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Everything posted by AirShark

  1. Can you plz close: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53833-KADEC-Kerbal-Aerospace-Defense-Corporation Thanks!
  2. Truly amazing work! I just downloaded it and will check it out (though the previous releases were great too!). As for the missile wishlist, here are some suggestions/wishes (you can base them off these IRL examples): Short Range SAM: Rapier SAM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapier_(missile) or 9M311 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K22_Tunguska (middle of the page) Medium Range SAM: Aster 15/30 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aster_(missile_family) or SA-6A http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2K12_Kub LRAAM AIM-54 Pheonix http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-54 or MBDA Meteor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MBDA_Meteor LR-AGM AGM-154 JSOW http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSOW or AGM-88 HARM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-88_HARM Bombs Paveway style family of bombs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GBU-12_Paveway_II, GBU-38 Small Diameter Bomb http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GBU-39_Small_Diameter_Bomb Extra Missiles IRIS-T Missile http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRIS-T, AIM-120C AMRAAM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-120C or R-77 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-77_(missile) ...sigh Now that I got that off my chest, I wish you the best of luck in continuing this amazing mod!
  3. I've run into a major snag while updating to KSP 0.22 and I have not been able to sort it out. I've also been extremely busy these last couple of weeks and have barely had enough time to advance. I do have the 0.21 models ready, but to upload them at this point would be pointless. But have faith. If I have time later on, I will absolutely fix the problems and post the links. So far, KADEC is not dead yet, just undergoing the same headaches that Lockheed Martin is going through with their F-35s!!!
  4. I hit a technical snag while switching to KSP 0.22 ; I will try to post the links ASAP for anyone who is interested.
  5. I actually found out how to do it by accident . This video by YargGaming sums it up quite nicely: Thing is I can actually keep my thrust on while switching from vehicles; no need to power down. You can try that too, see if it works.
  6. Thanks! It's apparently an airborne radar, like the 737EWS, lol.
  7. The Jaguar was by far one of the best looking jets out there.
  8. At the Kerbal Aerospace Defense Corporation (aka KADEC), we strive to build fictional, yet realistic aircraft that actually fly! Tech Support (downloads, mods and other info) **Download links will be posted up as soon as .22 mod support comes out for B9, Firespitter, etc...** Once that happens, download links will come up and will be posted at the top of the post. It should also be noted that I have modified some mods (re-sizing mostly) and they will come included with the .craft in the .zip file from the link. I will be busy for the next couple of weeks, but I will try my best to update this forum, so stay posed! Aircraft Status List: KA-3D Link Pending KA-3D EWV Link Pending KF-9C/D Link Pending KF-9E/F Link Pending KF-10A Under Development Aircraft Profiles and Pictures Here is a list of active KADEC aircraft, so take a stroll down our "catalog". KA-3D Shrike The KA-3D Shrike is a specialized two-seat ground attack/interdiction aircraft. First flown in 1994, the once designated KA-3A proved to be a very stable and efficient ground attack platform. Now upgraded to -3D status (upgraded in 2009), the Shrike features the latest in weapon systems, sensors and avionics. Equipped with Conformal Fuel Tanks, the KA-3D has superb range and can stay on station for a long period of time. The Shrike is also equipped with the Romfarer LAZOR designation system for precision guided weapon strikes. It is currently being flown by the KAF. Earth Equivalents: SEPECAT Jaguar, Panavia Tornado IDS Stats: Range: 1,000+ km Combat Radius with full load: 450 km Max Altitude: 16,000 m Top Speed (low level): 150m/s Top Speed (at altitude): 800m/s Take-Off speed (fully loaded): 60m/s Maneuverability: Decent Stability: Superb Payload: 6 underwing hardpoints (all weapons and pods), one ventral hardpoint (LAZOR pod, Fuel tank), two lateral hardpoints (FLIR pod, LANTIRN pod, Romfarer missile). Pics: A fully armed KA-3D Conformal Fuel Tanks adds 180 units of fuel