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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Track styles is a bit of an issue, because i have yet to work out the black art for myself once i do we'll be buried, just need time, got none, too many mods, BUT wheel making season is almost here so maybe this year. I can share with you the texture i use on mine though Actually installing it is a pia , I'll write a patch for it instead, easier Happy to take requests/ideas, on real , or could be real in the hands of the A Team, additions, Not big on fantasy , i have mod for that
  2. You and everybody else https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/16057
  3. I thought I'd share with you some of the fun that comes with mod adoption. |Now you all see these huge models, and the less than optimal textures are well discussed, but whats not apparent to most users is what goes on under the skin, what the bare bones look like, and how those bones reflect in game. The story so far, as you know, in the recent past, I've tried to update or replace/add one or more of the hulls. With the gazillion other things this hasn't been possible up until now, with a view to a 1.3.1 update. So while chatting last night i asked @Wrench Head if he'd pull me out the destryer mu's as dae's so i could take a look at the textures issue, no problem, zip arrives, open zip, pull out parts, assemble in max and this is what showed up Thats the current LBP destroyer all the parts together, as you can't work on parts like this individually, otherwise i run the risk of horrible misalignment, and 1 vertex displace 1 mm will show in game( shows in weird texture and normal lighting) In a good(which this is not) model/mesh there is equal distribution of polys (the little groups of faces that form the skin of the model) as an aside i showed it to CobaltWolf who proceeded be be very unwell Anyway it was my intention to fix the thing , change the bow, and the date box stern, and get it in some state that i can slap my dazzle camo on it and it not look like an impressionist artwork.. With the model in it's current form, that can't ever happen, in the shot above all the areas in which the polys are tightly packed have a squashing effect on the textures, and the huge faces are stretched. Theres's no sensible way to even make that work, not even worth bothering, if you chaps want a date box destroyer hull( i really dont) I'll make another, but that model is at the end, it'll be the bin next for that. Have no fear I am going to be adding this instead, a rather sporty and usefully shaped Jclass inspired destroyer hell. Now as with Lizzy she'll be modular , but not, as i like hulls to be hull shaped, the shape changes constantly from bow to stern, So while A fits snugly to B it will not fit snugly to CDEF or G. But that's a small price to pay for such a nice shaped hull. This btw will and does take a camo very nicely indeed Cheers
  4. You have installed incorrectly in that case, installation path should be KSP/GameData/BDArmory. Only install release versions do not install dev versions or source files. DO note that the only current 1.3.1 version is a BETA and very likely to undergo some changes that may or may not affect saved craft and your game. I would strongly suggest that you do not use this Beta version in your favorite save. The current release version is for KSP 1.3 only and will not function correctly in 1.3.1
  5. HI No KSP version info, No KSP.log , No Bdac version number, entitles you to one guess only. You have in all probability installed incorrectly (50% of such reports) or installed the wrong BDA version for your KSP( the remaining 50%).
  6. H to be sure of whats going on I'd need to see a copy of the KSP.log ( as noted in the how to get help thread) But i suspect that one or more of your mods is incompatible with the version of KSP you are running(, which for all i know could be 1.05 as you have not provided that info). Those mods that are incompatible are likely to be writing to the log a lot and if there are NRE's ( null reference exception, a mod failing to find code etc) there also, that would easily explain the issue you are having.
  7. Doubtful as the two systems push out a lot of info, and in a multiple craft engagement the radar screen would become very cluttered and make little sense . Warnings RWR and information Radar are never shared on the same instrument to prevent confusion. Admittedly I'm not an expert on modern cockpit avionics, but in the marine industry the two systems, info and warnings, are kept isolated . Or in the case of more recent FBW sytems, LCD displays etc glass bridge, activation of a warning system mutes all other info until the problem is dealt with (damn you safe mode) Not something you need to have happen to your Radar. Worth noting that the RCS of a missile is tiny in comparison with a missile, and the icon displayed is appropriately small, Radar already does show incoming missiles, although once again in a multiple craft engagement you hardly notice them. Warnings should clear and unambiguous and the RWR as a standalone system gives you that. . Just my opinion of course. other opinions may be available from local suppliers
  8. HI there is NOTHING right about the way you have installed these mods. NO mod should be added to another mods folder, EVER , been modding KSP since 2012 and that has never been part of the proceedure for adding mods NO mod should be added to the Squad folder The only place for a mod to be is in its' own folder in GameData AND be the release version, not a copy of a dev version not a copy of the source. In the case of BDA the correct file for KSP 1.3 is https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/download/v0.3.0.0/BDArmory. When you download that file you will have in you r downloads BDArmory. Unzip this folder Inside the zip you will find GameData, open that folder and within you will find the actual BDArmory mod. copy this BDArmory folder to your KSP GameData . DONE, don't move anything, don not change anything. This mod is now ready to run. No idea what the state of play with NKD downloads is right now, but last time i looked it was very similar , download a zip , extract that zip , open the NKD v0.036484 or whatever it is folder , remove and place the North Kerbin Weaponry folder into GameData. .Although i seems that 50% of users have it installed incorrectly. The zip file extracts to NKD_-_North_Kerbin_Dynamics_for_BDArmory- , and i have seen many logs and even users of the mod state for people with problems that you should install that folder and just remove the - from the end of the folder name, while this sort of works,it is not correct . The only folder from that download you install is North Kerbin Weaponry, and only to GameData. Hope that clears some of the confusion. ALL mods install this way, there are no exceptions to this that i'm aware of. . KSP/GameData/TheMod---
