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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Ok... So I am REALLY excited. I think I have a few cool things up my sleeve. In order of expected release: 1: Fix for polar UVs. A real fix. None of this pinching/smearing gobbledygook. Thank an idea I got from reading up on tri-planar shaders. 2: Real volumetric clouds. 3DTextures/Shaders. None of this particle-always-face-the-camera gobbledygook. (though I will have to check to see if the KSP version of unity supports this. 3: I thought of how to do real asteroid belts/rings without melting CPUs/GPUs. Imagine rendezvousing and grappling hooking an asteroid with KAS.
  2. You can try my active texture compressor. Compresses all textures on load to save lots of ram.
  3. I'm up for this. I think if we get everyone behind this it could be VERY good.
  4. My thinking is that if I DO get weather simulation working, it will be with shaders, NOT CPU. This is the kind of thing that shaders excel at. I would use a small render texture with all the channels representing something. Red for temperature, Blue for humidity/precipitation, and green/alpha for pressure likely. Using this, it theoretically shouldn't be too hard to use light from the shader input to "heat up" areas that are lit, "cool" areas that aren't, and generate precipitaion/cloudcover based on input textures (planet heightmap) and humididty. Wind could be read by looking at the green/alpha as a vector. The cool thing is that this should be hardly any CPU if I manage to do it correctly.
  5. Yeah, I was thinking that a couple cameras could be cloned from the existing cameras, and an Update call would sync them to the proper locations, and they can be set to draw only to one-half of the screen, so in all, it wouldn't be much effort I would think. Though, I don't have one to test.
  6. Really glad to see everything worked out for the best. I'm betting that I will be trying this out really soon.
  7. I was thinking a bit about creating a plugin to add native support. Wouldn't be too difficult in my opinion. You should note that images linked to drop-box accounts cannot be viewed in-place. You should be moving them to an image service (like imgur).
  8. That makes sense... The camera rendering the overlays exists between the near and far camera... so if you zoom out enough to have something on the far camera, it could appear behind the clouds.
  9. You can alter the config to lower the minimum light. Either load it manually or use ALT+N
  10. Yup, that is configurable as detail distance in the shader floats region.
  11. The bug was recently reported by a user a few posts back regarding changing the rim and min lighting. The values weren't recovered during config load. This wouldn't affect performance.
  12. Right. For now, you can only really try them out and get a feel for what they should be like and provide feedback.
  13. New release! Fixed loading bug for shader params Improved volumetric cloud generation. Get it here:https://github.com/waka324/VisualEnhancements/releases/tag/Release-5-3
  14. New release out. Introduces changes based off of sarbian's commit to compress textures as they are loaded. Should allow for even more content to be loaded into the game! Get it here: https://github.com/waka324/TextureCompressor/releases/tag/Release-1-1
  15. I'm not convinced that it is, given that unity runs Mono, not .net (though they are both c#). Try looking into the mechanism Mono uses to load them.
  16. Are you running with the real-size mod? if so, you have to open up the common config and multiply the planet cuttoff values by 10.
  17. Sorry, I don't have any. I tried to strike a balance between memory usage and resolution.
  18. Should be fixed. There was a loading bug where the shader floats could never be loaded. https://github.com/waka324/VisualEnhancements/releases/tag/Release-5-3
  19. Not really... It is faked volume. Pretty standard to use particles to achive the effect.
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