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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. Yes AviatorArsenal is missing that module and I did not update it adding that yet, they are present on my end though. Edit: Blister pod is 2x 12.7mm, it's meant to be an overheatable .50cal.
  2. Magic. No, really, that took some fiddling around, but I did not touch any specs of the weapon such as fire rate or bullet speed and mass. No "this weapon deals x damage, this deals y damage" at all, and BDArmory uses bullet energy to deal damage (better than momentum given we don't have different types of ammo other than AP/HE nor piercing nor anything else). Btw, battle dropping today!
  3. I am not going to make public any aircraft file, if someone wants to share it's up to them. @gridghost yes that makes sense, I believe that most of them were named similarly but I wouldn't expect such problem to come up, and an actual name is nicer IMO. I am noticing the usage pattern of engines and weapons to provide a better variety of options that are still useful, completely reworking the unused ones.
  4. Sim, funciona no stock também, não tão bem quanto no FAR mas é por causa de um probleminha com os atuadores das superfícies de controle do stock, mas isso provavelmente vai mudar na próxima atualização.
  5. @Sturmgeschutz isso é problema nos colliders das rodas, quebrou enquanto estavam mudando o comportamento delas e tal, espero que seja resolvido em uma possível atualização menor, 1.1.1 por exemplo. @ZlAzazel Alguns experimentos você só consegue máximo transportando devolta, mas dá pra conseguir bastante ciência também se você analizar eles num módulo de laboratório.
  6. Ok, so, MAF is out, everything is looking good, time to resume BAD-T 2 Edit: By the way, round 2 is ready to start! But this time the order of the battles will be totally random, if you thought your battle was going to be the next, my bad, you better keep an eye on them as they happen
  7. Improved Chase Camera has just updated, I highly recommend using it with this mod.
  8. Estão aqui: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CommandLineArguments.html Nem todos estarão habilitados ou realmente farão alguma coisa, mas é isso.
  9. @Van Disaster you can fix the cockpit color problem by making the nosecone slightly larger and connecting it to the body right behind it, like this: Works wonderfully well! I made this monster: I should destroy it for being too good, it's hypermaneuverable, goes supersonic with 5% thrust (maybe less) and all that stuff.
  10. I am really interested on seeing how well MAF can handle your creations, I have been testing it with numerous different airplanes but you can never know for sure. And if it does not pilot yours well I would really appreciate the craft file, sometimes all you need is one craft that has a specific behavior and you can end up improving it for everybody.
  11. So, as mentioned earlier, MAF is now out! It has a small problem mentioned earlier caused by BDArmory where the mouse will not hide, if that does not bug you go ahead and try it out for shooting at things!
  12. Mouse Aim Flight (MAF) is a tool that allows you to pilot aircraft with the mouse created by me and @ferram4, with credits for @BahamutoD. The goal of the mod is to have a control system that can pilot anything you create as well as possible, making it easier to fly stably at extremely high speeds and also allowing for aiming with precision, without having to worry about wobbliness or trim. Right now, MAF is consisted of three different behaviors and a static controller that can handle most of your creations pretty well, but on the future it will be able to operate crafts more robustly, and adapt to virtually anything you can build. The purpose of the mod is allowing you to easily handle your craft, but it will not make any attempts on preventing you from crashing, stalling or destroying yourself from aerodynamic stresses. This is a serious project, thus every feedback you can provide is welcome, files of craft that the mod cannot yet pilot properly are also welcome and will help improving the mod*. Download on Curse Forge (source on GitHub) How to use the mod: Press P to activate MAF, make sure SAS is OFF. Move the mouse around and the vessel will point at the target. Press O to change mode, find the mode that best suits your craft and flight style. On the GUI you can find a few customization options. You can also override the target indicator using pitch and yaw controls, or input roll control which will not reset the target. Recommended mods: Ferram Aerospace Research BDArmory Improved Chase Camera Planned Features: Control System Adaptation, to greatly improve performance, this is the main goal of the mod. Improved trimming system, making it capable of handling very unbalanced crafts. Several different behaviors, from piloting VTOLs to rockets and hypersonic vehicles. Dedicated camera behavior. Considered Features: Mode for piloting the velocity vector rather than craft orientation. Change the color of the target. Different control systems. More aim reticles. Ground vehicle piloting. Control rate piloting (like a