and increases range Weapon load includes 6 x GMK-8 Air-to-ground Lazor guided missile (re-sized Romfarer missile), 8 x GBK-5 500lbs bombs and 1 x LAZOR designator pod (Romfarer mod). The Shrike can carry a large payload and maintain very good low level stability, speed and control. The KA-3D is perfectly suited for low-level, high speed strikes. Full system/sensor integration (even Difel Kerman is impressed! lol) Flaps and Airbrakes (from B9 aerospace) assist with the landing. KA-3D EWV Electric Shrike The KA-3D EWV (Electronic Warfare Variant) is a dedicated Electronic Warfare (Radar Jamming, Communication Interference, SEAD/Anti-Radar strike) aircraft derived from the KA-3D standard variant. The Electric Shrike made it's first flight in 2002 and can be distinguished from the KA-3D through it's antennas and ECM pods (from ION Hybrid Engine pack. It is currently being flown by the KAF. Earth Equivalents: Panavia Tornado ECR, EA-6B Prowler, SU-24MP Stats: Refer to KA-3D stats Pics: Here, the KA-3D EWV is armed with 4 x RMK-12 Skystreak Anti-Radar Missiles, 3 x ECM pods (the are actually batteries and do nothing ) and 1 x Decoy Pod The Electric Shrike sacrifices none of the KA-3D's low-altitude performance. Here it is, in it's natural environment, all happy and stuff... KF-9C/D Kestrel The KF-9C/D Kestrel is a Single Engine, 4th Generation Multirole Fighter in use by the KAF which comes in two variants: the KF-9C which is the main single seat fighter and the KF-9D which is a two-seat trainer/light fighter. First flown in 1989 (designated the KF-9A and -3B), the Kestrel has proven it self as a versatile and capable fighter. The KF-9A and KF-9B were upgraded to -9C and -9D status in 2004; these upgrades included a built-in Romfarer LAZOR designator, increased fuel, new engine and new flight control systems. Able to perform air-to-air, air-to-ground and mixed roles, the Kestrel is a small, yet very capable fighter. Earth Equivalents: F-16C/D Block 40, Saab JAS-39C/D Gripen, Mig-29SM Stats: Range (internal fuel): 700 km Combat Radius with full load: 350 km Max Altitude: 20,000 m Top Speed (low level): 154m/s Top Speed (at altitude): 1100m/s Take-Off speed (fully loaded): 98m/s Maneuverability: Very Good Stability: Very Good Payload: 2 wingtip rails (missiles), 6 underwing hardpoints (all weapons and pods), one ventral hardpoint (Fuel tank), two lateral hardpoints (pods, Romfarer missile). Pics: The KF-9C is the backbone of the KAF's air-defense fleet. Here, the KF-9C is equipped in an all-missile configuration for Close-Air-Patrol missions. The Kestrel] is a multirole fighter and is able to swing roles on the go. Here it is carrying 4 x AMK-8 Heat-seeking missiles (actually LAZOR guided from Romfarer), 4 x GMK-8 Air-to-ground missiles, 2 x GBK-5E glide bomb and two pods (for the looks). Landing is very easy in the Kestrel series of aircraft. Despite being larger, the two-seat KF-9D sacrifices none of the KF-9C's performance and is still a potent fighter. KF-9E/F Super Kestrel These are the latest variants in the KF-9 family of fighters, the single seat KF-9E and two seat KF-9F. Both aircraft are 4++ generation multirole fighter and feature conformal fuel tanks, a new LAZOR designation system and a stealthier design. The flight control systems and wings have also been upgraded and are an improvement over the KF-9C and -9D variants. First flown in 2008, the Super Kestrel is a more efficient weapon's platform thanks to the new built-in LAZOR designator form Romfarer (I pretend it's a new AESA radar, lol). The Super Kestrel entered service with the KAF in October 2013 and will replace older Kestrels. Earth Equivalents: F-16E/F Block 60, Saab JAS-39NG Gripen, Mig-35 Stats: Range (internal fuel): 970+ km Combat Radius with full load: 450 km Max Altitude: 21,000 m Top Speed (low level): 150m/s Top Speed (at altitude): 1050m/s Take-Off speed (fully loaded): 92m/s Maneuverability: Superb Stability: Very Good Payload: 2 wingtip rails (missiles), 6 underwing hardpoints (all weapons and pods), one ventral hardpoint (Fuel tank), two lateral hardpoints (pods, Romfarer missile). Pics: F9E-001 FTV (flight test vehicle) prototype. The first production Super Kestrel armed with 2 x AMK-6 unguided missiles (re-sized Elysian Empire Sparrow MKI and 8 x AMK-8 short range missiles. The KF-9E is a VERY fun aircraft to fly. Here it is seen with the KAF's new dark-grey camouflage A comparison of both Kestrels: The older KF-9C on the left and the new KF-9E on the Right. The two-seat KF-9F. KF-10A Specter under development The KF-10A Specter is a twin-engine 5th generation fighter that is currently under development.
