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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. A quick look at the relevant code seems to indicate that there's no provision for the pilot AI to be able to use or even detect the FSengine engine module , of course it could be hiding elsewhere but everything seems to add up , enums etc
  2. The static mod also linked contains many water launch points. However i will do a new version of the standalone launch point and replace the link shortly. note that as mentioned the static mod contains loads of water launch points and the standalone version should not be used at the same time as water launches in the main SM Static Harbors pack. , Watch this space As i'll have to place some new ones first
  3. Right enough it's been a good while since anything was last heard from BobCat, he created in the early days some magnificent models and addons, including a base system and a whole host of modular rovers, sadly the rovers died due to changes in KSP and the rest faded into obscurity with the lack of author support or active threads. Some of the items below, by no means most or all, there was a whole series of Russian spacecraft , so yeah in his day he was a bit of a trend setter and inspired many
  4. No worries and i do have the benefit of some inside knowledge of how DFX works, it's proved very tricky to get it to behave in recent versions of KSP, partly due i believe to the way ships not in focus are being removed and replaced, this function leads all the joints in a craft to be remade and DFX can't tell the difference between a node being created and a node being destroyed. Anyway hope that does fix all your problems, i know only too well how irritating it gets when everything you launch bursts into flames and black smoke.
  5. Hi what did you extract to where This and other questions can be answered if you supply a zipped copy of you KSP.log. If the game says you've put it in the wrong place you probably have or have somehow acquired a duplicate incorrectly installed version. KSP.log required for further assistance .
  6. Re this , it should be noted that there's an anomaly in the BDA armor panel set, the 1x1 panel has a very different texture density than the other panels, this shows itself in the 1x1 texture being much smaller than that on the other panels. Now fixed just needs pushing up to whoever builds next. I'll send you a fixed version.
  7. Nope and what problems as I have none. And i strongly suggest that you look into infernal robotics before endeavoring to make your robot parts and arms. And try making compatible parts first, which is not that easy considering the simplicity of the basic parts (I make them btw and have many robotic parts scattered through my mods) Things you may not know. You cannot create a animated part and have another part move with the animation, all nodes and attachments are to the root object not the animation. SO for a robot arm to function with multiple joints you need a plugin, with a considerable amount of code required to break and remake joints etc
  8. Hi the fix for this is quite simple remove Destruction FX, the 122 version of which has trouble with separators, decouplers and is known in that version to produce unwanted FX from all over the place.
  9. @joacobanfield You have installed the source of BDA not the release version of the mod. Please delete BDArmory-master from your game data, GO HERE Download and install the correct version which in your case is https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v0.3.0.0/BDArmory.
  10. HI, NEVER paste logs, the mods don't like it and we can't read it properly. All we need is a zipped copy of your KSP.log no other logs are needed or necessarily useful either, i don't like downloading 10mb log files really.
  11. Hi the trouble is that when you tweakscale something all values are changed, and a little change can have a big effect on how the weapon behaves, they are always best at the size they are built at While i do include tweakscale patches for my weapons I make it known, that scaling turrets and weapons, effectively rules out any kind of meaningful support regarding performance.
  12. @lttito regarding your log, it's empty there are no errors relating to anything, which is very odd, looking at the flight section of the log shows though that as far as the games concerned you have no weapons fitted or engines, that is if the craft shown are the ones built in the VAB not previously built. This was a brand new install? of KSP and BDA/PRE? If so go to the main KSP folder find and delete your PartDatabase.cfg and then try again . Could you also try a new download of BDAc, as there are no log errors to speak of, it just leaves the more unusual ways things can break as possibilities
  13. Hi. if you removed the mesh render it should not be visible,. without the mesh render there is no way it can be. Which is as I mentioned only leaves you with doubled faces or the original and cloned model imported as one. I fully understand what you are trying to do. There's really no need for that if it is a simple shape , custom colliders are needed for more complex shapes, especially those in which there would be concave elements ie This has a unity convex mesh collider applied Whereas this part has a custom collider as the cockpit glass is much narrower than the main hull tube, so a convex mesh collider is not used because it would bridge the gap and the collider would not truly reflect the shape of the cockpit
