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Everything posted by -RanZ-

  1. 30 and I go for functionality over anything else. I also try to ensure stages are setup so I can always de-orbit and stages that are not on a sub-orbital trajectory. I like building huge ships in orbit and doing a few missions at once like hitting all Jool moons with landers/probes on 1 trip.
  2. Welcome back. The new SAS actually sux compared to .21 but if last time you played was prior to .21 then yes, it is a giant improvement!
  3. Is there any way to make it so staging doesn't get completely messed up when using sub assemblies? I built a craft with 10 stages and then stuck my heavy lifter sub assembly under it but the staging for the 2 get merged together instead of separate.
  4. I did some extensive testing last night and the problem was I was opening all chutes at once, if I stage them and do like 6 at a time it works fine and doesn't rip my craft apart. Landing legs I will just have to deal with, I land at about 8ms/sec and it crushes the landing legs so hard most do not retract on ascent... not a big deal though as they get jettisoned almost immediately so I think I will just go with it. I am going to launch it tonight and dock it with my RIPV Mk II(Reusable inter-planetary vehicle) and get Jeb sent off to Eve!
  5. very nice Moar... I have a 100 ton craft with 12,100 dV ready to go but am having issues with chutes ripping parts of it off and also having issues with the crappy nerfed landing legs at the moment.
  6. nope, tried them a couple times and they are sloowwwwwwwww and I am not a patient person
  7. Resources would be sweet, that would be a huge time-sink setting up bases on every planetary body, not to mention a challenge getting infrastructure and logistics setup to get equipment everywhere
  8. I think there is already a thread about this. Mine would probably be Laythe
  9. You don't need nukes to get to Duna, even manned missions chemical engines work.
  10. I go in spurts... I will play obsessively and get big projects done and then I will quit for a month or two... rinse and repeat! I came back to try career mode and unlocked everything in a couple days and now working on a manned trip to Eve and back
  11. Your number 2 point is kind of insulting... who are you to say when they deserve a break? I am guessing you know nothing at all about software development. I don't mean to be disrespectful but your rant makes you sound like you think you are entitled to something because you spent $20 for access to a game in alpha state... Sorry to burst your bubble but Squad owes you nothing.
  12. Fraps is one I have used before, there may be better now
  13. unlikely, you would have to have the rescue ship going much faster than the dead ship to intercept it in time and then slow down for a randevu... if you can pull that off I think Scott Manley would even be proud! If your PE is going to be a crash with the moon EVA the kerbal and see if you can nudge the ship enough to miss the moon and rescue it in the sun's orbit.
  14. a rescue is always possible as long as the vehicle is in an orbit and not on a trajectory to crash
  15. so... landing legs have been nerfed hardcore! I need to add a bunch more I guess. Glad I tested this vessel before sending it.
  16. What kind of system specs do you have? I would say almost everything is reachable with less than 200 parts. You can have multiple stations around multiple planets/moons and that wont affect performance as if you are not focused on them they don't really take any cpu cycles as they are on rails.
  17. For low gravity bodies like Minmus or Gilly just make a rover with an Ion engine on top pushing down on the rover, works pretty good.
  18. I have not seen a dev on this forum all day, maybe they are on vacation? I am sure they have personal lives beyond this game also they like to enjoy.
  19. Kessler bomb - wish I had the craft file for this!
  20. I have tried multiple builds and the new sas kind of sux... It went from really crappy pre-.21, to really good in .21 and back to somewhat crappy in .22. What was wrong with .21 sas that had to be changed?
  21. I know I know, I can't change it now
  22. I have intentionally put two rockets in opposite orbits and try to make them collide... it's a lot harder than you think, I was never successful.
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