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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Yay. But weird, if it wasn't for the fact you've a million mods installed I'd be interested to find out why, but with so much going on, it's nigh on impossible to catch the right domino falling over. Good luck and i hope it lasts , at least until you've tried the Beta
  2. Hi, there's a lot of us being affected by this bug, it seems to by mainly centered around landing gear, and while it was thought fixed in pre release it's worse than ever in the release version (not the first time this kind of thing has happened) There is a bug report relating on the bug tracker, sign up sign in and vote it up , in the hope that we can get a patch soonest. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/16090
  3. As mentioned it's a long list , it rarely gets forgotten but can take ages to happen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, that got silly fast, make an engine or two i thought, add something new, freshen things up a bit, but as is my way there's always that other bit that would be ideal that we haven't got. So it turns out that not including non part items( noseart) I've added 35 new parts most of which work with and need stock parts to some extent . The fighters you've seen, and there are now two engine options for each, and a proper wing for them, i've a feeling I'll do more. The lions share of the parts went toward this, a little esoteric for some maybe, but for those of us who know, it's a thing of beauty. Gentlemen and Ladies(allegedly ) SM Industries for and on behalf or Stryker Aerospace present.......... The Northrop P61B ( with C features) Black widow What you say , it's not black and thanks to DCK ( cheers @DoctorDavinci) It can be any color you fancy The details starting from the nose cone. it is hollow and serves as a cover for the detachable SCR-720A The Cockpit houses a pilot and navigator/gunner , it also contains all equipment required for BDAc operations (do NOT fit extra WM or PAI to any of these craft) Currently an adequate but uninspiring dash layout and IVA, there's a lot of space to fill Behind the cockpit is the weapons bay, this houses the detachable 4 X 20MM HS cannons in the ventral pod, and the 4x50cal turret mounted on top of the bay. This turret has a 90x 360 arc of engagement. Also contained in the weapon bay is extra ammunition for the guns, and fuel. Finally in the hull section we have the radar operator aft cockpit , the 50 cal turret can be controlled from either fwd or aft . Houses one Kerb and the short range SCR-695 tail warning radar Going out from the central fuselage we have the wing/s yes it comes with wings or more precisely a wing, that works in symmetry , surface mounted with built in control surfaces . Engines R-2800-25S Double Wasp supplied. They push the aircraft to it's real maximum speed , no jet fighter speeds here. Behind those are two stock, yes stock , i used a stock bit fuel tanks Next tailbooms, well, there's more than 1. there are 3. I tried the stock stand in and it wasn't quite right , so I made straight one, then an offset one, and then the best of all a 3 part tail boom. The first section of the tail boom has a touch of lift and a small fuel quantity , to assist in the fine tuning Attached to the tail boom is the rudder and tail fin, with combined ctrl srf made for this again, as nothing else worked for me. ( or the testers) I mentioned the nose art, it is appropriate to time period, quite a few variations and interestingly everybody who built it has chosen a different image This morning I added the fighter air brakes in three sizes as is appropriate . and no doubt there'll be a spoileron along in a bit to finish it off. . I'm about to boot the final tuning off to the testers and if they're happy a 1.3.1 Beta will be along very shortly Have a look at some more pics
  4. I dont think it's big enough Nice one and glad you've got it sorted
  5. AS mentioned elsewhere and described, you need to upload to a file sharing site first then paste the link , see your thread for info
  6. The forum accepts screenshots too of course, and what works on discord works here i recall, so ......... btw if you don't communicate directly , quote or ping me, i have no idea if you have replied or not , i'm in the middle of updating over 1000 parts so will not be watching for replies, who does??
