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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. If you wan't, you can manually add them in, yes. But they should be there in the defaults.
  2. Hmm... they may not be if you try and edit the config before you have them in your system... Might have to delete the user config.
  3. All this mod currently does is compress the textures loaded into memory using Unity's Texture2D.Compress() method. Most texture formats are already compressed (PNG, MBM) but TGAs are not. Those are the textures that will be compressed. In the future, there will be settings to automatically re-size all/specific textures at load and control mipmap generation.
  4. Not really. You can see if it is a memory issue or not, and that is about it. The next version of this mod should allow full control over all textures (size, mip-maps, compression) including those from Squad, to get the most out of their resources.
  5. Oh, there will be... I found some neat tricks I can do in my shaders: tri-planar mapping and cubic textures.
  6. This. There should be a template class that would have methods for generation & consumption. If this were standardized, then these instantiated classes could simply be plugged into the resource manager.
  7. could be due to the jpeg source... they have a tendency to be quite "artifacty"...
  8. I don't think that is right. I added pngs and debug information after the textures get loaded. No mipmaps were created for pngs for me.
  9. On a stock install, the effect will be minimal (~2MB). On mods where there are lots of TGAs, the savings will be greater.
  10. Unfortunately, rumors have been spreading that Squad changed the texture loading mechanism. This does NOT seem to be the case. Looks like they did move to different texture formats for many textures though.
  11. I couldn't actually see anything different in their texture loading. There may have been unity updates though, so that could account for it. It's odd that there is such a stark contrast. Are you using part mods? I'm thinking that they may be doing some pre-calculation work for parts and storing the info to speed it up, but that is just a guess.
  12. TGAs are still not compressed with .23 natively. And once it is loaded into memory, there is no difference between compressing a PNG, MBM, or TGA. Squad simply moved most of their textures to MBM now, so only a few are left to be compressed. PNGs still don't create mipmaps.
  13. It looks like squad just converted tgas to mbms so they would compress. This will still help any mods that use tgas as textures.
  14. looks like the texture loading didn't fix the bugs... So this mod still applies.
  15. Quite possibly. I have to look into this tonight. I have a few tricks up my sleeve that should still be able to help in the longterm though I think.
  16. Fantastic! A shader problem has proven quite difficult to nail down. Think I have a good solution in the works. Still trying to work with volumetric clouds. Tricky
  17. The "Open" copyrights (GPL CC, etc.) are there not necessarily to protect the author, but rather protect the software. Ever heard of OpenWRT? A few years back in the early days of wireless routers, Linksys contracted a company to build them a wireless router. That company added in code from busybox (licensed in GPL). This meant that it was a derived work, and should keep the license in-tact. The free software foundation ended up suing Linksys, who had to go to Broadcom to release their proprietary drivers at the tune of several million(billion?) dollars under the original BusyBox license. In my case, I use the MIT license as I would like to be credited, but as a developer myself, I also appreciate the ability of other commercial entities (ie. Squad, developers who want to use my shaders, etc.) to be able to add my source into theirs without fear of retribution from the copyright holder.
  18. Hmmm... I'll have to look into this. I'm holding off on any new releases until .23 is out tomorrow.
  19. You can alter the config or GUI and change the radius value. ALT+N in the space center or flight view will show the gui.
  20. I definitely like the second texture. And I have no issues with someone "taking over the thread" and crating some sweet textures.
  21. Well the textures are only loaded once... If anything, the ram usage would be parts and physics memory being used. I dont know the rate at which the GC works, so I dont know how often stuff is cleaned up.
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