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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Ah, seems I never connected up the internals behind the volumetric offset. Will do. As for the issue behind the shadows, I'll probably just implement the shadow mechanism I've been meaning to get to.
  2. Gah... Well, time for me to bust out a live install then...
  3. fixes for that (and more): https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/OVERHAUL-9-2 Just be sure when using a 2D offset to also make the offset in volume as well.
  4. Compatibility just isn't an option. I might be able to make a script that automatically converts them to the new version though.
  5. Hmmm... Now you guys have me wanting to try and implement this... I'll see what could be done. I'm not especially hopeful unless it is something that could be done on a shader level really easily. If that is the case, there would be other issues with getting the volume clouds to match.
  6. Overhaul won't work with the other packs. I'm re-doing the config after much debate, primarily to make it much more sane, futureproof, and better for those using the gui. So in other words, it will just have to wait for a while unfortunately.
  7. Odd... It works fine on mine. Do you mean the volume clouds aren't offset? Because that would explain things.
  8. Eventually I'll get to it. detail offset? Is it something that is really desired?
  9. Saving fixed: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/OVERHAUL-9-1
  10. Saving doesn't work? Hmmm... I'll have to dig into that more then. As for layer 2D and the two Cloud materials, they don't fit vertically together, so I have to figure out a way to dynamically fit elements into the GUI such that they could go side-by-side and properly grouped.
  11. Overhaul9: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/OVERHAUL-9
  12. You are welcome to try it out, the shaders are simply built in Unity3D (free version), compiled there, added into the compiled-xxx.shader file, and then the module is built in VS using their build directives. City lights won't have the z-fighting issue, as they will be built into the terrain in the future version. Scaling isn't properly supported in OVERHAUL-8. OVERHAUL-9 will address this though. OVERHAUL-9 should address the issues with RSS. (Un?)Fortunately I'm tying into the PQS mechanism in KSP to make future integration easier if Squad were ever interested in adding my work as a stock option. So the altitude switch would have to be set by RSS. Sorry guys, things are (mostly) fine, just a bit hectic in my life. Unexpected inconveniences popped up along side planned business and I haven't had any time to work on the mod, but I promise to at least get you Overhaul-9 tonight. (some minor fixes, still need to address automatic gui-construction issues) Thanks for hanging in there!
  13. I'm afraid you will have to be patient while I work on the mod. The dev release is intended explicitly for individuals to try out, and report issues with. It sounds like the mod is either not fully installed/updated. Due to the swapping out the shader, if you can see the city lights, you should at LEAST see huge white blobs where the city lights show up at night.
  14. Well, it pulls it from the PQS fade controller. RSS however has a slight incompatibility until the next release (EVE loads the values at main-menu before RSS does it's thing).
  15. Anyone tried this with Environmental Visual Enhancements? I'd be curious (as the developer) to know what does/doesn't work.
  16. They should work... possibly an issue with distances? Yes/no. It handles it internally to re-scale the cloud geometry/handle tracking, etc. I need to make a bigish GUI update, so the next update may be a while (week).
  17. This kind of stuff will get fixed in upcoming versions. - - - Updated - - - Sorry guys, very busy IRL. The deadline I set for myself got pushed out, but I think I should have some time this weekend to get stuff done.
  18. Considering I'm out of town this weekend, not good. It will probably be one more week.
  19. Hmmmm... Possibly not installed correctly? Did you delete the BoulderCo configs for eve and delete the old EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements folder?
  20. They aren't in the main menu yet. You have to go to flight/Tracking to see them.
  21. Fixes & Volume Camera test Using Camera as FoR for volume now, due to an earlier comment I read on the forums. Also fixes. Many fixes. Let me know what you think! https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/OVERHAUL-9
  22. Sorry, but I have no idea what you mean by planetshine? Please elaborate?
  23. First time loading with ATM takes a long time. Next time will be faster than original was.
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