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Everything posted by Noname117

  1. Picture 46 shows the F3 picture. You can also see from the log that some parts were damaged by seperatron exhaust. That was done before takeoff, as the cockpit which held the pilots (before they climbed into their seats) was launched away from the aircraft.
  2. Wouldn't it be more economical to rescue him with something cheap than to buy a new kerbonaut to replace him?
  3. Decided to try this with a NAFA-4-J2 Strike Cobra. I took off with it, cut one engine, and just kept flying. I'm glad you mentioned we could land anywhere. I didn't get an F3 screenshot at the end because I did have to quicksave/quickload in flight a couple of times, but I did get one in flight after I had reached my top speed and altitude and before I had quicksaved. Use those values.
  4. Poor easily manipulated Kenlie. I will give you credit at how clever this plan is turning out to be. Now the big question is: will Kenlie be abandoned in space or is he going to Eve with Jeb and Bill? I guess we'll find out next time! And, as several above users have mentioned, that updated Duna Ore Bust signature picture is perfect!
  5. We sent an engineer to the sun to get it to output more energy so our probe mission wouldn't fail. For some reason, he just stopped talking to us and let the mission fail! No clue why! He seemed to be screaming a lot beforehand though. You manage to total a plane by first landing it in the crater with the northern monolith and destroying its engines, and then using the dead aircraft as a ladder for the rescue craft (which, due to an engineering insight, didn't have a ladder on it), breaking the plane beyond repair when the rescue plane has to push it around to take off to the UFO at the north pole.
  6. 10/10 Yeah, I'm pretty certain I know who you are.
  7. Upsilon's lifstrem has started, go to http://www.twitch.tv/bagelrabbit to watch the journey to all of the easter eggs on Kerbin.
  8. This is such a nice way to implement the stranded astronaut contracts into the story. I'm still quite curious as to how this story will progress.
  9. Banned for predicting the future (Though I must admit, it will be very weird if that does happen)
  10. So far its just discussions in amongst the group, though I am pushing for either the 19th or the 20th of this month. Something else is planned this weekend.
  11. Being that person who asked what people thought of him.
  12. Saab-32 Lansen You have to admit that the Swedish have built some really cool aircraft.
  13. Turning down the settings just feels cheaty, and besides I like the game looking very pretty. I can still do pretty well.
  14. That's about the only way he could do it, and at that point the weapon doesn't become automatic. Testing the burning capabilities of many of the engines right now. I'll report back which ones can do it. EDIT: Just tested all the engines in the game except for the LFB KR-1x2 Twin Boar and S3 KS-25x4 against a single OKTO2 probe core on the launchpad. The OKTO2 is the smallest probe core and has the lowest heat resistance value in the game (tied with some other probe cores), so naturally it should burn easily. All engines were pointed directly into the probe core at point blank range, with the probe core being mounted on the nozzles of the engines. Multiple copies of radial engines would be used in a test. Of every engine tested, only the RT-10 Hammer SRB was actually able to destroy the probe core. Engines really don't produce enough heat anymore.
  15. Engine exhaust has been highly nerfed in 1.0 and later. You're not able to overheat parts with seperatrons anymore, though if you still want to continue experimenting a couple probe cores have the same radial size as one of those fuel tanks you're trying to use but a lower heat tolerance. I still doubt that switching will make your trials more successful until SQUAD actually makes rocket engines able to heat things again.
  16. I had some premium time on War Thunder for a little while; had bought most of it with some premium aircraft packages. I've stopped using it now. I know it is 2 weeks free, but I know I'd want to keep playing after said 2 weeks, and that subscription cost seems quite high.
  17. Just checked it out. It retained my interest until I realized it was subscription based. Likely not going to touch it until it doesn't cost 15 bucks a month for multiplayer. I can stand one time payments, but not monthly subscriptions.
  18. Well, this is getting interesting. We have Kerbals coming from different timelines as decisions are made to change them. I just wonder where their former selves are in the current timeline...
  19. Going to be streaming a From The Depths campaign in just a few minutes, which will still be in support of Project Phoenix! Check it out here: http://www.twitch.tv/noname117spore
  20. I'm a bit surprised that there are more KSP-ers in their 30s than there are in their 20s. The high amount of us from 10-19 wasn't surprising though.
  21. How could future Glery have seen them die if past Glery hasn't come into the story yet? Future Glery can't be past Glery since then Glery couldn't have actually come from anywhere; she couldn't exist since she would've never been born. Im quite curious to see how you get around that.
  22. Well, that's at least good. We'll likely have to find more soon.
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