joystick). FAQ: My craft wobbles, this is not even a question. If that happens, please post the craft file on this thread. It probably means you have way too much control authority, but I need the craft for testing purposes. My airplane never points at the target circle, why? That means it's unbalanced and requires much more trim to fly straight than it should (more than 20%), while MAF will be able to compensate for that on the future, it's advised that you balance your craft for increased overall performance. This may also happen with well balanced SSTOs or hypersonic craft that require high angles of attack to fly level. Why does it take so long to point at the target circle? It should not take long to point at the target, it may be slower to adjust if you fly too fast or have too little control authority. Changelog: v1.1.3 Ported to KSP 1.9 v1.1.2 Ported to KSP 1.3 v1.1 New Features: Added Aggressive Flight mode Finished Cruise Flight mode Ported to KSP 1.2 v1.0.1: New Features: Improved pitch down performance New experimental flight mode, Cruise Flight Better handling on stock aerodynamics Reticle opacity and size options Bugfixes: Cursor no longer has a chance of disappearing when MAF is turned off Disables itself on EVA *It is highly recommended that you use and give feedback only on release versions, development versions may have known issues and issues added on purpose for testing, feedback on this kind of change is unworthy. All Rights Reserved unless otherwise stated on the license file.
  13. Which mod are you using that makes use of weapons on a career mode? I only knew about one but I don't remember if it updated. Adding nodes and prices to them shouldn't be too hard, but it would take a lot of time that I would rather to devote developing and improving Mouse Aim Flight, which will deploy shortly. If anyone wants to make such changes, simply send the required cfg modifications and I can apply all of them and update the mod
  14. @StarBruck Calm down, it will release today, I don't recommend that anyone grabs a dev version, just wait until the mod is released for the public.
  15. No, I would rather just a name, allow for some kind of version after the name, but it should have a normal name first. It would be a pain to go after a bunch of P-something airplanes to find the right one, and that is assuming numbers won't repeat. @MarvinCZ Yeah, something along those lines, but slightly different, I will see what I come up with when it's time.
  16. Whoops, my bad, I will remove the video and rerun the battle. Thanks for the heads up, I agree it felt like there was something wrong. About the namings, erm, yes, it's really not useful for the outside world to know that your airplane has been through 16 iterations and whatever else the letters should mean, a "something mk(number)" is good but "PK-248 XZ N JR CC-5 Mk5" doesn't feel like the name an airplane should have, also makes it inconvenient to talk about them. I won't blame anyone, there was no rule about it and that is fine, but it means we will need to fix this for the next version. Then there would be a chance that names repeat so I will make the entrees craft list public as they are submitted and encourage original names. Funny that this confusion already happened once on the brackets. @Veeltch it's not always easier, daytime fades the other craft markers we have available, making it harder to see, I found that sunrise/sundown are the best daytimes but I try to vary a bit too. Edit: about identifying who owns the craft, I feel like it's not necessary, especially because some of them are much greater than the oponent and the last thing I want is someone to feel ashamed of participating. If you want to know who owns a craft you have to go after it.
  17. Yes, you can hide it by pressing ]. You can also RMB double click if you have the option to enable free camera when you do that turned on. Mods can also require hiding the mouse, such as MAF, the fix prevents it from being hidden at all.
  18. Just a reminder for everyone, if you have installed FAR through CKAN this is not the place to discuss any issue you have with it, regardless of what you think is causing it. If you use CKAN head over to the FAR CKAN support thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127492-FAR-via-CKAN-Support-Thread It is known to cause a lot of problems with FAR and that is not of ferram's concern. Before reporting anything here make sure it also happens when installing manually with as few mods as possible, and post the list of the mods you are using and proper reproduction steps, otherwise it just becomes noise rather than something that would help fixing the problem.
  19. Banido por banir uma pessoa mais de uma vez ao mesmo tempo.
  20. @BahamutoD your last fix to the mouse issue seems to be a bit too much, it makes it impossible to turn off the mouse, which prevents it from being hidden using free camera or MAF, also getting on the way of recording battle footages.
  21. Aviator Arsenal was tested and proven 1.1 compatible, just make sure you grab the pre release version of BDArmory for KSP 1.1.
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