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Posts posted by Twreed87

  1. This is offensive, insane and fallacious. People who line up for days to buy a thing are not sane people, sorry. Being socially fanatical is not an argument. What you described there is no different than aching for your next hit. Snap out of it.

    Lol yeah, I waited a few hours to see the new Batman movie, i'm basically a junkie. Omg someone posted about the hypetrain, someone schedule an intervention! Talk about offensive and fallacious.

    We're not talking about waiting for days here (unless the OP really is comparing making an internet post to skipping work for a whole week to wait in line). To say that everyone who goes to a movie the day it comes out, goes to a crowded convention or concert, or waits in line for the midnight release for a phone or a video game, is "socially fanatical" is a huge exaggeration.

  2. The forum posts remind me of seeing fools camping overnight in lineups to get the latest gadget or game/game system, or see a movie (EG star wars, LOTR...). Meanwhile I walk into the store or movie theater weeks later and get the same thing, no lineup, no crowds, and cheaper. Win.

    Well congratulations. You are immune to such silly things as "excitement" and "anticipation"! The rest of us are not. We are regular people, and when there are things coming out we feel we will enjoy, we get excited and want them to happen quickly. Honestly, I feel sorry for you that you've never been so excited about something that you'd had to have it the first day. The time spent in line or a bit of extra money is usually worth it, and crowds are all part of the fun.

    Anyways, for a game that's still in development, it would be pretty weird if there wasn't constant discussion about the next version. It's like going into a forum for a TV show and expecting them not to discuss where they think the plot's headed.

  3. Honestly, the only thing I care about regarding aerodynamics is the need for payload fairings. Rockets look really weird without fairings when they're carrying odd-shaped satellites with tons of bits hanging off. The same goes for radial fuel tanks without nosecones. But fairings and nosecones are pointless in the current model. I don't want to have to sacrifice efficiency of my rocket for a realistic appearance.

  4. I watched a video and have to say, that building explosions are far more unrealistic than indestructible ones. I did not see what that object was, but it was very small and exploded whole VAB and part of research center. Buildings seems to be like cars in low quality action movie, which explode with gentle touch. If some kerbal worker gets angry and slam the door, whole building changes to smoking crater. I am happy that game does not model acoustic waves of launches.

    I hope that it was special version for show purpose.

    The video was using the Whack-a-Kerbal debug feature. It allows you to spawn heavy spheres and fire them very, very fast. This isn't something that would occur within the game naturally. You'd have to drop a whole rocket right on top of the VAB to destroy it.

  5. Do certain parts prevent transfer of Kerbals through them? Is the part tree traversed or do you simply put the Kerbals directly into the clicked part? Gonna be hilarious to cram Kerbals through a KAS pipe if it's just a simple transfer.

    I feel like this is in the same vein as fuel transfer, and I'd like to see it addressed at some point. You should only be able to transfer fuel through certain parts, and the same for Kerbals. But for now, I have a feeling Kerbals can instantly teleport to any part of the ship. I wonder if includes external command seats...

  6. The reason I said that destructible buildings should lead to building your own space centers on Kerbin and (hopefully) elsewhere (before, I may add, destructible buildings were announced) was that they said that the 0.25 thing was small but would lead to something huge in 0.26. Fixing your broken buildings isn't huge. It's actually a necessary part of breaking them (or a game over screen is). Building (or finding) new space centers is huge.

    Yeah, but think about it from a programming perspective. Maxmaps said that this feature was 90% of the groundwork for the much bigger feature. If that future feature is upgradable buildings, that makes a lot of sense. They've added in gameplay mechanics for not having certain buildings, and for having multiple 3d models for each building. All that's left to do is add more 3d models for the various levels of each building.

    If the new feature was adding more space centers places, there'd still be a whole lot of work to be done. Sure, they've got the technology to destroy them once they're built, but they still have to handle all the mechanics of how exactly you add them in the first place. Just being able to launch rockets from somewhere other than the main KSC would be a huge programming endeavor, I imagine.

  7. It's really the fault of anyone overhyping it that they're all so disappointed. Everything said about it should've clued people in that it was just gonna be some small, fun little feature. But no, they had to go have all their various hypemobiles and hypehovercrafts and whatnot.

    Also, this update seems to be coming along in a timely manner, so to anyone complaining that Squad "wasted" time on this, if this feature was never added, and the update came out at the same time, you'd have never even noticed. Some people just want to complain.

