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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. This is probably because they use a surface shader, and I'm overwriting the tangent info for a better shader. This will be fixed when I update the shader. Map view has not yet been updated for scaled space texturing and overlay.
  2. It does indeed. - - - Updated - - - You just have to copy the contents of the GameData folder into the GameData folder of your KSP install. That is it.
  3. added daylight texture handling to terrain: TEST RELEASE ONLY! https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/OVERHAUL-2
  4. Might it always be like this? Maybe the PQS mesh not updating in time? I can't think of any other reason this might be happening. Aside from the PQS settings being out of whack.
  5. Hmmm.... Not entirely sure why this might be.
  6. I don't see the "weird hexagon thingy" you mention... Yeah, there is no scaled space component just yet. Re-tooling everything.
  7. Yes/no... We don't want the "day" detail to become half transparent during transitions.
  8. Not yet. Soon though. I have to figure out how that should be done.
  9. Just realized I haven't tried with any body other than Kerbin and it won't work until the next update
  10. Well, if this looks good to you, I'll get back to work'n on the shaders and make it more complete. I want to get in atmosphere coloring, water shader, scaled space shader, and a few misc items added while I'm at it.
  11. That could be added. I'm super excited about this. I love "elegant" solutions, and I finally have one for the config/GUI mechanism. EDIT: Also, what do you think of the new city lights baked onto the terrain?
  12. NEW: Latest Dev Build. Let me know what you think. Just got to a major milestone with the GUI. This release is primarily meant to test the gui. The scaled space clouds don't exist in this release yet. GUI is now assigned to ALT+E for now https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/OVERHAUL-1
  13. OOOOOKEY DOOOOOKEY. https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/OVERHAUL-1 Just got to a major milestone with the GUI. This release is primarily meant to test the gui. The scaled space clouds don't exist in this release yet. GUI is now assigned to ALT+E for now For code monkeys: I'm super stoked. The GUI/config mechanism is almost entirely procedural based off of heavy usage of generic classes/methods, interfaces, and inheritance. Should make ongoing development much easier. Let me know what you think, bug reports, etc.
  14. What are the graphics settings on? Are you using Texture Replacer to replace the minimus texture? Aside from that, there is no way for this mod to affect those textures, as those textures don't exist on the file-system.
  15. Umm... no it doesn't. This mod doesn't touch planet textures. It can't. You probably have your texture settings in the Graphics settings turned down.
  16. ATM Does nothing (absolutely nothing) after the loading screen. What is likely happening is that MJ or OOO_Toolbar are trying to read a texture that has been marked as unreadable. An exception will have to be added for it.
  17. The "frozen" part is when all the textures are loaded now. The additional MB is from everything else. Unmanaged textures, Assets, Planets (and their textures), and all the meshes.
  18. Working to address any/all config GUI issues.
  19. It should't have issues with textures with _NRM in the name. It took me a while to get the normal map conversion right, but if it is properly marked and in the right format for KSP, it will be converted to a "proper" normal map.
  20. Yeah, the water transparency will be based purely on distance to the terrain below. Right now I'm using the tangent to assign a "planetNormal" for procedural UV'ing. The normal obviously isn't up for grabs, and There are only 3 fields (alpha is assigned via the heightmap) for color (not enough to ensure color assignment) so I don't know where I'd be able to assign them to the vertex. Haha, I'll try to include it. Right now it doesn't look to bad as it is, as it doesn't do the weird hovering thing.
  21. Water is on my list. It will be a verticies-altering depth-based shader. Similar to fog. I also hope to have a mechanism in-place for when you look under water as well. Yeah, UT is going to be included in my clouds re-do. If you are doing noise in screen-space, wouldn't it look weird when you move the camera? The alpha is being transferred in the detail, though people may not use it. Haha, yeah, I've been thinking about that kind of stuff. Right now I've been looking at using a global map (PQS only uses one material per-body) but obviously that would be less than ideal for RSS. What I'd LIKE to do is embed the info per-vertex, but no matter what I do, the UV coords get messed up, and I don't really want to muck with color (though I would if I had to.).
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