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Everything posted by BarryDennen12

  1. I find KSP hugely fun to record with, although I've only bothered doing one cinematic-style thing so far. Could've done a few by now but I really like to wait until an idea grabs me. *shrug* Before too long I think I'll just knock one together for the sake of it.
  2. I basically ignore copyright rules with music. Maybe one day it'll come back to bite me but I don't care - if a claim is valid then I wear the consequences (usually a pop-up ad, at most a blocked video) but if a claim is bogus then you go right ahead and appeal it because in spite of all of the intimidating warnings (ie. 'don't abuse the system') you'll usually be successful. You'll run into this a lot if you do gaming videos, and not just with music. I've had random gaming channels try to claim stuff that I've uploaded - it's all bunkum. Appeal with impunity, chaps.
  3. I can't really conceive of any answer other than 'so what'? Exposure is exposure - it would hurt absolutely no one if PDP or some other popular channel played the game. Personally, it's not something I'd watch. Unless I'm underestimating his abilities, I rather imagine it'd be a bit like watching Robbaz - a characterisation that does not entertain me, and not a high level of skill at the game. But it's like I said - so what? Letting Youtube trends influence your enjoyment of a game is a really bad way to live. I don't care who plays my favourites, I play them for me.
  4. I think it's a pretty cut-and-dried thing. Chuck women-Kermans into the game if and when there's ever an update that addresses the appearance of individual Kerbinauts. I have no idea what Squad's plans are in that regard, but I've always assumed there'd come a time where the Kerbals would start to look slightly different from each other (either as a randomised thing or in a Create-A-Sim sort of environment). Even if they have no such plans to do so, I think that's the way to go. To put it simply; there's plenty of reasons to have female Kerbals, and no good reason not to. I hope it happens soonish. "This is a GAME. It doesn't matter. The only thing it affects is it may come across as a boys game. BUT, Barbie comes across as a female game to us. It's completely pink and completely gender based on girls. So there is no need to say that KSP is too much of a boys club" With respect, almost none of this makes any sense. If it's just a game and doesn't matter, then you have no right to an opinion on what changes are made to the game - 'cuz 'it doesn't matter', right? As for bringing Barbie into the discussion - completely irrelevant. Squad can (and I hope, will) serve as a more inclusive and intelligent creative force than a ridiculous company that sells silly dolls. KSP doesn't have to be a boys club, or a girls club, or any other variety of walled garden. It can be for everyone, and for what really would amount to a minimum of effort. (Not trying to oversimplify here - I recognise that even small changes in a game amount to a lot of hair-pulling, but this one's worth it I think). I currently don't have a dog in this fight per se because Kermans are not customisable in game, but if I could change mine then I'd probably want it to be like me. Or some famous person that I'd like to parody. Can you understand why maybe adding female characteristics would help facilitate that for a good sized chunk of the community? And it comes down to this - if there's -still- any frustrated gamer boys out there that can't handle the idea, they can always jettison the female Kerbinauts into space and keep it to themselves. Like I already said, I hope females are added soon because I'd like this daft and circular discussion put to bed. It's fraught with illogic to have an attitude of 'so what, who cares'. Some people care! That should be reason enough. PS. Love to Squad.
  5. *shrug* That's just my JFK impersonation pitched up and scrambled, haha.
  6. Eep! Just want to thank DGatsby for posting this thread, it really means a lot. "It breaks my heart to think KERBALS could fall victim to the same foolishness WE did" That's the beauty of KSP though, it lets you carry on where we weren't able (or willing) to. "That was utterly awesome. The lighting, the animation.." I'm a bit self conscious about some of the methods I had to use (owing to a complete ignorance of proper 3D software), but from some of the stuff I've seen in the fan art threads I think there's definitely some people around who could take the ball and run with it. "it's clearly modeled on the documentary, IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON" Yep! It was supposed to emulate the trailer for the movie, but there was too many lines from the full length picture that I wanted to use so it blew out in length a bit. " Next time though, they/he/she could ask RewDew2 for his kerbal models" I really did think about reaching out to some people for help with the Kerbal characters - it would've allowed me to do some more interesting stuff in the 'period' footage as well. Again; people with that expertise can probably make such a film on their own without my meddling, so I just did what I could. Heh. "The voices are a bit irritating sometimes. I've tried to reverse some of them and got nothing. They're really totally scrambled" When I was figuring out how to do this thing, I faintly recall someone saying that the real Kerbals speak in backwards Spanish (correct me if I'm wrong). I just did the lines in old-astronaut voice and scrambled them. If you know what to listen for, the lines are virtually the same as the subtitles (most of the time), although yeah - they're not quite how I wanted them to be. Something to learn from! Anyhow, cheers for the nice words everyone. It really means a lot.
  7. That's awesome. Used to use radial decouplers as crude landing legs before proper ones became stock. They're useful little buggers.
  8. Tedious navball ... what?? This is like being bored of chess because there's too many pieces.
  9. If it's already the case then pardon my ignorance, but I'd like it if it was just a little simpler to mod the sounds in the first place. There's probably a number of excellent engine sounds Squad can't use because of permission issues and such - I wouldn't have any qualms inserting them into the game myself for my own use.
  10. Unfortunately I have nothing awesome to offer, but I was privately happy at having landed my first Duna base without killing anyone.
  11. Meh, I wanted to do the same thing using some real launch sounds. (Been watching a few shuttle launch videos lately and there's some good sounds available).
  12. I'm not crazy about any of that stuff - I just want see-through windows on the pods. I know it ain't happening, but that's my standard answer from now on.
  13. "And I don't want to put in hours of unpaid work" The definition of 'work' must've changed while I was napping.
  14. I didn't do anything exciting; built a space station so I could see how the crew management worked in practice over a series of missions. I like the extra feeling of persistence it adds.
  15. I've learned a lot of terminology from his videos - I found myself doing a lot of things very vaguely and not really knowing what any of it was called. He's a great sort of living glossary, in that respect.
  16. It's nothing big, but to this day I still wish they'd make it so that cockpit windows were transparent. The best toy ships/planes/rockets are the ones where you can peer in and say 'holy crap, there's a pilot in there'.
  17. His name is escaping me at the moment, but the lad who went to Dres and lost a Kerbinaut called Lulas - that guy does pretty solid work.
  18. M83 gives me gut problems anyway - just put better music on and the problem is solved.
  19. Spaceplanes were really easy before the update that took the oxidizer out of the spaceplane fuselages. Which is cool and all; makes it more challenging. I have to admit that I haven't had many spaceplane successes since then, but then I haven't really been spending much time playing the game.
  20. My wishlist at the moment would probably be: A) An altimeter that gives your distance to the ground. T'would really help during some landings. RCS tanks that are made to fit the shape of the Mk2/3 spaceplane parts. The circular ones just look silly on my space shuttle. C) Might be a long shot, but an actual dedicated Lander cockpit or two would be nice. The obvious example is the Apollo Lunar Module - forward facing windows. Something like this would make cockpit-view landings a lot easier. D) Definitely pushing it now, but I thought that another neat way to connect habitable modules would be with a pipe system. You would build it the same way you make struts (ie. click on one module, click on the next and it draws a path). Might make IVA pretty enjoyable to have your own little network of tubes to crawl around in. Aside from that, I'd just say keep up the good work.
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