  9. floor 131: Admiral General Aladeen's private floor.
  10. E600 status update The E600 testing phase is nearly complete, but due to issues importing the original .craft files into the new KSP .20.2 system, the program was delayed and NOW should be completed in one more week (July 6). To compensate, Encore Aerospace has introduced new E600 variants. Here are the details: Testing Extensive testing on the E630 (CI engines) variant has concluded and should give a general idea of the performance figures of the other varaints (the E630 being the mid-sized family member). Here are the details: Speed Take-off speed: average of 71 m/s Max Speed: Clocked at 301.1 m/s at max altitude Cruising Speed: The E630 "enjoyed" crusing at 283 m/s with 75% thrust at 10,000m Landing Speed: average of 66 m/s Altitude Max Altitude: 11,139m Cruising Altitude: 10,000m Range Range: Around 340km with only wing fuel tanks and CI Engines The standard E630 (with wing fuel tanks only) made it across the ocean (just BARELY); It only had 12.04 units of fuel left out of 350 on crash-landing on the other continent. Pictures E610 and E620 Freighers Encore Aerospace is proud to present the E610 and E620 freighter variants. Based on the E610-ER and E620-ER (Extended Range) variants, both freighters have an extra 2 fuel tanks (for a total of 590 units of fuel), an extended wing with smaller winglets and can carry 1.5 meter fuel tanks in the cargo bay. The E610-ERF (freigher) can carry 4 fuel tanks and the E620-ERF can carry 5. Testing on the variants put the takeoff speed at around 70m/s and can land at around 66 m/s with a full load. Range is expected to be trans-oceanic (+400km). Enlarged wing E610-ERF E620-ERF Other Variants Extended range variants of the E620, E640 and E650 have been made and are under testing.
  11. UPDATED INFO I will regularly post updates (via new posts) on project statuses, order requests, new projects, download/mod links and updated info regarding the formatting of the post. To stay up to date, check back frequently if you so wish. Orders now suspended, sry Due to managing various projects at once, orders are now suspended but should resume once the project list (at the bottom of this post) clears up. Who we are Encore Aerospace industries is proud to announce the launch of their ESeries family of aircraft. Starting with the E600 family, Encore strive to deliver quality products that are safe and also reliable. (lol, safety ) .craft files will be added at the bottom of this post E600 Family Loosely based off the CRJ and MD80 family of aircraft, the E600 series aircraft are a series of regional aircraft designed to carry 45-114 passengers and have trans-oceanic range. The E600 family of airliners are all overall stable, reliable and all share vast commonality with each other. With a wide range of aircraft in the family, customers will be able to tailor their aircraft to their specific needs. There are a total of 5 variants in this family. Note The E600 family is still in it's testing phase and final performance results will be available once testing finalizes. Main Features All E600 aircraft are have two rear mounted twin engines, each rated at 170 output power (developed by Coffee Industries mods), have T-Tails, winglets and have a 1x2 seating configuration. As-well, E600 aircraft have both air/ground speed-brakes and mechanical side doors (developed by B9 aerospace). Air speedbrakes Doors (closed, one is open) E610 The smallest member of the E600 family of aircraft, the E610 can seat 42 passengers in a one class, 1x2 seating arrangement. Being equipped with the standard E600 engines, the E610 can take off and land in very short distances and is well suited for KSC-Island airport operations. The E610-ER is also available and is the longest ranged aircraft in the E600 family, but has a longer takeoff and landing run. Max Speed: 293 m/s Max Altitude: around 11,000m Max Range: Trans-Oceanic (expected) Seating Capacity: 42Y (Economy) seats Crew: 2 Takeoff Run: 1/5 of KSC runway (65 m/s) Landing Distance: 1/5 of KSC runway (67 m/s) Variants: E610 (Standard with CI engines) E610-ER (Extended range with two auxiliary fuel tanks and CI Engines). E610-ERF (Extended range freighter with CI Engines E610-LR (Super Long Range variant