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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. @StumpySequoia you have installed BDA in KSP 1.3.1 which is why the mod is not loading correctly , version is only for KSP 1.3 . You either need to install the Beta for 1.3.1 or switch back to using ksp 1.3.
  2. There have been some reprts of other mods interfering with BDA, to be able to diagnose the issue a zipped copy of your KSP.log will be needed. Just check that the file path is indeed KSP/GameData/BDArmory and not KSP/GameData/BDArmory/GameData/BDArmory
  3. would also make nice Scifi turrets for BDA, R2s get a laser obviously , as for the dustbins, a little gatling would be neat. Battlebots ?
  4. Yes though that version would be a little behind even for 1.3 , ideally for ksp 1.3 you would want to use https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/tag/v0.3.0.0 I would suggest that instead of rolling back, which will likely mess everything up if you've built or used mods for 1.3.1 , you simply delete that version of BDAc and download and install the 1.3.1 beta (which i linked previously)
  5. Are you using the correct version of BDA for KSP1.3.1, regardless of how the mod is installed you should know what version is being installed for KSP 1.3.1 the only current available version is https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases/tag/v1.0.0-preview2 Should you have the right version of BDAc installed a zipped copy of your KSP.log will be required in order to diagnose the issue.
  6. Hi, particle emission, sadly is a very subjective thing and what looks right for one person may look completely wrong to others. While i see that indeed your trail is different, it's not right , as can be seen be the lower missile in the image which shows and initial emission much larger than the missile diameter . For me this is never going to look right, and i much prefer to use the unity definition for exhaust particle life and form, Timeline of a Particle Exhaust smoke emerges from the pipe quite fast but then rapidly slows down on contact with the atmosphere. As it slows, it spreads out, becoming fainter and soon dissipating into the air. Since the exhaust gas is hot, it also rises slightly as it passes through the colder air surrounding it. A particle of exhaust smoke must start off no larger than the width of the pipe but it will then grow in size considerably over its short lifetime. It will usually start off partly transparent and fade to total transparency as it mixes with the air. As regards dynamics, the particle will be emitted quite fast but then slow rapidly and will also lift upward slightly. The behavior you have laid out in the inspector window is the reverse of that and I'd dispute some of your chosen settings. Simulate in local space rather than world space keeps the FX locked to the missile, when you really need world space simulation to allow the smoke to disperse correctly. Starting at size, initial size should be ,IMO, no bigger than the exhaust that is emitting, you have chosen 2 which gives a very large, 2 meter particle and then you chose 1.5 as the final size, which is the reverse of every other effect. I'd suggest no more than 0.25 as the start size and 1.5 as the max size. Size grow you have set a minus value, so the particle shrinks after emission, when it should really grow and fade away . Having set the energy so low in order to keep the size down, seems like a band-aid for the particle which you've already made too large, results in that misty not cohesive exhaust. Energy controls how long the particle will last after being emitted . My preferred setup gets me something like , which while overly bright around the flame element is IMO perfect everywhere else, initial emission is the same size as the exhaust port, the smoke is heavy and compact to start and dissipates over time . For clarity, IMO, is my opinion as an independent weapon mod maker. and not the opinion of the BDAc team as a whole or in part(excepting my part obviously) .
  7. Hi there's only two known causes for the BDA tab not showing, either an incorrect install or installation of the wrong version of BDA for your version of KSP. For example the 1.3 version of BDA does not work in KSP 1.3.1. Please see installation and problem reporting section of first post .
  8. Hi no worries, Do not use any of the DLL's included in the BahaSP mod, only use the recently updated animation modules. and do not try to load the critter crawler as it has it's own plugin that is not in any way compatible with current or recent previous KSP versions.
  9. Hi i've just test run all the parts, deployable engines/RCS , with the exception of critter crawler, and using the last available version of animation modules from https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules/releases And all parts work as advertised , all functions are as far as i can tell in order.
  10. OK, i have a problem i have no idea how to rectify, so if somebody does have a clue what is happening here i'd be glad , no delighted to hear from them. The Navball position bug , i thought it was mod related but it's not. Video in spoiler I know. need a clue, not got one
  11. Veesels spawned with vessel mover are currently exhibiting such symptoms. The nav ball is a prop placed in unity it has nothing to do with blender
  12. Hi. i think the quote applies, even a dummy such as I can compile C# for KSP using VS, why do it the hard way. Yes the assets references required are all contained in KSP_x64_Data, and using an IDE it's a very simple matter to link /add the ref you require . There are several guides for the how to of plugins for KSP to be found in the addon development section and it's sub sections
  13. SM Stryker Armory and Aerospace KSP 1.3.1 BETA 2 SpannerMonkey released this just now SM Stryker Armory and Aerospace KSP 1.3.1 BETA 2 v 1.0.95 beta Version number rectification now on proper semantic versioning Fixes realign FW IVA Adjust DCK patch to match latest DCK file arrangement
  14. Kerbal Aircraft Expansion KSP 131 BETA 2 Beta 2 now available Fixes missing placeholder IVa missing medium cockpit , until proper IVA completed and adds updated localised part modules and a basic antenna to bring inline with stock spec. Increase node sizes on 2 meter parts .
  15. Hi. have you installed the required physics range extender PRE? , and more details on version used etc is required , please see first post for info on how to report issues and problems. .
  16. Np. don't know what happened there as usually they're spot on, as IVA and exterior are made and imported together, so it's built in the right pos, must have been an unnoticed nudge in unity See the thing is , I dont like slow, i don't like barely crawling around the sky ala BadT . In order that the engine is more than a single usage affair, I bestowed a little more power on it. It was my intention to have them all multimode with a 5-10kn boost BUT the prop spinner set up will not work on multi mode, So as is my way rather than adopting the lower performance mode, i went for the high. I could be persuaded to lower the power, but a subjective opinion of one user isn't going to to it. IVA sorted , patches sorted . New Beta shortly . Cheers
  17. Still looking for enthusiastic, interested, reasonably intelligent, mature, users of SM mods to add to the test group. Very aware of too many projects, too many parts for the current small group to test thoroughly. (nearly 300 cfgs in SM Marine) 

