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Everything posted by Shuttle

  1. DCS World http://store.steampowered.com/app/223750/
  2. I came across a Russian community that claims ALL space flights starting with Gagarin till the latest ISS supply missions are fake! There are mad people in every country, I guess.
  3. http://ria.ru/spravka/20140516/1007977522.html According to this link, rocket fell outside of Kazakhstan, maybe in Altai or Pacific Ocean.
  4. Russia can announce anything. We've already seen a lot of projects cancelled so I no longer trust these announcements. I also googled a little trying to find something new about this Russian heavy rocket OP mentioned and found out that, luckily, Russian news websites have an official English translation! Take a look: http://en.ria.ru/russia/20140128/186987052/Russian-Space-Agency-Plans-Worlds-Biggest-Rocket.html http://en.ria.ru/russia/20140424/189348744/Russia-Gives-Green-Light-to-Super-Heavy-Rocket-Project.html About Zenit: http://en.ria.ru/world/20140424/189349191/No-Plans-to-Produce-Zenit-Rocket-in-Russia--Roscosmos.html
  5. Very interesting thread, thank you! I googled a little and here is what wiki says about soviet lunar space suit Krechet-94: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krechet-94
  6. Here is russian "k": ú Oops, no longer actual, autocorrection seems to be gone.
  7. I didn't notice that Also, there are no struts on the central black-white fuel tanks as well.
  8. Thank you! I don't like how these new parts look, though. I've seen many mods that look better. Here is my KSP screenshot taken long time ago:
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/254-Squadcast 24:05 MaxMaps says big parts are only possible because of new joint system, Harv seems to agree. Interesting.
  10. I hope .23.5 will feature improved part-to-part joints.
  11. I always forget it is "American visa", not "american". I am sorry, in russian we always write "russian" or "american"
  12. Mother Russia is pretty far and I don't have an American visa, so I won't be able to attend a meetup
  13. Looks like a quote from my thread Source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/254-Squadcast 20:00
  14. DisarmingBaton5 I've already asked a similar question here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70148-Devnote-Tuesdays-The-Work-on-ALL-the-Things-Edition?p=978929#post978929 Answer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70148-Devnote-Tuesdays-The-Work-on-ALL-the-Things-Edition?p=979152&viewfull=1#post979152
  15. This. The only good mobile game I remember is the one where you have to get over different obstacles on a motorcycle.
  16. Don't forget there was an announcement made when .23 entered experimental phase: http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/68904388340/milestone-reached-0-23-is-now-in-experimentals-phase. We haven't heard anything about .24 so I guess it is still in active development.
  17. According to this link http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Returning_From_Eve, you need 11 km/s to reach orbit around Eve and 1.8 km/s for transfer back to Kerbin.
  18. Eve mission with ascent from sea level requires ~400t in LKO: 200t Eve ascent vehicle and 200t transfer stage.
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