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Everything posted by Azimech

  1. Squad has turned on exhaust damage on both the Wheesley and Goliath. This means the Wheesley can be used for helicopters and turboprops with the newest 1.3.1 patch.
  2. Squad has turned on exhaust damage on both the Wheesley and Goliath. This means the Wheesley can be used for helicopters and turboprops with the newest 1.3.1 patch.
  3. Once you have a collider phasing through another and it bounces back, at high enough speeds you'll have an imbalance that keeps feeding itself. Lowering shaft speed helps until the problem is solved.
  4. Not yet, due to the longer crankshaft there's more twist, so it's able to run less rpm than the V4 version (something that often happens in real life as well). I want to solve the reliability issues first. In the mean time, I also built this thing. The first turbo/electric hybrid ship engine, fully reversible, with variable marine propeller. After I've uploaded this one tonight/tomorrow, I'll continue work on the V8.
  5. Yes but it doesn't make much sense, using throttle is enough. With my ship mod, that's a different story.
  6. Almost ready, the first stock hybrid propulsion ship, gas turbine/electric, with a real boat propeller. No gearbox, the engine is reversible. Current top speed is around 11 m/s. Part count ... let's hope it stays under 500.
  7. WIP: not the first boat propeller but probably the first successful gas turbine/electric motor hybrid ship. Instead of using a gearbox the engine is reversible. Top speed is currently at 9.3m/s but will probably drop as I add more parts and fuel. The engine can be uprated though. And I'm seriously considering adjusting the angled hull parts to be straight again, these produce the most drag at the moment.
  8. WIP: not the first boat propeller but probably the first successful gas turbine/electric motor hybrid ship. Instead of using a gearbox the engine is reversible. Top speed is currently at 9.3m/s but will probably drop as I add more parts and fuel. The engine can be uprated though. And I'm seriously considering adjusting the angled hull part to be straight again.
  9. Done. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xqq5x654t44d1z5/AzimechVehicleSounds_v10.zip?dl=0
  10. Some data. Engine type: two-stroke. Cylinder bank angle: 90°. Piston drivers: 8x Panther in dry mode. Stroke: 90cm. Bore: We don't have compression so it doesn't matter. Crankshaft: Standard crossplane. Camshafts: 2. Conrods: fork/blade type, this way the cylinder banks are evenly placed. Main crankshaft bearings: 5x6 RCS balls. Crank bearings: 8x20 RCS balls. Max engine speed: 12.5 rad/s (120 rpm). Economy cruise: throttle at 50%. Top speed: ~18 m/s. Propeller: 9 blades, fully adjustable. Part count: 568. Output: 775kW @ 95 rpm. The Goliath is just the air intake, it receives no fuel.
  11. Okay I hope I'm doing it right, if not I hope someone can help me out. I've never done this before. The V8 is running ~95 rpm, I'm applying a force of 51500N at 1 meter from the center of the crankshaft. So the torque should be the same. Torque x rpm / 9,5488 = 512kW at 66% throttle.
  12. Someone asked me how much horsepower these things generate. I don't know yet, I'm not sure how they measure this stuff. But I've made a start.
  13. Okay, this works. Just not very impressive. But who knows, it was the first try.
  14. We're inviting all you FAR specialists to take a look at stock turboprops. We're planning to organize events in the future to have BDA dogfights with the ultimate challenge: not just an airframe but you design the engine and propeller as well! I you don't have experience with building an engine, take a look at the topic in my signature, also over here.
  15. We're inviting all you FAR specialists to take a look at stock turboprops. We're planning to organize events in the future to have BDA dogfights with the ultimate challenge: not just an airframe but you design the engine and propeller as well! I you don't have experience with building an engine, take a look at the topic in my signature, also over here.
  16. Yes, for sure. Some mixing might be cool as well. It depends on the AI though, if you have a large and heavy boom & zoom fighter trying to turn & burn a light fighter that can turn on a dime, it might still lose.
  17. Oh yes, that's just the settings I choose in http://gifmaker.org/ I have a very crude way of making GIFs. I just hammer F1 a number of times, upload the lot to the website, set the delay to 50 ms to make it look smooth and presto. It's quick & dirty.
  18. Or, just go to the debug menu -> Physics -> Drag -> Global Drag Modifier, and set the slider to your liking. Some of us do it for stock turboprops, we set it to minimal. This way the planes approach the performance of KSP 0.90 turboprops, and close to FAR. So yes, I agree. drag values in the lower atmosphere are way too high. But I wonder if Squad would ever choose to change them again. At least we now have the power to modify stuff ourselves. Edit: @NSEP you'll like this.
  19. Just don't let Motorhead Sherwood near it!
  20. Out of the V4, built a stock V8. Specs: Cylinder bank angle: 90°. Piston drivers: 8x Panther in dry mode. Stroke: 90cm. Bore: We don't have compression so it doesn't matter. Crankshaft: Standard crossplane. Camshafts: 2. Conrods: fork/blade type, this way the cylinder banks are evenly placed. Main crankshaft bearings: 5x6 RCS balls. Crank bearings: 8x20 RCS balls. Max engine speed: 12.5 rad/s (120 rpm). Economy cruise: throttle at 50%. Top speed: ~18 m/s. Propeller: 8 blades, fully adjustable. Part count: 568. The Goliath is just the air intake, it receives no fuel.
  21. Testing the V8 version. That goliath is just the air intake. It receives no fuel. Current top speed: 17m/s with tanks half full. That was to be expected with the extra mass and all. Maybe I can tune it some more, add 8 Juno's for example.
  22. You know what ... I think multiple classes are a good idea. Some people might like to build big & heavy, others not. At least with big & heavy you know there's a lot of target area. Reminds me of something. Two years ago I made a mod out of standard BDA guns to match WW2 equivalents, various types like machine guns and cannons. If someone's interested, you can test them if they still work. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5gdzpuihsxxz76v/77I_WW2Weapons0_4.zip?dl=0
  23. I don't mind, I've had the speed record for a few years, and I'm more focused on piston engines right now. In the future I'd like to have a piston engine challenge as well, for boats.
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