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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. I'm not sure if I can figure this one out. You already tried removing and adding it back, and 2.7 aggressive should shave more memory than 1.1 without any alterations. That being said, one possibility is that one of your other mods is trying to read the new texture modifications.
  2. By default, V2.7+ will at LEAST compress textures, giving the same benefits as 1.1. However, it also has the ability to manage other textures more thoroughly to resize, compress, etc. By default only Squad, B9, KW, and my mods are added to this list. So yes, it is plug and play if you only want basic texture reduction, but if you want more control, you have to spend some time changing the config.
  3. I'm just glad I finally got it right. There is a reason there are 7 versions of 2.x Sounds like I still have a tiny bit of work left for modders to easily add texture reduction/management.
  4. Hmmm... Ok, well that is the kind of issue I like. Reboot and it's gone
  5. Hmmm... maybe it is a mac-centric issue then. Can you post your KSP.log after trying to run with 2-7 aggressive?
  6. First off, try using the mod without adding the other mod folder in. It will still compress the textures, it just won't do anything else with them. If you have texture reduction packs for B9, Squad, or KW, you can remove them if you like and use the aggressive config, or change the scale parameter in the config to something higher. Typically, I see ~1GB reduction with just the stock aggressive config when running with B9 and KW stock. Now onto specific mod issues... It will probably be easiest to try this out myself, so the links to them might help. B9 and KW are good, as I tested those out myself and added the normal map config entries. The mods I'm most worried about are Kethane, Interstellar, and LLL. So you could try commenting those three out of your config, one at a time, and see if the hang-up/CTD still occurs. The mod will function exactly like 1.1 did for all mods that are not in the folder list. It just adds additional functionality for the mods that are added to the list.
  7. I think you meant to post this here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-22-Release-1-Active-Memory-Reduction-Mod
  8. Hmmm... that could work. Normal maps could easily be configured that way. Will do.
  9. Ah... I re-read your initial statement... You are trying to find the MAPPING between the name and actual textured object... That one is more tricky. Does the game object have a name? better yet, does the parent transform? (gameObject.transform.parent.name or gameObject.transform.parent.gameObject.name)
  10. @Shaw: I just now thought of an idea for Kerbal texturing. I know you want Kerbals to have the same style each time, so they don't keep getting different hairstyles, suits, etc... What if you use their names as a pigeonhole? As an example: You could have 5 different Kerbal head styles. You use the first two letters, add them (ASCII value) together, and modulo by 5. Then use the modulo to index that head style. That way, the styles will be persistent between loads without a persistence file, and you would see a variety in the crew.
  11. True... I'll put something together. What would be preferred: A) Config files in the respecting mod's folders. Config files in this mod's folder.
  12. I was toying with the idea of creating a config template that modders could use, but decided I wouldn't likely get enough support for it. I may end up manually performing the config changes myself.
  13. And you said that it doesn't work with aggressive Either? The only thing I can think of is that you might have lots of PNG textures, which would mean that mipmaps would be generated for all those, increasing memory usage slightly. You could try disabling mipmap generation (not recommended for regular textures, but I like to set mipmaps_normals to false.) But if it didn't work with the aggressive config, I'm flabbergasted.
  14. Screenshot before/after comparison? The normal maps should be correct, so I wouldn't be able to tell you what it could be.
  15. Probably because those parts have normalmaps that need to be marked as such in the config file.
  16. can you post the full config you are using? 2.7 should only EVER reduce the memory compared to 1.1
  17. Hmmm... I can't see anything in the logs... Does it just crap out during load? Do you have a resource monitor? (on windows: task manager, performance, bottom "open resource monitor" and then memory tab) If you do, watch the memory usage while KSP is loading to make sure it isn't going above your memory limit.
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