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Posts posted by Twreed87

  1. I seriously do not get this complaint that "you can lift heavy payloads too easy." Why don't you... I don't know... build BIGGER payloads?!?

    200 ton to orbit too easy now? Well make a 300 ton thing then! The 2.5m parts made it easier to lift the kinds of things people built before they were introduced, so people learned to build bigger things. And they'll do that again now.

  2. You need to also activate the Free Pivot. The asteroids CoM will be the purple circle on the navball, and you can pivot your ship around so it's lined up. Then you lock your pivot and you're good to go.

    Although I noticed something interesting. I grabbed a Class A asteroid, and I was using a fairly large ship, and instead of the regular circle purple icon, I got the one that indicates you're facing AWAY from a target. I think it's because, since the asteroid is now a part of your ship, the CoM is the CoM for the entire thing, and since my ship was bigger than the asteroid, my CoM was behind my command pod.

  3. I don't see any problem with their power. They were designed to increase the amount you're capable of achieving. A long time ago, the only other body in this game was the Mun, and they didn't even have 2.5m parts. You could've said they were overpowered for just going to the Mun and back. But with bigger parts, came bigger goals. Now we've got orange jumbo tanks and mainsails that aren't needed for a trip to the Mun, but make going to Jool a whole lot easier. And now they've added giant Class E asteroids, so they need parts that are up to that task.

    You should always build the rocket that's best suited to the task, and not much more. Right now, the way the game works, there's no reason to not go as overboard as possible in any situation. That should change eventually. Eventually, the downside to launching a tiny probe into orbit with an asparagus-staged SLS would be the massive amounts of wasted fuel, including fully loaded fuel tanks you'd probably just dump in orbit.

  4. I didn't see a topic on this yet, apologies if I missed it. I was wondering if anyone had managed to pull off flybys of multiple bodies, using gravity assists to reach each next one. They happen in real life all the time, surely people do them in KSP. I know they require really rare launch windows, I was wondering if anyone had worked them out.

    I'm thinking something like, launch from Kerbin, descend down to Eve, boost up to Jool to get a flyby past Eeloo and out of the system. Even using the Oberth effect would be fine, along with some course corrections, but doing it without stopping within the sphere of influence of any body is the key. What's the craziest anyone's done?

  5. If the science currency is any indication of how the other currencies will work then I very much doubt that paying for those suckers will be an issue at all.

    It almost certainly wont be. Why would they make money work exactly the same as science, what would be the point? Go to Mun, get two types of currency, but new parts with both types of currency... why?

    Money will probably be used to unlock parts, but then it will also likely be used to put those parts on your ship and launch them. If you need to go to the Mun, you'll want to do so using as cheap of a ship as possible.

  6. Wait, what? Are Kerbals cross-feed capable and we've just yet to have a dockable part with them to prove it?

    You can transfer fuel between two tanks on the same vessel, regardless of how they're connected. Since the claw makes everything attached into one single vessel, then yeah.

  7. What sense would it make to spawn asteroids always in the exact same position? Not quite realistic.

    What he means is whether or not it's different between other players save games. There's a certain code algorithm that determines when and where asteroids are generated, but the question is whether it's seeded uniquely for each player.

  8. I've decided I'm going to use asteroids to construct a scale model of the solar system along the length of the runway.

    This should be interesting...

    Hmmm, I dont think the asteroids vary in size enough to have both the sun and the smaller planets to scale.

    However... you could construct one in space, using the Mun as the Sun, and asteroids as the planets.

  9. The big boys up there with the K-phobia are not going to be happy about this.

    The thing that gets me about it is that nothing in this game, anywhere, uses that kind of naming strategy. They're called Kerbals and they live on Kerbin, but other than that, there's no excessive use of the letter K anywhere in the game. I don't get why people think they're going to start that all of the sudden.

  10. I really want payload fairings. A better aerodynamic model to go along with it would be nice, but I just want to see stock fairings. Also, there was this really neat mod I saw recently that I thought was great. It's just an unpressurized cargo trunk. It's a hollow stackable cylinder that you can place various small things inside. So instead of sticking all your science devices, batteries, and radial rcs tanks on the outside, you can put them inside the trunk, and it can be opened so you can access it.

    Basically, I just want to streamline my rockets, make them look nice.

  11. I'm surprised that so many of you guys are interested in a new planet. I myself think the Kerbol system has plenty of celestial bodies, and anything farther than Eeloo would be near impossible to reach (if Eeloo wasn't hard enough). A gas planet I'm kind of interested in, but not too badly.

    I only want new planets if there's something new or interesting to be added to them. We already have quite a variation in terms of size, environment, even shape. Only things I can think of that would be cool are rings, and axial tilt. Is axial tilt possible with the game engine? If so, I think not only should be get a planet with a very high tilt, but I also think minor tilt should be added to one or two existing ones.

    Also, I'd really like a Titan analogue. Another moon with atmosphere, but this one a darker color, with oceans of black hydrocarbons.

