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Everything posted by rbray89

  1. Try removing the old install completely, then installing the mod. This sounds like it is a config file issue.
  2. Argh... I thought I figured out how to get rid of that... It is an unfortunate side effect from the use of Atan2 in the shader, and the mipmaps go crazy from it. I'll keep working to see if I can fix it. I had some really interesting ideas over the holidays, and figure that I might be able to make some big improvements to solve the issues like this.
  3. The radius's can be altered. You shouldn't have any trouble with them with the GUI.
  4. Ok, so I updated the new release. The default is the sphere-mapped shader, with the memory intensive cubic as an option in the common-config. As per Bac9's suggestion, I'm looking into dynamic cloud textures using perlin noise and still looking into volumetric clouds.
  5. Yeah, I just started looking into it. I'm a tad afraid it might be too expensive on the GPU. I actually moved a lot into it whenever I can, so If I can shove it in there, I will.
  6. So I'm working on offering a selection between cubic and spherical mapping. This will be in the next update and should solve all the memory issues, but will of course not look quite as nice.
  7. Ok, I reduced memory consumption and fixed the bump texture mapping so that it should tile like this (for real I think)
  8. Ok, new release. Fixed the debug statements, changed the detail scale so the patterns don't show quite as badly.
  9. Ah crud... missed a debug print... I'll fix it now.
  10. That is what the detail and bump map use. This is actually quite common. Once you start getting close, the detail kicks in to make the texture have more definition.
  11. New Release is out! May look minor, but the poles are now really fixed! Very Slight startup delay due to cubic texture conversion.
  12. The MBMs do offer one thing, that is the normal map flag. That is about it.
  13. You need to specify a texture in the texture box. look at some of the other layers for examples.
  14. If you zoom up close does it get better? This is likely due to the Mipmap issue. When they aren't generated, the graphics card has to try and do pixel sampling on a large texture, and it usually sucks, as it just picks the closest pixel, whereas in a mipmap, the texture is resized and filtered so the graphics doesn't have to do this single pixel sample.
  15. Last I checked, No PNGs AT ALL were given Mip-maps. I used KW as a benchmark. You can check the results out here: KW and B9 are used for reference. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1BU16LO_gj3aDYzSXFFaEl5UVU/edit?usp=sharing
  16. Also, TGA are not lossy. Same format as MBM almost. If anything, in-game TGAs would result in the best quality.
  17. I think it could be related to compression scheme... I noticed that some normal maps were not compressed, though I can't find out why (KW rocketry I think has a few normal maps that don't compress) TGAs CAN take up just as much space as MBM, but nut usually when run-line compressed.
  18. So I have been seeing a LOT of misinformation on the forums regarding how KSP currently (.23) handles textures/formats. PNGs: PNGs are compressed in memory, resulting in smaller, but (barely noticable) lower quality textures in-game. Mipmaps are NOT generated for these, so when viewed at a distance, they tend to "shimmer" TGAs: TGAs are NOT compressed in memory, resulting in huge image size. Mipmaps ARE generated, so they don't have the same problem as PNGs. MBMs: MBMs MAY be compressed, but only if the texture type is set to regular texture. Normal maps are not compressed, to preserve correct normals. Mipmaps are generated regardless. MBMs cannot be read in-game due to the texture importing setting Squad uses. As you can see, there is a LOT of inconsistency in the texture loading Squad has implemented. By design or not, I couldn't tell you, but when modding, choose what works best for you. Happy Texturing!
  19. Which "squad pack"? If it is MBM or PNG based, it won't. Compression right now barely does anything (~2MB) for a stock install, and that is only because there are a few leftover TGAs. This mod really only helps with uncompressed TGA textures ATM. This will change with the next release of this mod though.
  20. I think some of the texture may have been renamed/converted to different file types. You may want to make sure none of the files have been duplicated. I think the extra memory usage comes from the performance enhancements. Often you can trade loading time and FPS for memory depending on implementation.
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