    Plans for further expansion have been suspended until the manpower crisis is resolved. Interested parties , who are prepared for occasional tough times but very good toys (and a good chance of getting into modding yourself) can contact me through the usual channels.

    It's fun really


  18. Camera tools updated to KSP 1.3.1 https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases/tag/v1.9.0
  19. [1.3.1] Large Boat Parts Pack v3.9.2 https://spacedock.info/mod/167/Large Boat Parts Pack This update, DG refit . Sadly time did not allow for inclusion of the new destroyer hull . As soon as time allows for proper dev and testing it will be included.
  20. SM_Marine BETA for KSP 1.3.1 A large update adding 3 new ships (more really) , the Typhoon submarine, many many new parts . This release Beta due to testing every possible combination of part has proved impossible in house. Please use the issues facility to report any problems https://github.com/SpannerMonkey/SM-Marine/issues Requires 1 copy of SM_Industries (included) be installed NOT installing the SM_Industries folder will mean that parts may not appear, strings will be nonsensical and mod performance will be reduced Do note this is likely to be the last large update to SMM, at 100mb it needs to grow no more. . further updates will be concerned with enhancing the many items already contained in the mod. including the addition of some epic IVA's https://github.com/SpannerMonkey/SM-Marine/releases/download/v0.9.7.6beta/SM_Marine.131.Beta.
  21. Finally . SM_Armory for KSP 1.3.1 https://spacedock.info/mod/1195/SM_Armory Only thing of note is the custom category that will collect all SM Armory parts together and let you see what else you have SM_AFVs 131 Beta No full 131 at this time available from spacedock. Beta for AFV's rather than full release, lots of little and not so little changes, simply unable to test all the possible variations in house. Be aware that changes in KSP have affected the behavior of tracks and any previously built vehicles may exhibit twitchy movements until suspension is re adjusted Now includes SM_Industries . both folders must be installed thusly : KSP/GameData/SM_Armory/ and KSP/GameData/SM_Industries. Failure to install correctly will result in missing parts and garbled part strings .
  22. H Hi , bit of a loss as to what to tell you as they're not part of the mod i took over, if they failed in the past and had been removed I can track them down and see if i can bring them back.
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