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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. It is likely ATM. I thought I added a config exception to the BoulderCo config though. Do you have the most recent ATM release?
  2. That happens with other mods that cause the BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1 to become not readable. not really EVE's fault.
  3. 9-2 or the "x86-Release/x64-Release?" that is in the main source directory?
  4. Yeah, all the shaders are still very much WIP. I still have to add normals to planet shader, fix the water shader, enhance LOD for terrain, get atmosphere lighting effects (sun tracking) along with better handling of space vies, and add more cooler lighting to particles. I need to close off the atmosphere "dome" and get the shadows working again. EDIT: But I really like the look from KSC during the day facing the mountains!
  5. For overhaul testers: Releases are now shipped with every push. I still haven't figured out the macro to use to add version info though. I'm not sure if it makes a difference or not, but I also build with both the x86 and x64 libs that KSP ships with. https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/Overhaul
  6. .24 fix: Download: [sTABLE-BASIC] https://github.com/rbray89/ActiveTextureManagement/releases/tag/3-3-basic [sTABLE-AGGRESSIVE] https://github.com/rbray89/ActiveTextureManagement/releases/tag/3-3-aggressive
  7. To build, I am now putting the KSP libs in my working directory, and didn't want to distribute them with KSP, hence adding *.dll to .gitignore. I'm automating the release packages such that they will be zipped-up and included in commits I think. Couldn't find a way to generate actual releases automatically in Github though. I'm also making a small change to make upgrading KSP releases (and managing the dll differences) so that there will be a separate x86 build and x64 build based off of the VS build settings.
  8. Yes, this would be due to 2 things: there is no "bottom" to the half-sphere, so I have to fix that, and the clipping plane (in RSS at least) may be too close to get all the way to the ends of the sphere, so I may have to work something out there.
  9. Try this version: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/b1f4b82c1621186683450305a2345338032eef3d This morning I made a change to stop shipping the built items to the repo. It will push automated releases in the future though.
  10. Right now shadows are broken, and I haven't finished the atmosphere shader, but from ground it still looks pretty darn nifty.
  11. Good to know. I'll treat .truecolor as png files. - - - Updated - - - Working on it. Real life is very busy for me right now, so my time is very stretched
  12. That is odd... It does target 3.5 so I imagine there is something else going on.
  13. Well, Ideally, my next update should address this issue I have to get to the bottom of this.
  14. Hmmm... I'll have to take a look and figure that one out. I'm not sure if it can be excluded from creating a problem. I'll have to address it separately once I get time.
  15. Hmmm... maybe squad changed their MBM mechanism? Or is it a new extension?
  16. I found a really nifty "magic kernel" algorithm re-sampler that works surprisingly well. For power of 2 anyways
  17. The downsampling is still VERY expensive compared to mip-maps which work perfectly anyways. I wouldn't disable them.
  18. mipmaps take up more memory (~33% more), and make the textures look much better...
  19. The PNG and TGA issues may still be present, but only normal maps are made un-readable.
  20. Haha, I'D even prefer if people were able to run without this mod
  21. There is a thread on x86_64 mod compatibility somewhere... apparently EVE and PF don't play nice together.
  22. Not yet, still dealing with Real-Life stuff ATM. I mean, you could always switch to the Overhaul branch and download the GameData folder, but it only has shadows right now, and it isn't optimized for multiple clouds layers (many projectors can get expensive). Ideally the entire cloud surface would be generated/simulated, but I'm not there yet. Plus, I would imagine it would be killer on a machine.
  23. Hmmm... Just tested it out here: http://regexhero.net/tester/ looks like the expression SHOULD work...
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