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Everything posted by tetryds
WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]
tetryds replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
@Van Disaster On that video your airplane is clearly flying way above the altitude I would recommend, it does not attack because it keeps going below the min altitude and pulls up instead. You should tweak that AI some more. -
Cópia descarada do tópico "ban the user above you"
tetryds replied to EuSouONumero345's topic in Portuguese (Português)
Você sabe o por que está sendo banido. -
WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]
tetryds replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
@Veeltch I want to pick a pace when running the battles, but as I sometimes have classes from 7:30am to 7:30pm straight and cannot run them every day I will probably run a few in a row then release them during the week, as mentioned above. I should start as soon as the submissions close, everybody is excited about the battles, so do I, they will definitely not take as long as the last time to be released. The positions of the airplanes depend on the arena, some arenas can only be fought by airplanes with specific characteristics, such as takeoff length. But not all battles will happen on arenas, thanks to vessel mover I can set them up anywhere, in which case they will be positioned like on the last tournament or somewhere different depending on the terrain. In cases where the positioning is too uncommon, the battles will start as competitions, it's currently broken when using the release version of Aviator Arsenal's antenna, but on my side it's already fixed so don't worry about that. I didn't update yet because of the tournament, didn't want people having to update the mod midway, not like it would change much but it's inconvenient. @Pds314 That only works because of how KSP deals with structures (it doesn't), the engines are really overpowered compared to real life ones and the wing interactions are not perfect. If I threw in AJE and FAR after the wingcode updates it would probably become an obsolete design straight away. -
WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]
tetryds replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
The best report I got from the dummy was that if your airplane fails to take off it turns around and bombs you, lol. Edit: but what really matters is having the simulation in real time, at the default delta physics per delta time that is around 24fps. Since KSP is a rather slow paced game, that is just fine for watching, barely noticeable. -
WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]
tetryds replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
So, we have a few days until the submissions close. I didn't try the airplanes, but they look really promising, I have hopes that this will be the best dogfight tournament to date. That is mostly thanks to the dummy, it turned out to be the best idea I have ever had, on the previous tournaments you had literally no reference when building your airplanes. But this time there is a goal, it's actually fun to build something to crunch the dummy mercilessly, and that raises the overall quality of the submissions by orders of magnitude. I am not sure if some people did this, but while the dummy was meant to raise the standard, I also built it with the idea that it could be easily improved to put up a better fight, that is also the reason why I did not add the AI to it. So, one can easily remove the bombs, put a pair of .50cals instead of the ShKAS's and tweak the AI, that way you can quickly get a fairly decent opponent to fight against, and improve your airplane even further. But the original dummy itself is already fair, it's underarmed, underpowered and undertweaked, and still ended up performing much better than what I would have expected, I literally tried to make an airplane that does nothing but fly in circles but people reported being killed or having a hard time against it at first, the first iterations of my own entry didn't kill it as fast as expected either. Unfortunately I did not have time to make the FAR tutorials I have promised so many times, I am sorry, but I see that most of you learned a lot anyway, and that is really good. I still plan to make them on the future, it's not like BAD-T will die at its second version, but the opposite, I hope to be able to host much nicer battles on the future. But that is not all, I recently ordered an i7 4790k, which I plan to overclock to around 4.6GHz, so the idea is to be able to host insane battles at decent FPS. So many people asked if they could submit both a fighter and a heavy fighter that I will study the possibility of making 2+1x2+1 battles on BAD-T 3 on KSP 1.1, with two fighters and one heavy fighter, and raising the part count up to 80 on the heavies, that kind of stuff. The data that will come from this set of battles will also allow me to fine tune the DMG_MULTIPLIER of BDArmory, to either make the battles last longer or be faster, provide feedback for AI improvements and even improvements on the weapons modules themselves. The new BAD-T arenas are simply amazing, I had a lot of fun experimenting with them, their locations are quite unique and if I throw scatterer on the top of it everything looks fantastic (I'm having small RAM issues but I should fix that removing everything that is not an arena). We have 11 entries + 2 confirmed entrees so far who didn't submit yet, a total of 13 airplanes. So I will be aiming for 16, 20 or 24 entries, but I have the feeling that we are going to have 16 airplanes again just like on the previous BAD-T, which was a good amount. If you want more than that, simply advertise the tournament to people who would be interested, the more the better This time the battles will be scheduled, and I will upload them on a fixed pace, with 16 entries we will have 15 battles, I am still unsure about how much time I am going to have for this, but the plan is to upload 3 to 5 battles a week, and get BAD-T 3 going as soon as all the mods are updated and working flawlessly on KSP 1.1. I am still studying the possibility of a decent prize for the winner, but I am not sure about what I can do, so I won't promise anything for now. -
Estou procurando imagens de aviões estranhos, mas falhando miseravelmente. Acho que perdi a capacidade de fazer algo legitimamente estranho. Só tenho isso daqui, mas eu lembro de já ter postado:
WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]
tetryds replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
The version of bdarmory that will be used is the one on the OP. You still have plenty of tine to work on your airplane -
Cópia descarada do tópico "ban the user above you"
tetryds replied to EuSouONumero345's topic in Portuguese (Português)
Banido por que não é bem assim que funciona. -
Cópia descarada do tópico "ban the user above you"
tetryds replied to EuSouONumero345's topic in Portuguese (Português)
Banida por ficar nos lembrando o quanto disperdiçamos nosso tempo nesse tópico. -
Cópia descarada do tópico "ban the user above you"
tetryds replied to EuSouONumero345's topic in Portuguese (Português)
Banido por que vc nunca percebeu que kerbals tem um olho de cada tamanho e em posição assimétrica. -
@Gustavo6496 Você está inclinando demais, o interessante da gravity turn é que na verdade o ideal seria você nem precisar encostar nos controles. No meu último vídeo ensino que basta ter uma inclinação de aproximadamente 45 graus a 13km de altitude e sua inserção orbital será bem eficiente, independentemente de estar muito rápido. Se seu TWR for alto demais, onde você estaria queimando na atmosfera mesmo a 45 graus e 13km, recomendo diminuir, utilize um motor menos potente e você ganhará delta v.
