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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Ainda na 1.0.5: Sim isso preto é uma armadura. Armadura feita de PWings, muito forte, voa mal mas n derruba por nada.
  2. Banido por ainda não ter começado a estudar alemão, não sei o que tá esperando.
  3. Awesome! Will try it. I will run the first battles this week, despite having a test
  4. It would be interesting if BDArmory implemented a more advanced damage system, despite heat being a very good placeholder. I am talking to ferram to see which kind of system we could come up with, especially for BAD-T where being hit does not mean you are dead.
  5. Não, ali diz do nono ao décimo segundo ano, seria da oitava série ao terceiro ano do ensino médio. Mas isso é recomendação deles, o público do jogo costuma ser de 18 anos pra cima.
  6. Banido por que não há nada de difícil no seu nome. Agora vá aprender alemão. A live foi boa, muita zueira, asuhashusauhasuh.
  7. Banido por que a live stream começa daqui a pouquinho.
  8. Eu tenho acesso exclusivo, então se quiser dar uma olhada em como está antes do lançamento é só assistir a stream
  9. Hmm, flak cannons, sounds extremely overpowered. Will consider. Messing around just for the lolz, but this doesn't seem to want to fly on FAR too well (even without armor):
  10. Pessoal, domingo tem live stream do KSP 1.1!!!!! Começa 15:30.
  11. Se virar o motor pra trás acaba com a estabilidade dele.
  12. @KamikazeF0X I was thinking about something a bit more clever: @Van Disaster tried turning off barrage mode? They will alternate, doubling the fire rate.
  13. Thanks, I totally forgot that, will be super handy! I would be ok with a version that has a hard dependency just for challenges, if there was no easier way to do it.
  14. @DoctorDavinci it was actually @SuicidalInsanity who made the arenas, they do indeed look awesome. @BahamutoD that is really cool! Would it be possible to feed this secondary target with the vessel that is attacking/being attacked by the AI? Since we have 2x2 battles they can change with time, I plan to record with not GUI, and as I don't have time to edit the videos it would be handy to have it to be automatic or on hotkeys. Same applies to vessel switch mod, would be neat if the options of the mod were available via action groups. I would be fine with completelly replacing the functionality of [] for switching between vessels only when using VesselSwitch.
  15. Haha, yeah, I am even surprised we managed to get two flying wings in there. I'm putting three prototypes together now, but will need approval before I throw them into the competition, they are not really meant to win, but definitely not dummies. I also realized that everybody was kinda forced to use the inline cockpit or an open cockpit, I will try to provide a wider variety of cockpits next time, with better weight values than the inline one. Another thing is the weapons used, a large variety of combinations is present, I am glad that there was at least one airplane with 7mms only But I am sad that there was no 40mm derpcannon, I will have to make one myself.
  16. @DoctorDavinci: Yes, I am counting with his submission, you can see it on the screenshot. There is only a problem that I need to fix, as you may notice on the second picture, with the propeller resizing after reload, which I expect to fix. Well, I reserved the right to make the airplanes fit the rules, since there are so many, and we often forget something, so here are the changes that had to be made: @MightyDarkStar: Increased wing thickness. @Bob_Saget54: Removed kerbal loader. @BahamutoD: Added antenna, removed stock BDArmory modules. @damowang2: Added antenna, increased wing thickness, reaction wheels off. @crashsolo36: Added antenna, increased wing thickness, reaction wheels off. @alp3r: Added antenna, removed ring antenna, reaction wheels off. @ferram4: Removed ring antenna. @TheSpaceManiac: Removed ring antenna, reaction wheels off. @JagerVonSmith: Reaction wheels off. @Pds314: Removed ball antenna. About wing thickness: The rule stated that reasonably sized wings must have thickness above 0.120, this does not mean that you can have 0.080 wingtips with thicker wing roots. Because of that, I increased the thickness of the wingtips of any reasonably sized wing to fit the rules, this does not affect the aircraft performance, I also made sure to fix the thickness of control surfaces behind it. About adding antenna: I added an Aviator Arsenal antenna to the craft, then ported over all parameters and removed stock BDArmory modules. This is for two reasons: First, the stock modules are too big, and can get killed more easily with random hits, the antenna can also get killed but the chance is the same for every airplane. Second, it both saves 1 part on the part count and makes everything a bit more standardized. About reaction wheels: I simply turned them off, this can affect the performance, think about that as a minor punishment. About removed antennas: A module that was present on the ring antenna had to be added on the AI antenna, having two of the same module on a craft is never a good idea so I had to remove it. The ball antenna has a radar, which was a bit unfair for this tournament, removal of these antennas should not affect the performance much as they are very light. I did not find any malicious rule breaking, nor anything like that, good job everyone, your crafts are amazing. It's normal to forget one or another thing when building, that's why I took time to fix them myself, now it's fair for everyone.
  17. @MightyDarkStar since we have so many submissions I cannot keep track of the players who submitted each airplane, so I don't really know what is yours But I think it's the bottom right one, in which case I cannot really tell, it was reviewed after I started skipping the test dummy proof (all of these airplanes seem to be well made so that was not really necessary). @everybody: I will create the tournament tree, and will use the names of the vessels, also for discretion purposes, feel free to let others know which is yours if you wish. At 28 submissions I am considering getting other 4 airplanes to join the battle, I have 1 test prototype, 1 test that ferram4 made to play around and the dummy (an improved version of it), would only have to make one more random one. What do you think? 32 airplanes is a round number for the tournament tree, would make everything a lot easier, but it's ok to go with legit players only submissions too.
  18. Erm, algumas palavras tem gênero, outras não... Pronto, é isso, basicamente.
  19. Nice camera mod, no need to hurry, I can use it when it's ready. Also, just finished reviewing all airplanes!
  20. Ainda não posso dizer, espere o vídeo anunciando a live
  21. Yes, I plan to start this weekend. Also, there are some REALLY GOOD LOOKING airplanes, wow.
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