  7. NKD B9partswitch NearFutureLaunchVehicles and many others are showing as being incompatible with ksp 1.3.1 ( is FAR really updated already??? I doubt it and that meeses with the whole game including water|) , some are loading properly some are not. Many of the mods you use I have never even installed and many of them are trying to do things with the craft you are trying to launch, why exactly do you need life support on a boat? . Before going any further you should either clear out or update all those 1.3 mods . As you'll be getting nowhere fast, get binary break them down in chunks, break the chunks in chunks , But really the easy way just run whats updated and don't run whats not As it goes though there's nothing in there with my name on it, all seems fine
  8. Being able to chat will not solve anything, as I'll still not be able to see what you've done, or not. Did you do a suggested in the other thread and remove the gap in the name thrust Transform, unless of course your thrust transform is actually called "thrust Transform" the game will treat thrust Transform and thrustTransform as different objects, check the KSP.log for your part and check that there is no transform not found error or missing transforms. If you could stay on line for half an hour it'd be fixed be now as i'm around a lot (sad i know)
  9. Hi , thats disturbing and surprising as I'm currently running tests on my fleet following the massive Radar update, prior to releasing 1.3.1 beta and have no issue whatsoever all is working as before . Pics of the ship? launch method, missing outdated mods that may affect them? KSP.log As you'd guess I'm pretty much fully up dated on everything I use( unofficial when required) though I tested the ships with all the missing modules in a clean 1.3.1 and aside from the log spam due to a dozen missing modules ( eventually they'll all be patched in) and the PIA of launching ships to the runway all was fine.
  10. Because the combination of shapes works better in the top aircraft that in the bottom, there are more diffusing shapes, these shapes also have a reduction affect on the parts immediately surrounding them. The difference is very clear to me, just compare the amount of black in the upper RCS, compared to the lack of it in the lower . Also the lower aircraft shows no sign of being stealthy visually, just a bog standard tube and wings . I've already given a brief guide to what works and what doesn't in the addon development beta thread, although I didn't mention there that the stock round mk1 style fuselage parts tanks and engines are fairly horrible and have a high return, constant radius curves really dont work. At least i haven't found a way to reduce the RCS on a constant radius. And re your last post the RCS only see's colliders not how the part appears to you , MANY intakes have a huge flat faced coliider , many missiles use capsule colliders instead of proper mesh colliders, and all these things in turn add up to a poor RCS
  11. Hi thats not so , the RCS is a product of the shape as much as the size, though that is debatable as i can make an object 100mtrs across appear no bigger than a missile to RCS and a badly designed missile shines like a headlight. Add to that that all radar have an assured detection range , once within that range, regardless of size shape of module you are going to be detected Example of size being irrelevant note frontal RCS and the black areas indicating no RCS return, this is all a product of shape only
  12. SO my advice didn't help any? Regardless, if you want to send me the mod file, with .mu engine cfg textures I shall investigate, it'll be something simple though, always is
  13. Hi, the link still works , I checked, BUT as of the next full release of BDA it'll be dead. AS things in the cfg's will change, a lot, too much for it to be of any use past 1.3.0 There is a light at the end of the tunnel but , as always it may be a train coming, so there's still the faintest glimmer of hope that a way has been found once again to make the weapons more than ornaments. Although even then inside knowledge tells me that there's a whole new can of worms to be opened when it comes to re-balancing them for appropriate levels of damage The guys thank you for your support .Cheers
  14. Hi It seems you have barely enough memory to run a vanilla copy of KSP, never mind one with mods, you should really have a paging file with that little amount of memory, this is a section of hard drive that is used when the RAM is overwhelmed. Which sadly for you, especially if you have any other apps running at the same time , means all the time.