  14. By original I mean The stock object you imported originally. By clone I mean the object/s created by you, that use the original model as a template. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic modelling in any app usually goes like this. Make a Cube, correctly center and orient the cube in the view space (0'0'0) Unwrap the cube UV's Create UV map and texture Apply to model Save model Export model to unity Create empty unity GameObject and align to zero zero zero Drop imported cube on to GameObject Give GameObject a Name Apply box collider to cube Add part tools component to Game Object Fill in filepath and model name change export texture type to PNG Press export button create basic cfg Load............Smile/cry as appropriate While i don't use blender, there are a million tutorials for it and many in relation to KSP. But do yourself a favor get a grasp of the basic shapes before diving into complicated shapes, learn how to texture that cube , once you can texture a cube the rest comes fairly easy. Simple rockets and (basic) rocket parts are simple stupid modelling, cylinders and cones , combine cylinders cubes and cones and you can build anything you want
  15. Hi if you are using the color animation editor all that side of the animation is done in unity there's no need for any prior animation . Things to note, for the color animation editor to work, you must select the parent object when selecting the editor, you must have the relative path correct, that linked post describes the process really well though. You cannot create the OLD type emissive animations in U5 onwards , which is sad but life goes on. You either have to use the color animation editor OR the ModuleColorChanger, which requires no animation on your part, and if your lighting is just emissive with no light source attached then this latter way is much easier, all that's required is that the part to glow is a separate mesh from the main model and has an emissive texture applied and set to black, then simply reference the mesh name for you r window parts in the module and you're done , The module looks like MODULE { name = ModuleColorChanger shaderProperty = _EmissiveColor animRate = 0.8 // how fast they brighten and dim animState = false useRate = true toggleInEditor = true toggleInFlight = true toggleInFlight = true unfocusedRange = 5 toggleName = #autoLOC_502011 //#autoLOC_502011 = Toggle Lights eventOnName = #autoLOC_502012 //#autoLOC_502012 = Lights On eventOffName = #autoLOC_502013 //#autoLOC_502013 = Lights Off toggleAction = True defaultActionGroup = Light // This ties emissive lighting to main lighting AG includedRenderer = PortHoleSingle // This is the model mesh that has an emissive texture redCurve { key = 0 0 0 3 key = 1 1 0 0 } greenCurve { key = 0 0 0 1 key = 1 1 1 0 } blueCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 1 0.7 1.5 0 } alphaCurve { key = 0 1 } }
  16. Hi if you've deleted the mesh render as you say then indeed there should be no Z fighting, that is what i think you are seeing, as it's not the collider I suspect that you've imported the original (whatever you copied) and cloned model as one object, This above is a good indicator, there's no reason to keep the pattern model past the initial modelling stage, and you should definitely have deleted it long before you came to the whole export to unity import to KSP process.
  17. Hi, Dangit is spamming the log with errors [ERR 13:58:35.885] DangIt: ERROR [System.InvalidOperationException]: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[ModuleWheelMotor] (IEnumerable`1 source) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at nsDangIt.ModuleWheelMotorReliability.DI_Start (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at nsDangIt.FailureModule.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 You are missing dependencies for a couple of the mods you are running which in turn leads them to spam errors, missing modules etc to the log [WRN 12:39:41.456] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' has not met dependency 'RemoteTech' V1.7 [WRN 12:39:41.457] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' is missing 1 dependencies [WRN 12:39:41.457] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'KerKonConConExt' has not met dependency 'KerbalKonstructs' V0.9 [WRN 12:39:41.458] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'KerKonConConExt' is missing 1 dependencies You also need to find and remove the surface sampler plugin from Infernal robotics, I'm not aware of any fix for this aside from removing the plugin. [ERR 12:39:41.645] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KSPUtil, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 12:39:41.647] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'IRSurfaceSampler': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Additional information about this exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'IRSurfaceSampler.ModuleIRSurfaceSampler' from assembly 'IRSurfaceSampler, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type '<waitForDeploy>d__0' from assembly 'IRSurfaceSampler, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. You also have problems with mods( persistent rotation mainly) finding textures although this could be related to one of the previous issues . SO sort those problems out, delete your module manager cached files and see how the game runs, also, are you running mods in debug mode? as there seems to be an awful lot of irrelevant logging of part descriptions etc
  18. Mod list? KSP version? Zipped copy of your KSP.log? I have a suspicion i know whats causing your problem but without the info mentioned it's impossible to tell.