  8. We were told the secret feature (revealed to be destructible buildings) was the first step of a major feature of 0.26. So, what do you guys think this could be? I have a few guesses:

    Upgrading buildings - They've laid the groundwork for giving buildings multiple models. We have the regular model, and the destroyed model. Next, there would be various levels of each building as it's upgraded (VAB gets bigger, etc.)

    Kerbal Towns and Cities - I think we've all wanted the rest of Kerbin to actually have signs of civilization. I mean, do they all live underground or something? We could be getting actual towns and cities next, and with that, something to avoid when landing. Instead of just plopping your ship down anywhere, you now have to avoid crashing into cities.

    Progressive damage on parts - perhaps the groundwork that was laid was the idea that parts have a damage threshhold. They can take a certain amount of light, repeated beating, before they need repairing.

    My guess is on number 1, but I think i'd hope for number 2 the most. Any other ideas? What are you hoping?

  9. From the 0.25 Waiting Room thread OP, I find this a bit disheartening:

    From that I infer that not all parts of Spaceplane Plus are being integrated, and I see no mention of the Mk3 parts that were teased. The Mk3 I'm not all that concerned about, but I was hoping for all the SP+ parts to make it in.

    If you're basing this off the phrase "see what the non-integrated parts look like" I believe what he's saying is that you can view the SP+ version of the parts, before their redesign to fit stock. For example, they haven't released an image of the redesigned spaceplane docking port, but if you want to get an idea of it, you can view the SP+ version.

  10. Man, this secret feature really is a puzzler. It's like a riddle. "I'm lots of fun to play around with, but if you're good you'll never noticed me, and no mod has attempted me before. What am I?"

    I think the most important part of the puzzle is that "good" players won't ever see it. Well, what exactly is a "good" player? Is it someone who never crashes? Never loses a Kerbal? Or perhaps it's someone who builds really efficient designs... What situations do new players experience that someone like Scott Manley never does?

  11. This doesn't really make sense to me. If you want to play in an open world where you can launch a ship to wherever, whenever, play Sandbox. If you want a structured game with progression and certain specific challenges, play Career. Why muddle the two up in such a confusing way?

    Contracts don't even make sense for Sandbox. Without any sort of progression, the game would have no way of knowing what sort of missions to generate. The entire reward/fee system would be pointless. The whole contracts system was designed with career mode in mind.

    All you're basically asking for is to turn Sandbox into Career with Infinite Currency. If that's what you want, mod your save file. Bam, done. But let the two game types remain distinct things.

  12. Cargo bays for rockets? Aren't you asking for fairings here? :P

    No. Not at all...

    Fairings are shells that are ejected once the ship has exited the atmosphere. I'm talking about a hollow cylinder that items can be placed inside, with a door that can be opened and closed to access the things inside. In other words, exactly what's in the image above, only in a 2.5m cylindrical form. Actually, you don't even need the bay doors. I just want something like the unpressurized cargo trunks that nearly all modern spacecraft have.

  13. I'm confused by something in the podcast. He said that there's a secret system they're adding that will hardly affect gameplay, and if you play well you might never notice it. But then he says that same system is laying 90% of the groundwork for a huge, game-changing thing to come in .26. Do I have that correct? How is that even possible? How will 90% of a game-changing system hardly affect gameplay? And no modder has done anything like it? What could it be?!?!

  14. Hmm... It pops up by default for me. Can you double check your installation? If it's installed correctly, you should have a folder called EngineerChip in KSP/GameData/Engineer. If that doesn't fix it, cybutek and Padishar would probably appreciate a copy of your output_log.txt (Win) or player.log (Mac/Linux).

    Yeah, in GameData/Engineer there are three folders: Engineer7500, EngineerChip, and EngineerChipFlight, and the following files: BlizzyToolbarEnabled, BlizzyToolbarDisabled, Engineer.dll, EngineerToolbar.dll, KerbalEngineerRedux.version, and StockToolbar

  15. If you're spending so much to go to Duna, you should also be completing more than just the one contract. Don't you have the "explore Duna" contract, that gives you points for orbiting, landing, etc? Plus maybe there are some parts you can test there that you're bringing anyways.

    Plus, maybe not all contracts should be profitable. Reputation gained should definitely be higher, but maybe landing on Duna isn't done for the money. That's usually not the case with real space missions.

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