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Posts posted by Twreed87

  1. I also find it kinda funny the way we use Science to gain new parts. Science is gained through things like temperature readings, and studying goo in space, and we use that... to develop new rocket engines? "Haha! I've done an EVA over Minmus, now we can build bigger fuel tanks!"

    It's probably too late to make this kinda change, and as far as game mechanics go it works out pretty well, but it would almost make sense to just get rid of Science as a currency. Parts could be unlocked through Funds, and performing the experiments would be another source of Funds (someone pays you to do the experiment, or the research done is sold or something). Or we could keep Science, but just use it to expand the knowledge base.

  2. The ability to transfer from SPH to VAB would go along way. Perhaps it could be as a subassembly, too. Also, more symmetry options in both buildings would be nice. Just a few more tools to make building easier (vertical snap, please?)

    In general, i think the assembly buildings could use a rehaul. Hopefully they make a point of it once they're done implementing Career, but it'd be nice to see a few updates made along the way.

  3. Just thought of something else: update Kerbin!

    So, now we got all these different companies that you can get contracts with, but where the hell are they headquartered? Are they underground!? This will probably be like one of the last things they add in, but eventually I want to see a populated planet. Not sure how they'll do it, but I want cities and towns, as well as more detailed landscape. And clouds and weather and stuff.

  4. :huh: Tiny ? Are you really sure ?

    AFAIK science is EVERYTHING in career mode for now. I have probably miss something...

    Anyway, why, again and again, is the need to talk about unreleased update ? Wait and see when it'll become relevant.

    I'm talking about the eventual completed version of career. Right now, yes, science and the tech tree are the only things separating Career from Sandbox, but my point is that that's not how it's supposed to be. The completed vision for Career involves contracts and funds, science, reputation, probably things like astronaut training and who knows what else. And already it seems like contracts are going to dwarf science in scope. It seems like a much more complex feature with many more possibilities.

  5. So, I know that the devs are currently focused on adding in new elements, and not fixing old ones. Aerodynamics are a placeholder that will be worked on once career is finished, etc.

    But, for the sake of discussion, once we are at that point, and it's time to go back to previous elements of the game and fix things up, what do you think needs updating the most?

    Aerodynamics are a pretty obvious one, but I want some fixes to the VAB and SPH realllll bad. I'm just here posting this cuz I had to take a break, cuz the game was getting me super frustrated. Building standard rockets is usually not a big problem, but making anything sorta weird can be such a huge headache. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. So anyways, what do you guys want them to fix the most?

    P.S. I am aware that there are mods that improve many of these things. There are mods for everything. My biggest pet peeve is when any suggestion is met with "oh well there's a mod for that." Obviously, but I'm talking about the stock game made by Squad, here.

  6. Since the devs have stated they want to focus on fleshing out Career mode for a while, I think the next update will focus on the Astronauts. Things like skills (and a point to Bravery/Stupidity), and records for individual Astronaut's achievements would be cool. What if each Kerbal, on their little card when you load them in a ship, had little badges for the things they've accomplished? A record of where Jeb's been and what he's done.

  7. Making Contracts optional is a ridiculous idea. We have two modes: Sandbox and Career. Science is just one tiny aspect of Career mode, Contracts are another one. The idea of having multiple versions of Career mode, where you can pick and choose which features you like, is just silly. Contracts and Funds are integral to the vision of Career mode that Squad has, they're not going to chop it up into tiny bits for every player who doesn't like this or that.

    This game is very easily moddable. You can take out things you don't like, add things you want. You can just hack the save files if you want and give yourself infinite funds. I know this game has a very different development cycle to normal games, but can you imagine a regular action/adventure game giving you the option of playing through without a health bar or infinite ammo or something? No, if you want to do that, you use a cheat code, you don't expect the developers to just give you those options from the beginning.

    Besides, I don't even really get why you'd want a career mode that's just Science. Science is a cool feature, but this whole time I've looked at it as just a piece of something bigger to come. With just science, Career mode is just Sandbox except it takes you a while to unlock all the parts. But once you have them, what's the difference?

  8. I'm not really a fan of part-clipping. If the editor allows me to do something, I usually will, unless it looks seriously off, but I never turn it on in the debug menu. There's so much challenge in getting things to fit together properly, turning on some cheat-code that allows me to put things inside of other things seems to just defeat the purpose of it all. That only goes for career though. I have sandbox saves where I do whatever the hell I want. I still don't use part-clipping much, cuz I'm not a fan of the aesthetic really, but I turn on infinite fuel and do crazy stuff all the time.

