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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Umm... I don't ship with a KSPI config. Just checked. Did you add that? Also, the name has to match the folder exactly. WarpPlugin config: config_enabled = true OVERRIDES { WarpPlugin/[^/]* { compress = true mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } WarpPlugin/PlanetResourceData/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } }
  2. The config is already in there for interstellar, and has been for a few revisions now.
  3. You are missing a closing bracket '}' at the end. Also, ONLY normalmaps should go in there. For textures you don't want re-sized, add another section like: OVERRIDES { KSO/Spaces/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = true } }
  4. I'll be working more on the GUI once my VE mod has volumetric clouds. I'm getting REALLY close.
  5. Yeah, I learned a lot about what people expect of mods. Namely, not to touch files outside the mod folder.
  6. It doesn't create backups, rather uses a caching mechanism that re-creates the texture in the new size/format in a png file that goes into the cache directory tree. That way, the mod can just be deleted without any problems, and everything will be as it was before the mod.
  7. Depends. I don't have a config in place for TextureReplacer. I think it compresses all textures anyways. But my mod won't resize them unless told to by a config file. Cached files will just sit there if not requested. Cached files are only loaded if the game tries to load the original files. I have a texture-modification detection mechanism in place, so that if a mod updates textures, so will the cache files.
  8. Not really, no. Nothing touches planet textures. Shrinks normal maps a bit.
  9. normal textures are reduced further, but textures in general should look the same or better compared to 1/2 game settings.
  10. You should get better performance with "full res" settings in-game and using aggressive.
  11. I have something in the works for cities. We'll have to see how well it goes.
  12. I have played the game stock and seen a good chunk of memory gone. Depends highly on the mods you use. If the mods are PNG or MBM based, you probably won't notice too much in terms of memory reduction, but if a mod is TGA based, you will. Note that the textures in the "settings" screen should be set back to full res.
  13. Yeah. It has it in the release notes, but apparently no one reads those
  14. Hard to say... I myself was wondering why they don't have a tool (maybe with the launcher?) that could configure something to do this.
  15. Detail scale in the "advanced" section. you have to hit apply to make the change as well.
  16. Yes it changes the subdivisions... Do you think it is the shader that is so awful? If that is the case, we could try replacing it with something simpler.
  17. Ah... does it happen with/without my mod? The slowness when looking at Kerbin comes from the ocean. Someone found a workaround: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-1-1-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod?p=853123&viewfull=1#post853123
  18. Nothing that would improve performance I'm afraid. Does it run slower? It really shouldn't.
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