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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. This thread is being locked under BahamutoD's consent. Please bear in mind that BDArmory is NOT YET PORTED to 1.1.2, every issue that comes from using a mod at an unsuported version is none of the content creator's business, if you face any issue whilst using this mod on KSP 1.1.2 DO NOT REPORT IT ANYWHERE. So, if you want to use BDArmory v0.11.0.1 on KSP 1.1.2 you are on your own. If you want to help, you can find BDArmory's GitHub repository linked on the first post of this thread, and make pull requests. Other than that there is nothing that can be done for now. Reported issues that come up from using the aforementioned version of this mod on the current KSP version will also be shut down for that reason. This thread will be unlocked as soon as the mod development continues. Edit: The mod is now being maintained by @Papa_Joe and others, you can find it here:
  2. @blackheart612 nice propellers you have there. I see you have doubts about the engine curves, and while I still didn't try the pack I have read here that they are somewhat overpowered. BAD-T has realistic curves for both single and double stage superchargers, feel free to use them on yout engines. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/132564-ww2-bad-t-2-bda-ai-dogfight-tournament-round-3/ I would recommend not raising static thrust higher than 45kN as they start getting way too overpowered. You can find the supercharger setting on the description or sulfix (D for double, S for single).
  3. Try the BAD-T modpack: Just remember that BDArmory didn't update yet, neither did the badt pack, so update firespitter manually.
  4. Install FAR and get ready to the next BAD-T. You will realize how much there is left to learn
  5. Well, I managed to make it not look terrible, but I will upload it tomorrow as I will leave something downloading on another computer today. Loved the battle of the flying wings, glad to see both made it that far The rules that will be added are some things I didn't make clear for this tournament, so I cannot really apply them now, and won't do for the rest of the tournament for fairness. But the biggest problem was indeed "fleeing" from combat, or going to insane distances before coming back to engage, picking up way too much speed, barely shooting and turning away when 1km far from the enemy kind of stuff. To a point it was the AI, but that is not the only thing. Another fact, every Round 3 battle is being decided on the fifth round, even this last one, that's amazing (I had to trim this last one though). As mentioned before on the competition, we have really good aircraft here, but the best part is that there is plenty of room for improvements, the problem that happens the most is lack of stability, especially when aiming. I have already talked to @BahamutoD about ways to improve that somewhat, and remove gain buffing when aiming down sights as that alone can cause the craft to oscillate a lot, so I hope it works better once the mod updates for 1.1.2. About updating for 1.1.2, remember that BDArmory is not yet updated, and is probably throwing a lot of NREs on the background while running that battle, @DoctorDavinci.
  6. Banido por que é engraçado ver vc mudar tudo mas não poder mudar o nome por que só pode uma vez.
  7. @Gojira you sit down and wait for BDArmory to update, AviatorArsenal will update shortly after that. I can't update aviator arsenal before BDArmory because it would still not work.
  8. Ok, I just ran another battle. This was simply the worst battle I have ever run since BAD-T started, by far. It was in fact so bad, but so bad, that three new rules will be made for BAD-T 3 just because of how bad it was and I don't want any of this happening again, ever. The battle took more than 30 minutes to finish, which was the time I had available to record, edit and leave it uploading, so I will not able to upload it today. Yeah, bad battle bad, after it's out I will have a few things to say. Edit: I will do my best to make it at least "watchable" but that will be hard.
  9. @Adam Kerman Not really, only if you want the weapons to fire or use them at all So, yes BDArmory is required for this mod. The problem is that it's not ported to 1.1.2 yet, so this mod is not going to work well (if at all) on it because of that.
  10. Banido pela recente inatividade do nosso fórum pt.
  11. @Lonogan1 as stated on the previous page and tread title, BDArmory is not yet ported to 1.1.2. And because of that there is no point in reporting issues you have while using it on an unsuported version.
  12. @KamikazeF0X Yep, and it's getting better every match! Edit: Btw I will be cutting off parts where not much happens before the engagement gets interesting, now we have best of five and lots of action to show, and I don't want to keep them long or boring.
  13. Banido por desistir e ao mesmo tempo provar que ele estava errado.
  14. By the way, I can probably arrange a teamspeak 3 room for the participants on my clan's server
  15. @Vegetal I know that the bouncing thing is caused by touching down with the landing gears at angle, and has nothing to do with FAR, it's strange though that you get this behavior, have you tried changing your landing gears or moving them to another position to see if the problem persists?
  16. I forgot it didn't I? My bad D: will upload two battles instead to compensate for that.
  17. @M1918 Because the trumpet code was not yet updated to 1.1.2, this will happen when BDArmory updates.
  18. @Benmush That is a known issue, there is no real drag, only the dreag indicators displaying data incorrectly for occluded parts, disregard them. Your rocket is unstable, btw.
  19. Ainda quero, quer dizer, vou fazer isso algum dia, provavelmente durante uma live stream
  20. Bem, deu pra fazer, mas ficou horrível, vou ver outras formas de fazer e ficar bom. Edit: Lembrei de uma coisa que fiz a um tempo atrás, mas nesse caso o tanque foi cheio:
  21. Tomba se extender tudo, mas vai bem longe.
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