  12. They should start out with some information known about some planets, and make you discover the rest. All the current planets and the biggest moons would be seen, but you'd need to search for things like Dres, Eeloo, and some of Jool's smaller moons. And you would only start with certain information about them.

    I don't understand why people want to limit career mode. We'll always have sandbox mode for the ability to just do whatever you want, build anything to go anywhere. As it stands now, career mode is just sandbox except it takes a while to get all the parts. Career mode should mimic the feeling of, well, running a space program. It should be about starting small and slowly venturing out and discovering more about the solar system, little by little. I think running the science experiments should do more than just give you "science points," it should actually be required to learn about the system. You don't know what altitude you need to aerobrake at for Laythe until you send a probe into the atmosphere to check it out, etc.

    As a side note, I also hope that when money comes into play, it's not just needed to unlock the part in the first place. That'd be no different from the science points. I think there should be incentive to keep missions as cost effective as possible. It'd be a fun challenge to not only find just the right amount of fuel to bring, but also making sure I make the most efficient maneuvers possible, utilizing flyby's, etc.

  13. Sandbox will always be fun, but I'm looking forward to the challenge of having to manage a budget. Right now, if I want to go to the Mun, I can just build a giant behemoth and get there with a a few orange tanks full of fuel left, which I'll then just dump in orbit to make turning easier. There's no need to plan and be efficient. And since I have so much extra delta V, I can take any sort of ridiculous method to get there.

    So I hope money isn't just used the same way that science is, to unlock parts and then you keep them permanently. I want the challenge of making every drop of fuel count.

    But yeah, sandbox isn't going anywhere either. Nor is the ability to alter a save file and give yourself unlimited science and money. Literally no reason to complain.

  14. Also, am I the only person who's not OMG WANT ARM NOW? It's going to be cool and all, but really, I'm hardly short of stuff to do in the KSP I have.

    There's plenty I want to do, but I keep thinking how much better it'd be if the update was out. I'm as much excited for the little things like the updated manuever nodes and time warp at KSC as I am the actual asteroids. Plus, of course, bigger rockets!!!! And more stable joints!!!

  15. Concerning the looks of the new large parts, Is it just me or do they look out of place?

    I just think that they look to NASA-y. They don't look Kerbal enough.

    Maybe that's because NASA helped make them?

    Guys, there's a reason this is referred to as a special patch, and not just .24. It's a special project in conjunction with NASA, so yeah, it's gonna have a little bit of a NASA feel to it.

  16. Well, personally, after watching all the ARM related content posted today, I find myself worried about the future of the game. I know that seems heavy but hear me out.

    With the addition of the SLS parts it concerns me that that days of "kerballing" something up might become a thing of the past. I recently started playing the Interstellar mod and it took me a few hours to put something together to throw a 3.75-meter reactor and its attachments into high orbit. Asparagus-staged orange tanks, clustered engines, etc.

    Why, shoot, just stick an SLS under it. Problem solved. Launch a fully assembled station? SLS. Single stage to Eve? SLS.

    I'm not saying the game is out the airlock with the new parts (not launching satellites with SLS parts (probably will for a goof)) but it just irks me, for lack of a better word, that we may have taken the "Kerbal" out of KSP.

    I think you're grossly overestimating the power of the new engine. It's beefy, but it's not THAT beefy. Fuel amount for the largest 3.75m tank is only about twice that of the orange tank, the engine about double the thrust. It's nice, but it's not single stage to Eve, come on.

    Plus, this is still KSP. If lifting super heavy stations becomes easier, people are just going to build BIGGER STATIONS! And they'll do so with lower part count and less wobble.

  17. My 2 bits. Even with a realistic aerodynamic model you won't see a major die-off of asparagus use. As far as "WIDE LOAD" applications the big difference between RW and KSP isn't aero dynamics, it fuel pumping. In the real word the equivalent of a "yellow fuel line" would cost almost as much as the rest of the lifter vehicle, and break, often, usually catastrophically.

    I know that the Falcon Heavy will be using propellant crossfeed, but does any rocket currently use anything like that? Anyone know?

  18. I'm definitely going to try out asparagus staging with 6 radial stages, but I'm hoping it'll be rare that it's necessary. This will allow heavy launch vehicles that just look nicer.

    More often I'll probably use a center 3.75m (or whatever) stack, with 6 or 8 radially attached 2.5m stacks in asparagus. It'll definitely be fun to play around with though, and I can't wait to see what I can get into orbit in a single go.

  19. Just chiming in, but I use MechJeb for boring, routine things that I just don't feel like going through the motions for. If I've got something I wanna test out in orbit, and I'm not worried about the launch, i'll auto-launch while I got make myself a sandwich, then come back and do the thing I wanna do.

    Plus there's all the information and data you can get from it, some of which I think should actually be stock. Knowing your vehicle weight, TWR, even deltaV, makes learning a lot easier.

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