[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23
tetryds replied to BahamutoD's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
There isn't absolutely anything to worry about with BDArmory, if you want you can have a look at the source yourself on the github. -
@Phoenyx eu recomendo começar a gravity turn assim que sair da launchpad, a não ser que seu TWR seja ridiculamente baixo, mas aí você vai estar disperdiçando recursos. Orbitar assim gasta uns 3400m/s de delta v. Vi que muita gente ainda começa a virar lá em cima por causa dos tutoriais antigos, acho que vou refazer meu vídeo de como chegar em Mün. Helicóptero supersonico, uahsuahsuahsuahsu.
Cópia descarada do tópico "ban the user above you"
tetryds replied to EuSouONumero345's topic in Portuguese (Português)
Banido por gatos. -
Cópia descarada do tópico "ban the user above you"
tetryds replied to EuSouONumero345's topic in Portuguese (Português)
Banidos por brigar. Já chega. -
Cópia descarada do tópico "ban the user above you"
tetryds replied to EuSouONumero345's topic in Portuguese (Português)
Banido por culpa da minha internet. UGH. -
Um fator importante é o ângulo de ataque com que o avião senta na pista. Se o ângulo de ataque for grande, a força é direcionada pras rodas traseiras, o que não sobrecarrega tanto as dianteiras. Outro fator é estrutural, os aviões não foram feitos pra receber uma força de cisalhamento grande na parte da frente, onde a estrutura é feita pra resistir grandes forças de atrito. Se você fosse mover o trem de pouso para frente precisaria tanto mudar o projeto estrutural quanto talvez até perder em desempenho e massa devido a essa mudança. Aí basta colocar o trem de pouso mais pra trás, aumentar o ângulo de ataque que já deve ser grande durante o pouso, fazer o trem dianteiro um pouco mais robusto e freiar nas rodas de trás e pronto. Sim, alguns deles tem paraquedas, mas geralmente os menores, em aviões muito grandes nem adianta.
Já que você insiste: E sim, você vai poder mudar a mira.
Hmm, já que ninguém quer mais fotos de Monino vou postar uma do MAF:
É apenas se utilizar o fix que eu postei no link. ALT+Enter pode resolver sim, mas tem que ser o ALT da direita.
WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]
tetryds replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
I won't be THAT rough on the deadline, as long as the date says 13th, it's okay. And yeah, latest BDArmory, let me update that. -
WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]
tetryds replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Attention everybody, the deadline for submitting your BAD-T airplane is 13th March 23:59h. You have a bit more than a week to refine your designs and submit them, if some of them breaks the rules accidentally, I will send you a PM and you will have 24h to submit a new one that does not break the rules. Tell everybody you know about this, and good fights -
@GabrielKerman-BR O único jeito de ter uma tela cheia real no KSP é utilizando esse fix: Aí só precisa selecionar "Full Screen" nas opções através do menu principal e pronto, você estará jogando com tela cheia real. Só tome cuidado pra não dar alt tab durante o carregamento do jogo.
Ah sim, mas com o tempo vc vai aprendendo a fazer texturas mais elaboradas. Eu fiz um backup das fotos que tirei em Monino e no museu aeroespacial russo, to pensando em colocar mais delas no imgur pra compartilhar aqui, o que vcs acham? Ah e a base de Monino foi destruida, digo, fechada, e os aviões movidos pra outro lugar. Infelizmente os aviões grandes demais pra serem transportados ficaram lá para serem saqueados e morrer Edit: agora não sei se eles já foram removidos mas se ainda não foram serão em breve. Bem, vocês percebem que o estado de conservação deles não é lá essas coisas, mas mesmo assim é uma pena. Espero que os que forem preservados recebam um cuidado adequado.
WW2 BAD-T 2 - BDA AI Dogfight Tournament [SEMIFINALS]
tetryds replied to tetryds's topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
@pyrosheep procedural parts with zero diameter in one of the faces is known to cause issues when you place things on the node created at the 0 diameter face. Especially when you use ctrl+z. So I would advise avoiding ctrl+z to undo anthing that interacted with a procedural part and nor using 0 diameter parts, use the nosecone instead.