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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. No, everything should in-fact run a bit faster. May take some time to load, but once there, everything should be good. Did you add more mods?
  2. Good to know. Updated OP to reference 2.8 for now. Shiny textures, but at least ships don't go into the Kermuda triangle.
  3. What? How? Do ships permanently disappear if parts can't load due to textures? , I have a fix in the works, just have to get home to upload it. I'll have to post a warning on the OP for now.
  4. Haha, I don't think these shouldn't be too terribly difficult. Once volumetrics are done, this will come shortly afterwards.
  5. Yeah, I have an idea of what is going on, but I won't be able to upload a new version until I get home today.
  6. What? Really? Well that shouldn't happen either. Gah. Why do there have to be soooo maaaany moooods.
  7. Thanks! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64442-Habitat-Pack
  8. Hmm... so it looks like people are dead-set on volumetric clouds... I guess that will be the next on the agenda then.
  9. Hmmmm... Looks like there *MAY* be one root cause of this. Try adding a blank KSPX.cfg and HullCameraVDS.cfg into the config folder. I think I see where the issue is resulting from.
  10. Do you have those hullCamera parts in your configs? I'd be rather perplexed if you didn't.
  11. Yup, all the normal maps in that pack are properly named, so we don't need any overrides.
  12. Hmmm... I'll have to try KAS and 6S. I don't believe there is anything in there that would cause them to not load through.
  13. Then open up the gui and change things to your liking? (ALT+N) And as a note, I'm all for criticism. I think it is great when people come forward with suggestions and ideas (ie. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-23-Release-6-7-Visual-Enhancements-Clouds-City-Lights?p=871331&viewfull=1#post871331), but when people provide toxic feedback, it ruins the atmosphere of an otherwise healthy community/thread. I know there is a decent possibility that you didn't mean to say what you did in an abrasive, negative fashion, but please, read what you post ahead of time to consider how other people may view it.
  14. Fixed and released. Turns out the textures I thought I was reading was just garbage... PorkPack also added to defaults.
  15. haha... I really do wish KSP had this functionality built in. I hate working behind a black box too.
  16. I think i've got it. I'll know in a moment or two, then upload if all is good.
  17. hmm... I'm having a hard time with this one. Still working on it though. I Thought I got all The FASA parts though?
  18. hmm... can you post the PorkWorks config? The textures look like they are being set properly. I'll have to download it to test it out.
  19. I just looked at the log file... FASA isn't mentioned at all in it. Are you sure it is installed or installed properly?
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