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Everything posted by SpannerMonkey(smce)

  1. Kerbal Aircraft Expansion KSP 131 BETA 1 Kerbal Aircraft Expansion KSP 131 BETA 1 KAX V2.7.0 Features custom parts category Even more stockalike textures New vintage propeller engines Please report any issues to https://github.com/SpannerMonkey/KAX/issues
  2. SM Stryker Armory and Aerospace KSP 1.3.1 BETA 1 This Preview update brings a custom category for Stryker parts , The P61 night fighter a complete aircraft kit. 5 new propeller engines and 3 new cockpits . new gun options, and a small selection of tasteful noseart. Further texture tweaks on legacy parts. https://imgur.com/a/SxiEu
  3. Hi sadly there's no way to switch between methods of damage application. The heat based damage system ( damage sytem mk2) and an impact penetration system., There's no magic switch. However should you examine the BDA gitHub repo you find that this may not be the case in the future.
  4. Big Thanks to @DoctorDavinci for the plethora of new graphics.



  5. HI, yes well sir, a little on the stiff side, nope a lot, your springs need to be softer and you need to drop the wheel friction so that they break away, rather than grip flip. For my personal tastes the settings below are perfect and a lovely drifting session ensued . So try these settings and see how you get on, it's still possible to flip it doing overly fast donuts etc , but that's how it is in the real world too Really nice craft ps settings apply for all wheels on that axle
  6. Hi BDA wiki link to part cfg options https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/wiki/1.2-Part-Configuration Nice simple clean cfg suitable for most purposes MODULE { name = ModuleTurret pitchTransformName = pitch yawTransformName = yaw pitchSpeedDPS = 60 yawSpeedDPS = 60 maxPitch = 85 minPitch = -4 yawRange = 360 smoothRotation = true smoothMultiplier = 10 } MODULE { name = ModuleWeapon fireTransformName = fireTransform hasDeployAnim = false //deployAnimName = hasFireAnimation = true fireAnimName = xxxxxxx roundsPerMinute = 22 maxDeviation = 0.45 maxEffectiveDistance = 6000 maxTargetingRange = 16000 bulletMass = 6.3e-3 bulletVelocity = 915 ammoName = 76x636Ammo bulletType = 76x636mmBullet requestResourceAmount = 1 hasRecoil = true onlyFireInRange = false bulletDrop = true weaponType = ballistic projectileColor = 255, 90, 0, 128 //RGBA 0-255 startColor = 255, 105, 0, 70 tracerStartWidth = 0.15 tracerEndWidth = 0.05 tracerLength = 0 maxHeat = 3600 heatPerShot = 100 heatLoss = 1000 fireSoundPath = SM_Armory/Sounds/bb_fire overheatSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/50CalTurret/sounds/turretOverheat explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/explode1 } Happy to answer any questions you have.
  7. Hi that will not work, back then the method of installing mods was completely different. As was the structure of a mods files. not even the cfg's are the same , non of the part modules will work , so that s pretty much everything in a modern part cfg. Give it up.
  8. Hi, downloaded a fresh one last night, all parts are indeed present and correct in last available release.
  9. HI, sorry that you're having difficulties with the trucks. There is no requirement or need for anything to be scaled in order to fit. All the trucks. well all the vehicles are made as a complete model , which is then dissected into useful parts, be the functional or purely decorative. Rather than disparate parts made at the same scale. When we worked out the trucks in particular, it was decided fairly early on to make theparts as versatile as possible, giving the greatest number of options , while trying to Keep the part count reasonable(failing) , so. although part A will fit truck A it'll also fit truck X tank B and ship Y, in some useful or decorative function. I get very little time to play around with a project , so i rely on my testers to give feedback on in game building ,usage, playability, etc. In the case of AFV's , that testing was followed by beta releases. I dont recall any build problems being raised at the time. . Below for example is the basic 8x8 hemi, that was linked in the reference builds . It's only 15 parts, and all the parts can be swapped with other parts. Album link 138 pics https://imgur.com/a/oI1ix craft file https://www.dropbox.com/s/8e9g8ym9pe8on2k/HEMTT Basic.craft?dl=0
  10. I found something useful for this project today . Radar horizon calculator, a good tool.
  11. All of the above are indeed the correct answer. I would add that you should not hesitate any longer, procrastination is the thief of fun OH and make it the PC version.
