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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Hmmm... I just found a typo that means it won't be able to load the scaled space configs. So it does save the shader floats to the config, just doesn't load them?
  2. Hmmm... last I checked it was working. I'll double check. Can you send me your output_log.txt file from Ksp_Data after trying to save shader float modifications?
  3. On my mind for future releases. Right now they can't. Shaders cast shadows based off of geometry, so because it is just a simple quad, it would look really bad to cast shadows that way (tried). HOWEVER, I'm working on a different idea that may work to create shadows. Only the 3 are hardcoded for now. This will be configurable in future updates. Yeah, I have a few ideas for the shading of the clouds. Right now it is just a VERY simple lighting element. THAT is an interesting idea. Using the biome map to maybe fade in/out clouds? Dessert would get very few clouds, etc. I like it. I'll have to look into this.
  4. Memory. The texture is 8K and takes up a ridiculous amount of memory as it is.
  5. Haha, this is also on my to-do list. Implement something like the distant object enhancement, except utilizing geometry and shaders.
  6. ALT+N You can also edit the config manually and remove the volume=true line in the top of the file.
  7. Hmmm... this is definitely something to keep in mind when looking at weather. Different clouds for different situations.
  8. This is VERY interesting to me. I plan on adding Asteroid belts and rings to gas giants, and they need to be populated with things people can visit .
  9. Yeah, I can't imagine anything that EVE would do that would cause anything like this. One of the issues when releasing a new version of a mod at the same time Squad releases is bad for bug reports, as EVERYONE has some bugs, but because all the mods were also updated, and some mods aren't updated properly, etc. Issues like this could come from anywhere. In terms of what is being done in-game, it is actually quite simple. I just add a GameObject (sphere overlay) to the Body (ie. Kerbin) and update rotation. I also update scale in the circumstances of map view and leaving the PQS activity distance. The fact that MOST people don't have any issues with this mod indicates to me that there is another mod (or mods) doing strange things that they shouldn't be doing.
  10. Hmmm... well there is definitely something in that KSP install that is either modifying the cameras or transforms.
  11. Hmmm... Looks like one of your mods is not playing nicely. The cloud overlays use a similar method to kethane. I don't think the root cause is this mod. I think it may be Distant Objects, but I'm not 100% sure.
  12. That is a Z-fighting issue. I'm looking into options for this. Yeah, I have to look into why with RSS it behaves the way it does.
  13. We don't have a bump map anymore, as it was ruining the shading between the 2D and 3D layers.
  14. I'm looking at alternatives that will conform to terrain. A couple different solutions. The one I'm looking at the most seriously would involve new textures for all terrain as it addresses the ugliness of repetition.
  15. You also then have to update the division. That is what divides the hex lengths by that power to create more particles. Set it to 4 or 5 if your system can handle it.
  16. OS? Pertinent system info? Double check the install, KSP might need longer to load, don't do anything until it has finished. You will either get a white screen or it will look like it froze. Could take a few minutes.
  17. The guys behind KSO actually reached out to me to include a config for their craft. I think most modelers are also players, don't want to see crashes due to memory, and recognize that if you are running with ATM, you aren't necessarily looking for the highest quality textures out there.
  18. Configs can now be included in the mods with whatever name you would like. Preferrably, something that indicates it is for ATM.
  19. I'll have to visit it again and toy around with the shader settings. I think it is a distance-related camera/shader issue.
  20. I'm just not sure what is going on in your install. Corrupted download?
  21. The output_log.txt in ksp_data would help. What altitude did you use mapview?
  22. I'll let Faark comment on this one. If I understood the app, Faark was using the native hooks to detect when textures were recalled, and using the in-game hooks for part deletion and whatnot to know when to unload them, so it may not be an issue of loading them up, but rather unloading when no longer needed.
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