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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. I'm really not sure what is going on here. If I had to guess, I'd say your KSP install is goofed up somehow. What happens if you remove the mod? Were you able to load before? Is this an install that worked before 23.5 or a fresh install that wasn't upgraded?
  2. Hmmmm... module manager is also freaking out. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at UrlDir+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ModuleManager.ConfigManager.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Looks like the configs aren't being loaded before DLLs are like they used to be.
  3. Hmmm... There is a hotfix? Might have to try that. Did you make any changes to the configs?
  4. Weird. I'm just giving it a string. KSP shouldn't freak out like that. What version of KSP are you running?
  5. I was thinking about this last night as I was trying to wrangle an asteroid I'll probably add it to the shader in the next release.
  6. I'm not entirely sure myself. I'll have to try some things out to see if I can get it to work. Not until they are updated to use the new config structure. Not yet, support to change particle size and shape will come though. This doesn't work with RSS quite right. Looking into why.
  7. Depth as in what? the altitude can be increased via the gui (alt+n) - - - Updated - - - You can disable volume clouds via the GUI.
  8. TGAs take up much more space on-disk, and take longer to load I found. The bug in unity must have been fixed a while ago, because PNGs are very fast to load.
  9. Exactly. To save time, it will generate the directory structure, but not the files if it can just read the original. Aggressive will cache everything basically. Basic only caches normalmaps basically.
  10. What version are you using Basic or aggressive? Do you mean texture cache FILE or FOLDER? There may not be files generated if there is no re-sizing going on.
  11. If this means what I think it means, I am very impressed with your speed.
  12. I'll have to add something. It compresses the textures to DXT format, but doesn't resize them. Resizing is what gives the most memory back.
  13. Z-fighting with the clouds in map view? hmmm... I haven't seen that before. The update also wouldn't change anything that would have effected it.
  14. There are a few really good performance tweaks. The new config structure will make it much easier for modders to create packs.
  15. Oh, I forgot about that. There were performance fixes. So yeah, this version will run a good bit faster. Should be the last time that the cloud config files Change. At least in a way that would break them before.
  16. Sure! If you want, you can even release something yourself! The configs have been completely re-done, so now the don't have to reside in the same BoulderCo folder.
  17. YUP! Just keep in mind, that it loads all textures before the loading screen, so KSP may look like it froze while it caches and loads textures.
  18. Fixed. More configuration, shader updates. If you don't like your performance, you can get this version and tweak the cloud generation. There is no user config anymore. Now there are "pack" configs, where all configNodes named CLOUD_LAYER_PACK are loaded up on start.
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