  15. There is now a 1.3.1 BDA beta release available from the link I provided earlier
  16. Evening all. Some little notes on building stealthy parts, based on things i discovered during development (much fun was had) As a rough guide to stealthy shapes, you can make things, big things, invisible, but there are shapes that do and don't work. A BIG AND IMPORTANT EDIT Regarding stock MK0/1 structural parts and tanks and any other constant radius shape (cylinders) They are NEVER stealthy a cylinder typically has a return of 70% approx of that of a similar sized cube . However from certain angles this cube will be invisible whereas there is only 1 position that a cylinder can reflect a low return, and that position is useless to an aircraft builder, ( the pos btw is pitched up 10-20deg and in or out the same amount) A couple of lovely example below and the explanation (the first aircraft brought to you by @ScriptKitt3h and the second by @NotAnAimbot) Look at these two aircraft carefully, compare the craft to the RCS image for each Now what are you looking at ? What you are looking at is the simulation of a target being struck by an electromagnetic wave and the reflections returned off the surfaces rendered in realtime, in a monotone image . Areas with large reflection show as Bright white ( look how much of each aircraft is bright white) AS reflection angle drops off the color fades from white through to black, with total black showing no signal return, so in effect invisible to radar ( note how although there are a couple a larger areas on the lower craft, there are a lot more smaller NR areas on the upper craft) Combined with diminished returns from all the angled surfaces, the grey areas, the upper aircraft is considerably more stealthy than the lower. Other points of note from these images, if you want stock stealth , and intakes the shock cone beats all. (could tell you why, but once you've had a play you'll see ) Do note that RCS is totally dependent on the quality of the model and it's colliders, in fact all the RCS window shows is the collider return . (one of the unintended side effects of the RCS is that it also shows up messed up normals, those who mod know what I mean). A lazy collider design will result in a rubbish stealth value The optimum shape for a undetectable frontal RCS is a 5 sided cone , with the flat face being the reverse/ back side . The stock flat board wings are horrible , but give them just a touch of taper (ie mod wings) and things change. Intakes.. Suck, no really, as 90% of intakes out there have a great big fat flat faced collider, the best i've found are B2 style, mounted on the upper wing srf and made so that the fwd face leans back 30deg. or so. Get somewhere close to 2-5mtrs. stick on a YCSM module and you'll be able to get within 10KM before they'll notice, BUT only if you aren't blasting radar waves and jamming signals toward the enemy. stealth really does in this instance mean sneaky The permutations are endless and the results can be surprising . For example this ship has a frontal RCS of about the size of a large fighter , retract the missile launchers and that figure drops to 2.97! SO with all that in mind don't forget that stealth weapons and turrets can also play a part and contribute to the RCS of the vessel as a whole rather than distracting from it. Stealth is certainly not the preserve of the small and aircraft only. Every single craft type big and small . And before someone says ah well you cheat and do this this and this , and make your craft invisible , well the thing is, that all of the Radar currently configured have a zone of guaranteed detection . So that even the RCS invisible will be tracked once it can be heard and seen visually . For sure you can configure the radar however you want, but i'm fairly sure that most mod makers who do produce radar are going to be looking at real values , balancing them against the game , and not selling their customers short. It makes a world of difference to a combat scenario , and my ship combats now end up spread over tens of KM's rather than barely 10 Enjoy ,
  17. @Themorris or anyone with a clue as to how to get in touch. Would like to very much save this mod from obsolescence/take it under management even temporarily. Upcoming BDA changes will have an affect on most items contained in the mod, and may mean that functionality is diminished It's good stuff lets not let it die Cheers SM.
  18. And a little related ps, as things change a little every update i though i'd give them/it another run in 1.3.1
  19. @TheDog I have also placed a mention in the DevHole Discord . Better get a wriggle on with my betas
  20. Hi, while that's the rumor that's circulating is not quite true. See below regarding the last minute changes that caught many mod makers off guard , there are also changes to some important lines in the part categorizer code that are causing lots oflittle problems for people trying to run mods that have not been recompiled as required.
  21. Hi cool idea BUT There's a problem with the how. as laying track over any distance in KSP is beyond frustrating , due to no terrain being flat. Even the flat bit at KSC slopes by a few degrees to the sea. Next problem is part count, it's been tried in the past , and always stumbles here, if you make your parts too large it restricts the versatility if you make them too small, placing becomes even more tedious. Then we get to the wheel issue. wheel colliders and rails are not best of friends , although it can be bullied into working, but we cant go around corners, or at least i've not found a way. Once you get away from the tracks the train part is easy, just another set of parts, but those tracks and the how to stay on them has confounded many. No doubt with some coding genius and a bit of part magic it could be done, but it wouldn't be quick, and at the end, how popular would it be?, I've a feeling like an expensive coffee machine it would get used for a week, then left in a corner gathering dust, until someone puts it in the garage. Some of the above is based on work i've already done to investigate the possibilities
  22. Hi fully understand that predicament, sent you a pm
  23. Hi there is currently no release version BD Armory for KSP 1.3.1 all current releases are available here https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases
  24. You first need to upload to an image hosting site. such as the one a hell of a lot use including me Imgur. In the case of using imgur you upload your images there and paste the link indicated below straight into your post
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