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Everything posted by -RanZ-

  1. you made the statement that NASA doesn't get quick saves... NASA also has advanced computers that do all course planning and ensures the human variable is as small as possible so there are no screw ups. MechJeb works good for that!
  2. I have already landed a probe on every body in the kerbal system but I think I am going to go back and do it again with Jeb! I have a proven design for sending large, inter-planetary payloads so I can just modify that for a couple landers and place fuel tanks around a few planets for refills along the way
  3. think there is a thread or 2 about this already. I am going to check out the mun and probably re-build my station
  4. I was expecting it to drop after the ksptv marathon this weekend and was disappointed. I am guessing there are a lot of issues that are being hammered out yet, hopefully we get it this month yet.
  5. resources were something I was really looking forward to.
  6. EA sux hardcore, I would not play the game ever again.
  7. Remember the last marathon they had with devs? They released .18 Sure hope it happens again tonight!
  8. I wish twitch wasn't such a POS, I cannot get it to work on any of my devices edit: Sweet! finally got to work on an ipad
  9. I only found that one - http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/history/mission_trans/AS10_CM.PDF There probably are more here -http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/history/oral_histories/whats_new.htm
  10. ya, figured mods would move it there eventually. I only read general and challenges typically and I am guessing that is the way lots of people are so figured I would start here.
  11. This is the actual transcription of the Apollo 10 flightcrew communications as recorded on the command module (CM). This particular section describes a moment when the crew have to deal with an unexpected intruder... The Apollo 10 mission was flown May 18th to May 26th 1969. CDR - Commander Thomas P. Stafford CMP - Command module pilot John W. Young LMP - Lunar module pilot Eugene A. Cernan https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/q71/1002994_631488616872153_1800250012_n.jpg You can read the whole de-classified transcript here: http://1.usa.gov/195QZfe
  12. This forum doesn't need much moderation because most of the users are pretty well behaved. The only exception is maybe mechjeb threads lol
  13. you basically whined because you didn't like the rules and then proceeded to tell the mods that new members need to be treated nicer? Thanks for the morning laugh! in other news, welcome to the forums, hopefully now that you said your peace you can enjoy the wealth of information these forums provide!
  14. The game needs a career mode. Sandbox mode is incredibly fun but career mode with challenging objectives would make KSP much more fun.
  15. clear your cache, try a different browser, if you are on a corporate network there may be a proxy with caching keeping the old site
  16. does the kerbal have to survive the challenge?
  17. I haven't had time to play at all for a couple weeks, really getting the itch but may wait till .21 to start again
  18. I can't wait for the resource system to be implemented, I will probably do a grand tour after that!
  19. spaceport is a great concept with bad execution. There is so much garbage on there it is almost unusable. There needs to be a better classification system and a way for people to vote up/down things on there.
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