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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Hi, now although i have a several harbors and buildings scattered around Laythe, despite trying everything else, |I've never subbed Laythe. So I'll let you know how my craft ,as is, perform. I presume we're talking functional base here rather than a deco KK item, as the later is too easy. The former however i've not done since very early KSP days, in the early 0.2x's probably. While i can see that perhaps you could use stock parts to achieve it, (obviously stock brings me out in a rash) there's a good case for a custom mod or mods. Mind you I suppose you could do the MM dance and clone and re-purpose revalue any part you wished, is amazing what can be done with some patches and liberal application of model node values.
  2. You're in luck i still have a copy of that version untouched. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3p8s4d2b01i785c/SM_Marine-v0.9.7.5.zip?dl=0
  3. @Trolllception Congratulations on releasing the mod, but most of all sticking at it and making a vague idea real. Nice work
  4. Hi all, It's been a bit quiet on the screenshot front of late, we have however not been very quiet at all, between us the Team and I have pulled together another lumpy update. Includes many things and unexpectedly a few more new craft, of which the purpose and design of a couple of them will only be revealed with time I'll be shortly announcing a beta mode phase for a new mod pack, a collection of weaponry specifically designed to deal with ship to ship and ship sub combat, a lot of which is very different to things currently around. interested parties (those capable of providing constructive reports and logs etc) get in touch or watch this or SMA for details Cheers
  5. Hi, the link to the, hopefully, new copy of the log is not working, leads to message "folder KSP .log does not exist "
  6. Hi have you installed Physics Range Extender? If you have not that would easily explain your problem. IF you have installed Physics Range Extender and still have a problem, You will need to supply a zipped copy of your KSP .log in order for anyone to even attempt to diagnose your issue .
  7. Hi, allegedly this does not work with unity 5 type .mu's . so don't be overly disappointed if it will not work
  8. Hi your install is a mess, you have either installed the wrong version or not updated BDAc or have overwritten a previous install, when all new BDAc feature releases require a clean install of BDA to avoid such problems as yours, difficult to tell exactly what you've done. You have several incompatible plugins mainly because of the mess BDA is in , you are also running obsolete plugins DDS loader is now part of stock. Suggestions, delete everything from your GameData folder except Squad and Module manager .dll ( yes everything as non of it is pretty ) then reinstall each mod, checking that you follow makers installation instructions, and that you only install current and updated mods. Then retest. Cheers
  9. Hi I'm not ignoring you or your problem. That said I've not been able to replicate your issue in my builds, but without the exact same craft in the exact same environment there's little chance either. The only thing that leaps out is perhaps ( maybe? ) the gears proximity is upsetting things, or some peculiarity of the strutting, no autostrut though as that can definitely cause issues for bomb racks in general.
  10. Step 1 ensure you have KSP 1.3 installed. AND have removed any and all previous attempts at installing BDArmory Step 2 in your GameData folder you will have 4 text files written by module manager just like the ones below, delete those Step 3 GO HERE and download THIS Step 4 Goto you downloads folder , and extract the downloaded folder Step 5 open the folder called BDArmory. you have just extracted Step 6 open the GameData folder you will find in the BDArmory. folder Step 7 Copy the BDArmory folder that is inside that GameData folder Step 8 Paste that copy of BDArmory into your KSP/GameData folder You will also need Physics Range extender Firespitter
  11. Hi, thought you'd notice something off eventually, we've already discovered some serious issues in the deeper logic and they are being worked on right now as mentioned below I'd certainly be interested in looking at anything you have discovered or come up with Cheers
  12. Hi cheers, BDA and your aircraft mods requires firespitter be installed and you don't have it . Your game is producing a lot of loading and associated errors because of this. You cannot test for errors in BDA while you are missing firespitter . Please install firespitter Can you conduct a test using the BDA AI test aircraft and use just the guns you have had trouble with. Do not rerun multiple times, it is important that the bug is reproduced with as few reverts as possible
  13. Hi again GUI= right click menu = PAW = Part Action window Hi the subs uploaded to kerbal X can all achieve neutral buoyancy fairly easily in an un altered state Depending on missiles and torpedoes loaded you can occasionally find the sub a tiny bit tail heavy, to counter act this right click one of the fwd tanks and pin it , then right click the subs drive section and pin that too, and close the supply to the BallastWater, click the little x at the end of the resource volume scale, Now using the advanced tweakables pump out some ballast from the aft tank to the fwd tank Push comes to shove i'll do a little demo video to clear any issues up Practice makes perfect and most people seem to get the feel for them pretty quickly, if it's all too much perhaps try the minsub first , that uses the same systems as the bigger subs but far fewer of them, this will give you a chance to get used to all the windows etc before diving in to one of the bigger ones
  14. Hi to change the FX of mainsail to Ion you would simply copy the fx references from the ion to the mainsail, though as the mainsail still uses module engines and the ion engine uses module engine FX this leaves you with two alternatives. i notice that ION plume is still ref'd in the FX folder so you may be able to simply swap the fx_exhaustLight_blue to IonPlume. Although i have a suspicion that wont work out too well. The best option is to convert your mainsail to module engines FX and use the ion FX cfg block. While you can change how much is emitted from exhaust FX, the fx particle model is a fixed size and can only scale with an engine, there is no facility to scale FX size independently as the fx model has no cfg of it's own
  15. Hi vessel mover or kerbal konstructs water launch methods are not cheating. The game provides no way to launch a water craft otherwise. Sinking is easy First start engines, start fuel pumps , start oxy generator then, Simply select a tank , any one, do note there are fast fill pumps and slow fill pumps, the gui indicates which is which. using right click select flood tanks, when vessel has submerged until deck is almost awash, select stop , make sure all is good, ( this step will not be required when you have used it a few tiimes) now select a slow fill pump and select trim down, once deck has submerged you will find that any fwd motion in combination with trim or dive planes will cause the sub to dive, with practice however all the subs can achieve neutral buoyancy and hang motionless below the surface. Disclaimer obviously i have not tested every single possible way there is to assemble all of these parts , and how the sub responds depends on how the sub is built or scaled If you leave any fill pump switched on and all the tanks are filled the sub will sink to the bottom. In simple terms anything marked pump in will add ballast .. anything marked pump out will remove it. I suggest enabling advanced tweakables as fine attitude control can be achieved using those options , though if advanced tweakables is also cheating perhaps this is the wrong mod for you.
  16. Hi , indeed you can, but only 1 like per pic As for adding image to OP, too much plane not enough ship, Now if you'd taken it from the lowest in the flight, it would be a sure fire addition got a link? didn't see it
  17. Hi, cheers yup almost lost to the void, but still here, I've recently taken a look at the models and parts and I feel that the skyranger needs a bit of a tune up, it's lost something since it was created and definitely does not fly the way it used to. I'll be dropping nim a message regarding this mod, as i did all the work and have all the original assets I may as well adopt it completely. Watch this space
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