    Anyway, that's just my opinion. KSP is the game you want it to be. Cheating is only a thing if there are rules, which KSP doesn't have. If someone posts a challenge on the forums that requires no part-clipping and no MechJeb, then yes, those things are cheating while competing in that challenge. But in your own game, no, they aren't. I also think they're asterisks on certain accomplishments, when it comes to bragging rights. If someone brags about landing and returning from Tylo, whether they used anything outside of pure, no-debug stock is fairly important. But really, I can HyperEdit my way to Tylo and drive around on it in a rover and I'm not hurting anyone.

  9. place some I-beams that point outward near your mainsail, then, at the end of those beams, place some more that aim down, and put some L2 landing struts on the bottom of those. That should give you enough height and a wide base so you can land on an angled surface. Have fun.

    I'm aware they can be fashioned together, most things can be cobbled together with I-beams and trusses. It would just be nice if there were some nice-looking, STOCK, foldable landing legs.

  10. I just want one other star system in the game. It could be like the Proxima Centauri of the Kerbol system. It would just have a couple planets in it, and be a super end game kind of thing to do. And getting there would require to let the game run in max warp for days even after building up as much speed as possible. Basically the ultimate reward in the game that you basically expect people to do just once, just to do it, and that's it.

  11. No thanks. Galaxies would require billions and billions of planets, which would have to be procedurally generated, so they'd lack detail and be super repetitive. And what would be the point? You'd never visit even the tiniest fraction of it all.

    At most, I think one other solar system could be kinda cool. There could be another star that's kinda like the Proxima Centuari of the Kerbin system. It would be very, very far, and very hard to reach, but it would have a couple planets around it with something really, really interesting or rewarding. Reaching it would be basically the endgame.

  12. I hate when people confuse challenge with tedium. No one's asking anything to just be handed to them, they just want information you already have more readily available. They just want to remove a few tedious, pointless clicks. If I've already been to all the biomes, but want to revisit one to perform a new experiment, why do I have to get out, do a report, throw it away, and get back in just to find out what biome i'm over? Is that fun for someone? Does it even make sense? Most of those pods have windows, why can't they tell us what biome we're over by looking out the window? It would only happen for biomes we've already found. This would also mean that when I'm in a polar orbit trying to collect as many biome EVAs as possible, I'll know when I'm over one I've already gotten. Again, it's just saving me the pointless exercise of doing an EVA report I already have.

  13. I have a feeling that Kerbal stats will be the next focus for updates. They've been working on fleshing out career mode for quite a while, and they've said they're sticking with that. We got the basic workings of Science, now Budgets and Contracts are almost here, what's next is Personnel.

    I'm excited to finally have my Kerbals mean something. Instead of just random names and a couple bars that mean basically nothing, I want to recruit and train specific astronauts. I want the game to keep track of their individual accomplishments, and have different Kerbals capable of different things. I'm excited to see what they work out.

  14. As if that makes them and their developers less valuable. Yes, the mods exist due to the existence of Squad and KSP. No, KSP would never be as popular as it is now without all the hundreds of high quality mods around. I would have stopped playing KSP more than a year ago if it wasn't for the mods, and with it probably 2/3 of the current userbase.

    So having payload fairings into stock KSP may seem an advantage. The only advantage I see is for the player who can boast he's only playing stock. Well, la dee da.

    Mods are great for things the devs haven't gotten to yet, or for things outside their stated scope, but you can't blame people for wanting certain features to eventually become stock.

    You know, before docking, there were mods like ORDA. They did their best to give us a form of docking, but it in no way compares to what Squad was able to do when they finally tackled it. Complicated features just turn out so much better when they're fully integrated into the game and developed by the same team. Fairings may not be super complicated, but I think that when Squad finally gets around to it, they'll come up with something pretty great.

    Mods are great, but IMO they'll always be a way to add variation to the main game. They should never be a substitute for it. KSP should always seek to stand on it's own (which it does, only time and resource constraints limit it). Some mods may come in to take the place of features that aren't yet added (again, like ORDA) but the eventual goal should always be to integrate them into the main game.

  15. Getting back to more realistic things, it's dumb there is no Experiment Storage Module.

    Only being able to return one surface sample / materials study / et al is unrealistic.

    There should be a module where you can store a quantity of completed experiments for Kerbin return.

    You can store experiments in the Command Pod. It's very easy. In fact, it does it automatically. Once you get in the pod, all you have to do is get back out and you can collect another sample.

    And with the mobile lab, you can do the same with materials lab and mystery goo. Example: get into high orbit, run the experiments. EVA, have your Kerbal "Take Data", return to the Command Pod. Use the Mobile Lab to clean the experiments, and do it again. Then you can even dump the experiments without having to return them to Kerbin.

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