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  • About me
    Nos omnes rabidus
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    My girlfriend, my cats, playing bass guitar and guitar, astronomy/astrophysics; history, physics: hydraulics/pneumatics/mechanics; flight sims, my own built car, ambient noises, gardening & growing my own food, geography, modeling & modding, good sci-fi & fantasy.

    Music: Frank Zappa, world music, rock & metal.

    Favourite food: salads (no, really!)

    Favourite colour: super-intelligent shades of the colour blue. They demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the Universe by holding their breath until they turn a deep purple.

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  1. I was debating adding props to a new transport craft and just realized I wasn't already following you... :blush: fixed now!

    1. Azimech


      Nice! I'd love to see how it develops!

    2. HafCoJoe


      Yeah! It's currently a debate between using goliaths or going all out with a pair of massive propellers. I've got very little practice with propellers though so I might ask your help in the future. Needs to survive time warp... and maybe phys... Concept

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