  9. Thanks for this, particularly the details regarding setting up the bats and postbuild.
  10. Contrary to popular belief of the forum software this mod is still in my care and not forgotten about !.3.1 presented no difficulties or changes . Jool however caught me out again ,just like every update, with how heavy it is ,you'd think i'd have learned by now This is a version update so current users or owners need not install a fresh version. Mun Pocket Edition KSP 1.3.1 https://spacedock.info/mod/995/Mun Pocket Edition thanks @Lo Var Lachland for the ping that reminded me to do this
  11. Cheers. Although not quite back yet, it'll be back once we've done the first raft of updating, I think reviving would be the proper term. How's the project coming along?
  12. Still THE pack of select vanilla-inspired parts for your aircrafting needs! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT For further info please visit the thread linked below Kerbal Aircraft Expansion V2.7.2 The continuation of the Kerbal Aircraft Expansion created by @keptin Currently under management by SpannerMonkey and the SM TestGroup Special thanks go in this update to @DoctorDavinci for overhauling all the textures . @inigma for testing and advice. and the guys on the overwhelmed test team. Thanks muchly all Previous version listed for KSP 1.2.2 has known issues in KSP 1.3.1 and although functional will produce log errors that may lead to diminished game quality. Use at own risk. Last released Version of KAX KAX on CurseForge Installation Extract the KAX folder, Firespitter folder, and ModuleManager.dll into your KSP Gamedata folder. Be sure to properly extract the Firespitter/Resources folder or you will have FScoolant errors on loading the electric prop. If you already have Firespitter and/or Module Manager, use the latest versions of their .dll plugins. 2M cockpit - 2M Fuselage (jet fuel) - 2M Structural Fuselage (empty) - -2M Tail Boom New textures -Copyright Overview- KAX models, textures, and sounds are created by Keptin, who retains all copyrights. Snjo retains all rights for the Firespitter plugin. You may: Modify KAX in anyway for your personal use Use KAX models, textures, and assets to create derivative works Distribute sufficiently modified versions of KAX parts or newly created derivative parts Distribute video, screenshots or other media portraying unmodified or modified versions of KAX All other rights are reserved Specifically, you may not: Distribute unmodified versions of KAX, in part or whole, without permission Use KAX for any commercial purpose This KSP Mod incorporates category creation code from a part of USITools called PartCatalog.cs and is used under the GPLv3 License. (GPLv3) Thanks to @keptin for agreeing to allow my team to assume management and updating of KAX. ps hope you don't mind me borrowing KAX graphic Its is our intention to preserve the stock a like compatibility and versatility of these parts, and any subsequent parts will be designed with that in mind. We would hope that any new part will blend seamlessly with the current parts and add to rather than detract from the mods functionality
  13. Hi , generally it doesn't usually work out too well , using normal cfgs values but i've used the model node with some small success, typical internal cfg for it looks like this. Worth noting that, i've found if the name is not first, above the node sometimes the game can't find it, so name then node. Sometimes it works ( successfully scales) sometimes it doesn't, haven't found a sure fire way to tell why INTERNAL { name = P61bAftInternal MODEL { model = SM_Stryker/StrykerAerospace/Parts/Command/P61B/P61bAftInternal scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } ManyModules " " )
  14. I've wondered about that too, I used it in a previous modding life as the mod was particularly messy for the game I was modding and it was easy for an inexperienced user to make mistakes. I can see it solving a few things like the double GameData syndrome. Cant't see any real downsides , but someone will. Maybe the fact that contents of self extractors cant really be viewed before extraction, though taking a mo to check what was installed, rather than pounding on the play button, is just good a good habit to have
  15. It should but what it does is make the pistons ? action very hard so like a mechanical action rather than an hydraulic one. I use those values to allow pistons to act as shock absorbers. and rotary drives can also provide damping on an arm connected to them. These settings do not affect joint stiffness, It is quite easy for heavy parts to overwhelm the joints and lead to the part rolling around, part of this may be due to the built in unity snafus, or may be something that could be tweaked, I seem to recall seeing a stiffness variable somewhere though.
