the camera around.
  21. Ouch. Ah, I never tried the clouds in the mountains. I should probably do that. Also, I'll try to get clouds to light up from ship light sources, but I make no promises.
  22. Ah, my signature needs to be updated... Experimental is now stable.
  23. Thanks! Yeah, I knew it (the lighting) would look funny, but I had to share it. Yeah, it hides the hole really, really well, and I'm super excited to see photos of things people end up doing with the clouds.
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