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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. I just uploaded a new version with two different profiles for memory reduction. This new change also removes the need to write to the disk and convert the mbms, and will automatically revert the mbm change, BUT YOU HAVE TO RESTART AFTER THE FIRST LOAD, OTHERWISE THE STOCK TEXTURES WILL BE WHITE. I also noted that the KW normal maps are somehow loaded as non-readable, so I have to figure out a way to read those. Still, with the aggressive settings, when running with KW and B9 I'm running just over 1.5Gb without texture reduction packs.
  2. Yeah, this is on my to-do list on the original post.
  3. After you delete the folders from the list, you have to run KSP and quit. I'm thinking of changing this so it doesn't replace the textures on-disk, just in-memory, but that could increase loading times by a good margin.
  4. I can't seem to replicate this. I get a ship up to 750K, Quicksave, then reload and nothing.
  5. Make sure you have the correct control point selected. If you choose something that faces in the opposite direction of thrust you will get no-where fast.
  6. Where were you when this started happening? Did you modify the config at all?
  7. Did you restart ksp after installing and running once? That is likely the cause for stock white textures. It probably siezes if it doesn't compress the textures to save enough memory to run.
  8. I added a download link for a low resolution version for those that don't have enough memory.
  9. Yeah, the config must be updated for all the mods that you use, and even then, you may have to adjust scalling/mipmaps/max_size parameters. It basically allows you to change the size of textures in memory without having to install texture reduction packs and handle mipmap generation.
  10. Did you alter the config file in any way? To revert the changes, you should be able to remove the folders in the config, reload KSP to main menu, close and delete the memory reduction mod and everything should be back to normal. What OS are you using?
  11. Exactly. That should fix a lot of people's concern with long loading times and incompatabilites. Folders can be added in one-by-one, instead of a shotgun approach.
  12. ALT+N brings up the GUI. You can use that to remove layers too.
  13. Fixed the normalmaps issue. Just a config change removing the alpha dropping. As for people talking about how they want more/less memory reduction, take a look at the config. There are a few options that you can use to achive more/less memory usage. mipmaps will add texture smoothing at distances, but increase memory usage by about 30% scale divides the texture by the amount specified. (use powers of two though) max_size restrics the dimensions of textures to that specified. Useful, as it just affects larger textures.
  14. You could also delete the clouds dll in the plugins folder.
  15. Did you restart KSP after the first load like the instructions say?
  16. You would also have to replace the light texture.
  17. I'll have to look into the shimmering. The memory usage increased probably because the part folders have to be added to the config. The mbms are converted and then later compressed if they are tga.
  18. Alright, I added the code to revert the files back to normal if the folder containing them is removed from the FOLDERS config section. This will mean anything NOT KW, B9 or Squad will be reverted unless added back into the config.
  19. The textures are all there, but the extension has changed... I'm working right now on a version that will change them back, and will use a filter to only work on folders specified. Should be ready in a few minutes.
  20. No... shouldn't take that long... is there something in the logs regarding it?
  21. The first loading will take a long time, as it converts all mbm to tga files. Once it finishes, and gets to the main menu, then quit, and restart KSP.
  22. I added the content I have been planning into my Texture Compression mod, though at this point it feels more like a texture management mod. Shaw, I'm thinking that it might be worth it to join forces to create a general purpose texture management and replacement mod.
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