  16. And one day you must share with us the how to for those amazing compound (assembled from many parts) assemblies you create, the pipework on your engines for example.
  17. Hey this is KSP. Every system is exploitable , and you missed the point the idea was to see if it was possible and perhaps improve and add some interest to something that hasn't changed much in years. The intention is not to prove hey we can beat a 300 million dollar weapons system simulation with a crappy 64 bit install and a massive lump of code and hundreds of hours work, but to get the best we could with the tools available and tools created to do the job. Thank you for your appreciation
  18. Quite simplythat means the cfg and the game cannot find those items. Each o the named items has to have a similarly named transform GameObject in the unity part hierarchy Can I make a suggestion. Go simple stupid. save your existing engine , In unity make a cylinder 1.25 in diameter and a couple of meters tall. Create an empty GameObject and align it at zero zero zero . now drag your cylinder onto that object, and make sure your cylinder is centralised to the GameObject ( the Parent |) SO in text it looks like. GameObject/Cylinder . Now create another empty Game object align that to the bottom of the cylinder plus half a meter, now drag that object onto the cylinder object , ( the child) rename this GameObject thrustTransform . At this point the hierarchy should be GameObject/Cylinder/thrustTransform Now rotate thrustTransform so that local Z points vertically down Add a convex mesh collider to the cylinder. Now rename the odd objects, change cylinder to engineBody. and the parent game object to NewEngine Your hierarchy will now look like NewEngine/engineBody/thrustTransform . Now add part tools to the NewEngine GameObject and fill in appropriate details export to game Now remove ALL of the ModuleEngines FX and effects entries from your cfg, at the basic level you dont' need them and add this module instead , the basic KISS engine module no fancy stuff , it connects to the rocket and flames come out, thats it. MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 240 heatProduction = 192 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.8 EngineType = LiquidFuel exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 1.05 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 310 key = 1 265 key = 7 0.001 } } Add this just above the tech required line in the cfg fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout sound_vent_medium = engage sound_rocket_hard = running sound_vent_soft = disengage sound_explosion_low = flameout check you have the nodes right, I explained that process in one of your many other posts/threads . give it a unique name of course . and MAKE SURE that thrustTransform in cfg is identical to the name/s in unity. Now fire up the game, wait patiently , now if you followed the instructions and checked the images i've already supplied for clarity then, even if you have the engine upside down, if you connect fuel and a pod it should run. If it doesn't or runs continually you have made a mistake. And i'll tell you right now that 99.9999999% of first load mod failures or even subsequent ones are all on you, it's not the game, it's unlikely to be unity , most are typo or path related, minor cfg errors, and extra period or comma a round bracket instead of a curly one. AS much as it's easy to get it right first time it's just as easy with a touch of impatience or inattentiveness to not notice the extra.. when you paste a cfg line or change a module . come on buddy , engines are easy stuff , 1 step above tanks, you can do this
  19. what you need is MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = Dry ///<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<engine name thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = TurboJetNozzleDry responseSpeed = 0.05 layer = 1 /// Stops animations getting confused and other unpleasentness dependOnEngineState = True dependOnThrottle = True engineName = Dry////<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ebine name weightOnOperational = True }
  20. Both on the update heap but due ASAP OOPs Didn't even look at the post ha, that'll teach me Stryker is indeed listed for 1.2.2 but other than a version bump it's still ok ish. As mentioned above the new update is just getting the last part added, and it's a last run for the testers .
  21. https://spacedock.info/mod/794/SM Marine there's been a 1.3 version for a long time on spacedock. The new Beta for 1.3.1, Beta because there are a lot of experimental projects involved. Ideally at the same time I can push out the ASW Beta to determined enthusiasts as the two really go together and need to.
  22. Congratulations, it seems that few are able to manage that feat, let alone get 1.3.1 working with 1 mod ,
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