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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. I considered it, there is lots of room in KSP for GPU utilization. However, I'm not certain there is enough to do it fast enough. That, and a 3d Texture takes a LOT of memory. You would have to add Perlin noise in the shader to add detail. If you get it working really well, let me know. I'd be very interested.
  2. yes/no. possibly. The issue is happening in a callback, so if that callback occurs (which should happen every time you change dominant SOI body) it throws an exception, ruining whatever call tree called it in the first place.
  3. I assume the flag was on a body that didn't have any cloud overlay? If so, then I'm pretty sure I know where this is coming from.
  4. Yeah, I'm not checking that something exists in a callback from Squad's game engine. Haha... Squad should have better exception handling for us crazy modders.
  5. Ah... I know what this is from. Ok, thanks!. I'll have a fix for it tonight.
  6. I posted an update here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-23-Release-6-7-Visual-Enhancements-Clouds-City-Lights?p=934197&viewfull=1#post934197
  7. Just wanted to post a quick update: Still experimenting, but I think I have found a good way to make "volumetric" clouds. So I've been reading up on interesting shader techniques. Billboards are sprites that always align themselves to be perpendicular to the camera. Similar to how I implemented the first test of volumetric clouds. It didn't work very well though. The particles looked really weird the way they followed the camera. I tried making them stationary along one axis, but you still had weird rotation issues. I then realized I could apply a new technique to the particle: triplanar texturing. Depending on what direction the particle is facing, you get a different texture. That way, when you look at it from the top, it looks different from the side, removing the issue with the particle looking like it is following you. Then on top of this, I'll be using the depth buffer of the camera along with multiple extruded passes to render additional billboard layers (to keep the vertex count down) to give the sprites depth. There is a lot of work I have to flush out with the cloud generation system, and even more I have to figure out with the shader, so please be patient while I work everything out. It should be coming to VE within the next couple weeks, but I'll be updating as soon as I have something worth sharing.
  8. I've put so much time into ATM, and with it being feature-complete (minus the GUI), I decided to get back to VE to work on volumetric clouds. I don't want to talk about it too much in this post, but I think I have come up with a really nifty solution that should work really well while being relatively inexpensive to render. They will still be billboard sprites, but the shader I'm working on won't let people know that.
  9. I'm not entirely sure WHY it does that. I noticed that both with and without the mod, it still does it with several parts (look at a KerbalX on the launchpad and look close at the center fuel tank near the edges). Couldn't tell you why though.
  10. I can't imagine how the mod would do that... Can you post the log file?
  11. That is a bug with VE. The Kerbin mesh is REALLY close to the cloud layer, and they intersect a bit (z-fighting). This will be fixed in the next version of VE.
  12. The color is just multiplied with the detail. You could do a white/transparent mask if you just want the detail color.
  13. Very nice. I'm really curious too see how you guys pulled this off. I have a few ideas on how to make a geometry ring that should help with some of these awesome effects.
  14. Love this. Absolutely love this. Hopefully I'll have better support for Auroras in the near future.
  15. I can't seem to replicate the citylight issue.
  16. I can add some vertices to the geometries to make it more spherical. The circle of cloudlessness is there to avoid clipping artifacts when the camera intersects a plane. I'll have to look into the city lights offest. I had thought I had that fixed. Is it still like that in flight view?
  17. The textures won't be changed at all, just the rendering mechanism.
  18. Ah... Well before, to render the clouds, I used additional cameras, and had two geometries: one sphere to render the underside of clouds, and another for the top of clouds. This worked, but was clumsy. Since then, I've figured out how to render things more appropriately. I have trimmed that back, and now there is only one geometry, and it is used for both sides, and is used for scaledspace as well as the macro view. A few big differences: RSS will no longer need to have a special config. Clouds and city lights will clip through mountains, and citylights vertex points match the terrain, so no "floating cities". This should mean navigation by lights and using cloud layers for altitude should be easier. Cloud layers no longer fade when really close up to them, so you can fly planes right above to admire them. What I'm really interested in is feedback on performance, whether the system works/looks better, etc. Packs will have to be updated once this is released, which I why I want to get volumetric rendering in first, but this is going to end up being the skeleton of the next release.
  19. New interim test release: https://github.com/waka324/VisualEnhancements/releases/tag/NON-PQS-SWAP-TEST
  20. This would be a community endeavor. I would suggest that the server be maintained by a few the modders or possibly get Squad involved to bring in a moderator. As for the source, the second post illustrates the ideal. Any modder could create an account, post some basic details of how to grab the source from github/googlecode/http, and then the server would build and package it. Those same modders who have verified plugins would then vote yay/nay to approve the code changes to be verified.
  21. One acronym: PNG. PNGs are compressed. When they are uncompressed it is raw, unadulterated data. a single 1024x1024 image will take up about 2MB if compressed in memory. Then there are also mip-maps, which are generated after loading which add an additional 33%. Then you have this annoying effect where in unity a texture will exist both in user and graphics memory unless you tell it otherwise.
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