  12. Hi all the stock explosion FX you see in game are all packaged in an uneditable asset bundle , along with 90% of the non part textures . There is a snag with explosions in general, realistic explosions take a lot of particles to pull off nicely, and the more particles the more it will take of the game to create them Cartoon FX you can have easily and it's fairly low resource use . I'm sure we've all had a game lock up because of a world sized explosion KSP. If you've a beast of a machine no problem, but if you're running a laptop/notebooks thing you'd run into trouble with lags, hanging and stuttering pretty quickly. One good boom OK , maybe, but multiple good booms, even good GFX cards slow down in KSP when that happens There are a couple of mods that do feature custom explosions, some of them very well done, and almost all are contained within weapon mods.
  13. Hi the seat transform needs to be placed more or less level with where the kerbs feet are will be, not where you think it should be . try this, it's what i use as a ref https://www.dropbox.com/s/2eb6w9ggjd27add/kerbonaut-for-camera-positioning.dae?dl=0
  14. Hi the none is used when the mod creator wishes to have all his parts appear under his own mods tab, and not be mixed in with other parts. It's not a bug or a mistake, Though right now with the gui issue meaning there isn't a category created for them , in effect it does disable those parts.
  15. @Ziw @ZodiusInfuser Pull request for the gui button issue post 1,3 sent. Tested working fix. Still an avid abuser of the IR plugins Cheers guys 0/
  16. Hi is that bug still present in the recompiled version linked in the post below ? If so it's a tiny one line fix in the code. Perhaps Ziw was unaware of the last minute change.
  17. Hi, checked out the mods forum thread and can't see any reference to a plugin, as such I think it a fairly simple process to update. Unless, Did something change that affected your mod? Have you tried running it in 1.3.1 ? if so what was the result?
  18. Hi did you follow the install instructions and procedure laid out in the post below. ?
  19. Progress report, all being well , final testing is about to commence with a beautifully clean log. So among the tasks completed, Custom Category for KAX parts . Rebuilding of all prop engines except the tail rotor ( which was trouble free) to remove prop spinner errors and log spam . logging once every revolution ends up being a lot of spam. EN/US localisation as it's sort of obligatory these days. as usual the bulk of this was accomplished by @gomker and his marvelous scripting talents Addition of the 3 vintage engines which are available in standard , sport and heavy version, the standard single cylinder, liquid fuel guzzling engine will astound you with it's awesome 3.5kn of power. And while i struggled to build something that would work at the requested feeble power, @inigma kindly provided a craft that would indeed fly with that little power, and provided "stock a feel" balancing assistance and design suggestions. Although they are small the little craft these little engines push or pull along are great fun to fly. ( I'd have never guessed ) The most noticeable difference being the stock alike appearance, it's even more stock alike than before , and all parts have been given the treatment. @DoctorDavinci he who is blessed with far more color appreciation than I , completely reworked every texture , and as icing on the cake added full KAX support to DCK
  20. you can also swap one for the other with no real problems, so plenty of room for experimentation
  21. = a unity FX model that is accessible in a folder somewhere as opposed to the PREFAB_PARTICLE type which is usually baked into a unity Asset bundle. The main difference being ( as a tweaker ) is that you can mess with the textures/colors in the former case and cannot in the latter. If you follow that file path you will find a model and texture relating to it, you will not find the same for a PREFAB_PARTICLE
  22. Hi can't do that because it's purely ornamental, the weapons will not damage vehicles, well two of them will. but Kerbal FPS was the complete and only aim of this mod, anything else was a side effect of my involvement. So until the day that, kerbal FPS, is again possible, then the mod is indeed broken and not fit for purpose. Not the first mod to be made obsolete by game changes, and it probably will not be the last. I was not happy the day i found out, that a last minute changed had killed it,, but that was a good while ago now..
  23. usually is. that truck is now, available in SM AFVS for now yes and with the current BDA, it's very unlikely that it will work after the next , following Radar release, release of BDA
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