  19. @Neil Kerman Thats an epic log , the only thing i can get out of it , is that not all the mods you are running list 1.3 as the min or max version, several of them list various decimals of KSP1.2xxx . First task would be to ensure that all your mods are 100% compatible with KSP 1.3. if that all checks out and you game still refuses to start I cannot see any other way except to remove half the mods, see if the game starts, if it does, replace half the mods your removed and check again, and rinse and repeat, Although your log is long, no obvious conflicts are listed. neither is it obvious as to what caused the crash, small note you seem to be missing a lot of modules for quite a few mods,this usually indicates missing dependencies. check the mod threads. (anecdotally) I have read that some of the mods you use do not like to be used alongside similar style mods. Once again you'll have to check the threads. The huge size of your log and the amount of mods installed is going to make it very difficult for a third party to identify what is upsetting what, and it's going to be down to you to do the donkey work, unless you get lucky and find some one running exactly the same mod combination
  20. Hi can i see a screenshot of your GameData folder and please see first post of thread for information that you need to supply in order for us to diagnose your issue.
  21. @JFXAM after taking another look at all the possible builds of sub, I've decided to give them another tuning pass, viewed with a critical eye there was an element of stern heaviness present in them all. Due to the way the flow rules work, tank filling etc, it's a long process getting things perfect, especially when a sub as so many differently sized compartments all of different values and masses, and tiny differences affect things in dramatic ways. After a couple of hours tweaking things are getting very close now for all standard builds Yes you do it is built in to the game
  22. As it stands today there's only one way to do this. Things you need to know aside from those that the other chaps mentioned, there's no facility to launch a drone or anything thats not cfg'd as a missile or bomb via BDA. There's no facility to load missile type weapons in the flight scene. SO you need a drone, that is just a drone, although for best results this drone would contain in itself all the BDA control modules, rather than them being tacked on as extra parts later . The drone bit itself is quite an interesting problem as , it needs to be able to be launched anywhere from limited space, there's no point if it needs 500 mtrs runway, so you ideally need vertical takeoff ability, BUT heli type drones are difficult to control for the PAI, and compared to fixed wing, fuel consumption and endurance is limited. It also needs the power to able to lift and maneuver with two missiles attached, which unless you make a huge drone or small missiles is a tall order, although a 2meter heli drone can quite happily carry a couple of hell fires, the larger air to air missiles present a problem, in that they are not usually compact in size and they ( if correctly made) can be quite heavy. AS for your concerns of flying and tuning, if the drone is small enough and not shaped like a brick , it's going to difficult for an aircraft to target it , it will have a low RCS (radar cross section)(notathingyetbutwillbe) which will make missile lock difficult if not impossible. So i wouldn't worry too much. As long as it's stable and fairly agile you shouldn't ever have a problem A lot of the above has been proved in BDA dev recently, so it's not just supposition, as I'm currently developing observation and combat drones.
  23. @JFXAM Hey, I'll need to see a copy of your KSP.log in order to see what is disrupting the behavior . especially as @XOC2008 has run a similar craft with no issues. Try this procedure Launch submarine, start engine, start fuel . start oxy generator. Select large center tank with a fast pump, most sections have a ballast pump, there are fast and slow versions of the pump. Activate SAS and switch on ballast pump, allow sub to sink until main body is almost submerged . STOP Turn off fast pump. select slow pump, now using slow pump submerge until deck is just awash, stop, now select the stern drive section and isolate that ballast water flow, this prevents any more ballast entering the tank, continue to submerge. Apply a touch of forward speed and watch how sub behaves, if the stern drops, select stern taper, pin the PAW, select bow tank pin the PAW, now using advanced tweakables transfer some ballast from the stern taper to the bow tank. Rinse and repeat until sub trim suits you. While this sounds like a lot of messing about, with familiarity all this can be done in pretty much one go and quickly, and as XOC mentions it's possible to get the subs to hang motionless and level at any depth. I'll do some images etc to clarify any points shortly.
  24. Afternoon all, just a little note to mention that finally the Beta of SM OSTandT will soon be available, i finally had enough stuff everywhere else in order to be able to dedicate some time to finishing the extra wants. This is the final line up of full tanks for the beta, there are of course variation of turret for some, and the smaller hulls will suit many other tanks turrets from the original OST selection, so this is just the base sample, as it comes paint still tacky ( note. all turrets are separate, all hulls have a standard fitment at least a weapon manager, and a KSP APU that supplies all the vehicles power needs, All vehicles have a fuel capacity, and a small EC storage, most also have other BDA module additions depending on period and vehicle tech level, for example the LolTraktor has 1 gun, WM, and APU, whereas the M60 has max of 3 guns, WM, RWR, WC, EcGen etc, . Before anyone asks , No there's not enough EC storage or power from EcGen to power any of the tanks without the engine running. )
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