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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Just upload the file to google docs or dropbox and post the link. They tend to be a bit large for a forum post.
  2. right now it is REALLy simple, just use Transform.Rotate() to rotate every update . Do you know if there is an accumulated time for KSP somewhere?
  3. Can you post the ksp_data/output_log.txt file? Sounds like you are missing the configs that should go into BoulderCo.
  4. Thanks! I'll take a look once I'm done with all the stuff that is already on my plate Ah... hmmm... I'll have to figure that one out. Might be an easy way to do it simply using the game time. I've also been thinking about RSS, and making speed no longer angular, but based off of kph.
  5. Right now it's in beta. When it's fully released, I'll put it on the OP.
  6. The null reference exception is from the KSC view, and only occurs while loading. I forgot to add a check in the last update. It is harmless. The only difference in the low res is the Kerbin1.png texture.
  7. Sounds good. Won't be for quite a while that I release a new version. Between the re-factoring and new features I'm going to be busy for a long time.
  8. *SHOULD* be fine. I publish the low res at 2048*4082.
  9. The clouds are a bit fast to begin with. The cloud speed scales with the current warp setting.
  10. Yeah, a few people have had issues with Mac and 8K textures. It does NOT like them much. Something is wrong with the drivers.
  11. I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Auroras will likely be their own separate entity.
  12. Oh, I see, it is semi-transparent and it is the same layer you are using for the atmosphere tint. Cool!
  13. How is the light-facing part transparent? That is the thing I can't figure out. I'm pretty sure the shader shouldn't be doing that Atmospheric shading as in adding an additive color? Or something else?
  14. WOW. Really well done. I'm still trying to figure out how you are doing the terminator stuff though. When I replace the shaders this kind of lighting will be built-in, and I should be able to get shadows to be cast on things. Are there any specific items you would like to see in the shaders built-in without having to create a layer for?
  15. True. There is some trade-off between flexibility and specialization. After the fog and terrain shaders are complete, I'll be back looking at auroras and such effects.
  16. I started with volume atmosphere (ie. Distance Fog, thick atmosphere, etc.) But was annoyed to find that the terrain shader wasn't in the right RenderType for the depth buffer, so I am no working on replacing the terrain shader. Something I've wanted to do anyways. I'm also in need of an answer from Content Creators (Proot, Astronomer, Thesonicgalaxy, etc.) I'm looking at making the cloud layer a PQS element so it fades with the terrain, and adding a cloud component to the scaled space shader. How would you guys feel about that? It would mean that the z-writing issues *SHOULD* be no longer an issue, on the other hand, you would likely be limited to 3 layers, volumetric layers & atmosphere fog, and some things (like the rim glowing) may have to be added as a separate component later on. The reason I want to do this is to make them much, much easier for Squad to implement in the stock game if they chose to do so. Right now my biggest concern with this is Jool, as it has no PQS and I'm not certain with the implications of adding one just yet.
  17. I think they are out for good, at least for the time being. May bring them back in the future, but don't count on it. - - - Updated - - - You need to be more specific. Are you not seeing clouds? Did you read the FAQ?
  18. Clouds on Duna should be red. More like dust clouds. Are you certain you can't see city lights? Are you using RSS? At the moment city lights won't work very well for RSS as the sphere is so huge, you will only get them from orbit.
  19. Try undoing the changes you last made? It is possible the part images were corrupted and my mod is not handling an exception gracefully.
  20. Ah, I can't guarantee correct behavior in RSS yet. Still something I have to do.
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