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Everything posted by Shuttle

  1. TheMonster, I've already reported this bug 2 posts above yours: Always connect the decoupler of the mothership to the modded pod directly. I hope developer finds a way to solve this problem in order to make this awesome mod even better
  2. Is it allowed to upload latest NovaPunch to some file hosting and post link here?
  3. If you connect the decoupler of the mothership not to the modded pod but to the engine, for example, then the modded pod looses connection to the other parts after decouple. [ATTACH=CONFIG]31630[/ATTACH]
  4. I found a small bug: ASAS on the decoupled ship doesn't work until you switch to some far located (that requires scene load) vessel and back. I guess restoring a flight from the control center will work as well.
  5. Well, I've done some testing and it looks like this mod allows to have multiple stages on the decoupled vessel! My craft: Upper pod is modded pod, lower pod is standart pod. I launch stage 1, separate modded pod with 2 stages, go from standart pod to modded pod, all the stages are shown correctly (!), then I press space - lower engine is activated, space - decoupler is activated, space - 2nd engine activated. It looks like we have a sensation here! The only issue I've found is that the first stage is ignored when you press space for the first time in decoupled modded pod. Oh, and I've also experienced "shake" issue - rocket shakes periodically. Creator of Damned Robotics has the same problem. I'll record a video later.
  6. Payload pack is great, are you planning to make 3m-version of it? Rovers are too big for current size.
  7. Thank you very much for creating NovaPunch, Tiberion! This is the best KSP add-on! Link to file-hosting: http://www3.zippyshare.com/v/41798252/file.html Where to click in order to start download: http://i.imgur.com/9AOTS.png
  8. I have the same issue, I hope it will get fixed.
  9. It works but left VTOL hinge looks weird. Is it some kind of bug?
  10. Hello! I found a bug. You can fly through Decoupler Adaptor 3m http://i.imgur.com/a39bY.jpg
  11. Hello! I have a small suggestion for new part: what about cargo bay larger than 3m? Moon rovers from Carts pack are too big for 3m parts. Example (buggy): http://i.imgur.com/a39bY.jpg
  12. Hello! Bug (?) found. When I separate a rocket (fuel tank+MechJeb part+parachute+decoupler+fuel tank) from the command pod, for some reason all the parts are activated (parachute is opened, decoupler destroyed). It only happens with MechJeb, everything is fine without it. Is it possible to improve MechJeb so that rocket would stay the same after separation? The thing is I want to use it as 2nd command pod (crewtank from Damned Aerospace allows to do that)
  13. It won\'t work. For some reason all the stage sequences are activated when you separate the rocket. That means all engines activated, decouplers destroyed and parachutes opened. This happens only with MechJeb, everything is ok without it.
  14. I understand but is it possible to add such functionality with a plugin or mod? Some people made a crewtank that can control carts
  15. That\'s a good module! But it looks like this pod can\'t control ship after separation from the main rocket. Is it fixable?
  16. The crewtank can control carts! Time to revive the old APC project. Is it possible to control a ship (without command pod) with crewtank or crewtank can only control carts?
  17. Hello! Every member\'s profile has an option 'Show all posts'. So, all you need to do is to bookmark these links: Harvester http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=3 NovaSilisko http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=3905 C7 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=3903 Damion Rayne http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=14767 Mu http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=25978 N3X15 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=18161 Interesting fact: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=13530.msg240642#msg240642 ^Harvester listed 20 bugs in this post, http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=16440.msg245514#msg245514 20 bugs fixed in X2 and 30 bugs fixed after X2. Huge amount of work. Good luck, Harvester and all the developers!
  18. I support this question, last time I tried to build a 2-stage rocket with KW it was jumping on a launch pad and its engines were wobbling.
  19. I have to say you made an awesome pack, Tiberion! I\'ve been playing it since it was created and I have to say this is the best KSP add-on ever! I wouldn\'t get even 0.0000000001 of all the pleasure I received from KSP without it! Thank you very much for supporting and working on this wonderful extension that has no analogues in KSP modding community. It looks like I\'ll stay forever on 15.2 because I simply can\'t imagine KSP without NovaPunch! And what about shuttles, your add-on allows to create some extremely good vessels. Again, thank you veeeeeeeeeery much! Does NovaPunch have a logo?
  20. I didn\'t know about that, thanks! Unfortunately, usual engines can\'t be deactivated that way. The universal plugin for all engines would be much better But thank you for the info! I\'ve read the description here http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9533.0 and I can\'t see anything close to engine control in the description
  21. Hello! Is it possible to add separate engine control (an ability to turn each engine on/off and increase/decrease traction)?
  22. Hello! When will Alternate Configs be released? I like your pack A LOT, it is ideal except for one thing: I like heavy rockets so the standart rocket parts just seem too light for me Thank you very much for your work!
  23. I\'ve installed 0.2 version, the rocket now looks much better because everything is the same color. Thank you, Tiberion, NovaSilisko and everyone who helps to create this pack! But unfortunately the engine wobbling bug and rocket leans to one side bug is present in this version as well. Here is the rocket with both bugs: http://i.imgur.com/wI0kW.jpg 20 Kb It is very simple - POD, two FL-T3000 Fuel tanks and 4X-800 Liquid Fuel Engine Cluster plus 6 struts that connect fuel tanks. As soon as I take off on full throttle, the rocket starts to lean left even if I hold 'right' all the time. I\'ve posted info about this bug in Development forum in separate topic, then in 0.12 update theme, Harvester wrote that he had spent many time trying to find a reason of a bug. As far as I understand he hasn\'t found it yet. Someone said on this forum that engine wobbles because it is not centered properly. I don\'t understand anything in KSP modding, so if anyone here knows what causes or might cause these bugs, please write about it! Is it bug in add-ons or bug in KSP engine? Everything worked fine in 10.1 release, both bugs first appeared in .11 And the reason is not the rocket being too heavy, I guess - the bugs are not present in 10.1 and too heavy rocket shouldn\'t lean left all the time, it should just collapse on the launchpad ???
  24. New parts look awesome, lander legs are great but 2 stage rocket seems to be so light that you can easily make two 360 turns in 15 seconds after launch and continue flight. Is it supposed to be like this? Thank you very much for your work, NovaSilisko!
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