with CI Engines) Real World Equivalent: CRJ-100 Rear Cabin View E620 One of the more popular variants of the E600 family, the E620 is a enlarged version of the E610 but features nearly identical performance figures as the E610. The E620 is well suited for short takeoff and landing airports and is very stable in flight. Max Speed: In testing Max Altitude: In testing Max Range: Trans-Oceanic (expected) Seating Capacity: 54Y (All Economy Configuration) seats or 6C and 39Y seats (Business/Economy class). Crew: 2 Takeoff Run: 1/4 of KSC runway Landing Distance: 1/5 of KSC runway Variants: E620 (Standard with CI Engines) E620-ER (Extended range with two auxiliary fuel tanks and CI Engines) E620-B (Available with Business Class Seats/Two Class Configuration and CI engines). E620-ERF (Extended Range Freighter variant with CI Engines) Real World Equivalent: CRJ-200 E630 Developed as a niche aircraft, the E630 is intended for customers seeking an aircraft with slightly more seats than the E620, but with E640 performance figures. For this reason, the E630 has seen limited sales. The E630 features an enlarged rear and forward cabin. Max Speed: In testing Max Altitude: In testing Max Range: Trans-Oceanic (expected) Seating Capacity: 66Y (All Economy Configuration) Crew: 2 Takeoff Run: 1/3 of KSC runway Landing Distance: 1/4 of KSC runway Variants: E630 (Standard with CI Engines) Real World Equivalent: CRJ-700 Rear Cabin E640 The most popular variant of the E600 family, the E640 offers and ideal balance between passenger capacity and performance. Based on an enlarged version of the E630, the E640 has a longer forward cabin. With very decent takeoff and landing performance the E640 (standard version) should be able to operate from any airport on Kerbin. Variants include the E640-B (2 class cabin) and E640-ER (extended range variant). Max Speed: In testing Max Altitude: In testing Max Range: Trans-Oceanic (expected) Seating Capacity: 84Y seats (All Economy Configuration) or 7C and 70Y seats (Business/Economy Class) Crew: 2 Takeoff Run: 1/3 of KSC runway Landing Distance: 1/4 of KSC runway Variants: E640 (Standard with CI Engines) E640-B (Available with Business Class Seats/Two Class Configuration and CI Engines). E640-ER (Extended range with two auxiliary fuel tanks and CI engines) E640-ERF (Extended range Freighter with CI engines, under development) Real World Equivalent: CRJ-900 E650 The newest and largest variant of the E600 family, the E650 offers the most economical cost-per seat performance. Seating up to 114 Kerbals, the E650 is intended to bridge the gap between the E600 family and the upcoming E1000 family. Intended for high density routes, the E650 sacrifices some performance for seating capacity. The E650 features an extended aft and forward cabin and is available in a standard and 2-class configuration. Max Speed: In testing Max Altitude: In testing Max Range: Trans-Oceanic (expected) Seating Capacity: 114Y seats (All Economy Configuration) or 7C and 94Y seats (Business/Economy Class) Crew: 2 Takeoff Run: 1/2 of KSC runway Landing Distance: 1/4 of KSC runway Variants: E650 (Standard with CI Engines) E650-B (Available with Business Class Seats/Two Class Configuration and CI Engines). E650-ER (Extended range with two auxiliary fuel tanks and CI Engines) Real World Equivalent: MD-80 Rear Cabin Business Class seats (first 4 rows) Coming Soon E1000 Family The E1000 will be a series of wide body, long range and high capacity aircraft intended to seat 112-202 Kerbals in a 3 class configuration (First, Business and Economy). The E1000 is under development. E800 Family Based on the E600, the E800 family will be a series of twin engine aircraft designed to bridge the gap between the E600 and E1000. Download Links Coming soon Work List -E600 will be finished (all variants) -E800 will be introduced and will include request from Tankbuster32. -E1000 will be introduced and will include requests from andrew123 (1st request) and Vintage Pilot. -Once all 3 are done, Orders will resume.
  12. I'll just downgrade the fleet to stock versions, see how that turns out.
  13. Thanks! I fixed the pics btw. I also have two bombers, one heli, another fighter, two trainers and one transport.
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