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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Shouldn't, unless you are near the 4GB RAM limit.
  2. Yeah, I guess that might work... Its still in the conceptual stage. Once I get something working then we can figure out where to put it.
  3. I was thinking somewhere between Duna and Jool would be good. Lots of open space there.
  4. No, I have an idea as to how to make them "real" ie. collidable, and if the videos I saw regarding the MUN arch are any indication, you could attach a KAS grappling hook to them to "land" on one of the asteroids. I'd have to look into science though.
  5. Haha, True. I REALLY want to create an asteroid belt too... I'll probably end up calling it "Visual Enhancements" or "Environmental Enhancements" in the future.
  6. This is on Linux 64. Linux doesn't like the bumpmap for whatever reason. I'll probably add a temporary solution to remove it automatically for linux users.
  7. Maybe once I release it. I'll probably be releasing a developer's preview for those that want to toy around with it.
  8. Haha, yeah, I'll have to dig through the threads to find them
  9. Ah... I see... It is hard to say why it might be doing that...
  10. As for creating a GUI overlay, one easy solution would be to create a quad mesh on a layer that isn't rendered by any of the other cameras. Then you can create a camera to render the layer above everything else.
  11. Hmm... Do you know what layers you are using for rendering the unity GameObject? As for the Linux issue, I need to figure out the shader issue. That is a fine workaround. I may check the system to determine if it is Linux or not and disable the bump maps in code in the meantime.
  12. VERY strange... they could be doing something weird that interacts with the shader. If I were to implement an HUD, I'd just use another camera and set of materials.
  13. Does anyone know how to go about instantiating a unity prefab in KSP? Thanks!
  14. Hmmm... Really? I know there is a lighting change when viewing the dark side of kerbin up close, but I haven't seen a distinct line.
  15. They wanted something cool to look at once in space.
  16. Actually, these are some volumetric cloud tests. Though, I see no reason why they couldn't be used to add more dust/launch/etc effects.
  17. Just to give an idea of what I hope to release next:
  18. VERY Clever! Though I think I will expose something a bit more robust for rings in the future.
  19. That is, the config file could have the wrong texture locations in it, or they simply don't match the actual names.
  20. This would happen if the textures couldn't be located there.
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