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Everything posted by Noname117

  1. Is it whoever is closest, or whoever is closest without going over? Anyways, I'm going to guess 7.6 km.
  2. Another good piece of work today Kuzzter. I'm wondering, does that song have any particular tune it's supposed to go with?
  3. I did get Sh5, and found it quite fun (Though I eventually stopped playing because the game was too unfinished). Does anybody know of the mods which improve the game, as I think it would get better by installing a few of them. Anyways, I've found that there have been a couple decent mobile sub games. Crash Dive played quite well, though felt like a toned down version of the Silent Hunters. Atlantic Fleet is probably the most fun I've had with a mobile game. Although it is turn based, it has quite good submarine mechanics, and actually quite good all around ship combat mechanics. If you have the money to get it, I do recommend it.
  4. It was take your kids to work day, and they were all quite thirsty! We had to remove much of the juice from the satellite so they would stop hassling us about it! You close the bomb bay of your aircraft, then hear a couple explosions and see that your wings are no longer attached to your airplane (Stupid cargo bay heating bug, grounding my NAFB-12...).
  5. I'm definitely cheering as much as Gene and the rest of his team are right now! As I assume the other readers are doing as well!
  6. I'm still curious why you need them to make a "pretty good sausage." I'm beginning to think that's really illegal. Please tell me this was the result of auro-correct.
  7. The BF-110 is excellent in War Thunder, simply because it has good armament for its battle rating and is quite a fun plane to fly. Id say to go for it once you have either the He-112 A-0 or the M.C.202. I do recommend the M.C.202 quite a lot.
  8. Go with the BF-109 first. The early FWs are probably more OP with their many cannons, but they are also at a higher battle rating than the BF-109s. If you were to get the FW-190 before you have the BF 109 F1, you wouldn't have any planes to support it well in your lineup. And I'd still say to get the 109 F4s first. Essentially, you'll get some lower rank aircraft if you go down the BF-109 line before you go down the FW-190 line, so you can more gradually improve your lineup rather than suddenly accelerating ahead with one high battle-rated aircraft and a bunch of aircraft with lower battle ratings. Only get the FW-190 when you have planes of a battle rating .3 lower than it.
  9. No ETA at the moment. For all who are interested, go to this link: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/83747.page I've been following the maintenance as well.
  10. I feel like I should post the typical "uggh, not somebody else who needs this question answered" response, but this isn't the Sporum (It's been asked there a lot). The answer is that Spore.com is being moved to a new server, and is undergoing a very long maintenance period.
  11. Have fun with the melted mess that is your computer when that thing is done!
  12. -31 why are you two so afraid of getting a medal of dishonour?
  13. What I'm now wondering is how badly your computer wanted to melt itself while you were doing that docking Kuzzter. Fantastic job, as always!
  14. I know in the past some of you have stated that you feel bad when you take moderation action. However, have you ever felt good for taking moderation action before?
  15. But... but... but... MY join date is in October 2012... EDIT: I should probably get to asking a question now... Is it fun to be a moderator for these forums or is it a bit of a mixed bag?
  16. -32 we really should be sticking closer to 0.
  17. These look absolutely beautiful! Excellent job Starwhip!
  18. So this is a challenge to basically do something we want to do which we haven't done yet? Can I have a little bit more of an idea of what I'm supposed to do?
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