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Everything posted by tetryds

  1. @Murican_Jeb that sound is heard from the ground, not the actual sound emmited by the trumpet, the ones recorded from the ground have doppler distortion.
  2. Eu fiz live hj e ninguém do fórum foi assistir, chateado.
  3. @Verran why why? That looks just right. There should be no difference between that window and FAR's other than the type of information shown.
  4. It needs to speed up, try setting it low and flying as fast as you can to see if it even makes noise. I will test it if I have time today, but it may need a recompile.
  5. Banido por que seu post vai ser perdido e esquecido aqui em breve, como todos os outros.
  6. @InfiniteAtom place it facing forward, right click it, set the speed at which you want it to make noise. Takeoff and fly around, it should speed up and make a sound when spinning fast enough. Bear in mind that the mod was not yet updated to 1.1.3, so there is a chance that the plugin is broken and it will not work, if you do what I mentioned and it still doesn't work please tell me. I will update the mod with new sounds when the BDA port is reliable enough as I mentioned, and when I do that I will recompile the plugin so it should work again.
  7. The new soundpack sounds awesome, I will update the mod with it as soon as the BDArmory continuation proves to be as reliable as the original. @Skyer Your concern makes a lot of sense, but that was made for a reason. The MG 151 had indeed HE minishells, but in this pack all 20mm cannons fire AP shells, due to the lower muzzle velocity they become slightly weaker on the MG. That is counterbalanced by the fact that it is a more reliable weapon, allowing you to fire for longer. Due to the way explosions are implemented on KSP and BDArmory, and because of how it handles damage, it would be extremely complicated to reliably balance it against the other 20mm cannons with explosive shells. Because it's a great weapon nonetheless, even with a slightly smaller damage it's still a good weapon choice for many cases. Also bear in mind that the stats on the OP are made in a way to tell the difference between a specific group of weapons, it's not an absolute value. I think that you should first test them in the game, then if you find anything that feels overpowered or out of place it's going to be a much bigger deal. About your other doubts: No there is no British bias whatsoever, I really don't see why you would think that. 7.7mm weapons don't require more models, as the three current available ones fill all the niches where they are useful. There are only american bombs because all bombs would explode the same, and there is no need in having redundancies. Ah, warthunder, yeah I also like it, but those suggested rockets are redundant, the allies ones were easier to find info on and look good enough, we can also use the same railing system for both without it seeming weird. Basically, making models and such takes time, a lot of time, which we don't have anymore, and the set we chose proved itself very complete, because of that it's going to be much simpler to change some settings than create a whole new model.
  8. @Verran blowfish forgot a very important thing. FAR actually uses the external shape of the craft to calculate body lift and drag, so if you make something like a fairing out of structural panels it is going to behave as it should, for example.
  9. @SlabGizor117 the airpla e doesn't use the rudders because the normal flight mode is more like a dogfighting mode, if you want it to turn level you can just do it slowly. It avoids using the rudder for tight turns because that can cause flatspins or stalls, so it's safer that way. Try pressing O to switch to cruise mode it should kinda do what you want, just make sure you have a decent rudder. That would require a whole different controller, not really the scope of the mod.
  10. Banido por que vai ser legal começar mais um estágio daqui a duas semanas.
  11. Banido por que agora vocês dois tem avatares muito parecidos, aí não dá pra saber quem é quem.
  12. Damn I was here I just didn't notice it was my turn. I had one job...
  13. No. Yes. I mean, not really... Ah I locked it, btw.
  14. I'm sorry my life has been... Well instead of 1 month of vacations I even spent a dozen days at the hospital, then had a late test then stuff but I want to finish BAD-T asap.
  15. So I heard you like landings... http://imgur.com/a/lA0VS *puts sunglasses*
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