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Everything posted by Noname117

  1. The point of the spacecraft exchange is to show your crafts and offer them up for download. Just giving a description of the craft helps no-one and just clutters up the forums. Try to get a download link and at least 1 picture up here. However, I have noticed that jets tend to not get many comments.
  2. I've already begun experimenting with my open-cockpit jets again. The Banshee's performance, once upgraded to turbojets, has vastly improved. So happy.
  3. My aircraft are actually performing better so far
  4. Update Post #1: I probably shouldn't be posting again in such rapid proximity to my last post, but I need a place to post updates about how my aircraft are flying in 1.0. I plan to do that here: So far I've got the Banshee flying again, and far better than before. I can push it up to 250 m/s at sea level (almost double of what it could do before) now, and it has become far more maneuverable. Stalling seems quite easy at speeds past 200 m/s, but overall I am quite happy with how this plane has updated. I'll definitely have to see if adding some solar panels to the cockpit will help out. The current model of the Banshee is now the -D1 Here's a teaser picture: Post #2: The NAFA-4-F is already proving to be a death trap and will have to be modified decently. I also have to remember to add the new engine part to my fighters sometime. Post #3: The NAFA-4 is working again! The version shown is the H2 More coming soon...
  5. So so so excited here! Though everything I have done for the past several months in this game will probably ruined, still very excited.
  6. This is the reason why I like the KSP forums. Tiem to give someone here rep.
  7. ] Just fly it through some hoops. Bound to create some nice 'splosions like my jetliner packed full of kerbals did.
  8. Update Going to add a few more aircraft before 1.0 comes out and makes them all obsolete in probably just a couple of hours. NAFA-17-C3: NAFA-17-D1: NAFA-5-C2: The NAFA-17 received a major update, giving it a custom cockpit, afterburner, and higher maneuverability. The -C3 has a low set wing for maneuverability, while the -D1 has a higher wing for better payload carrying purposes. The NAFA-5 also received a minor update making it far more maneuverable than before.
  9. The new jetliner I built, filled up with kerbals: I'm a monster I have a lot of good pictures of me trying to fly that airliner through hoops that are far too small for it: And one picture of a couple of the survivors: I did this 6 times, and it remained fun the entire time. It has also made me realize how awesome the Destruction Effects mod is.
  10. My hands were touching my iphone and desk. My feet were resting on my computer and the bottom of my desk. I am sitting in my chair... Let's see what happens... I and my computer monitor suddenly fall down as everything supporting us becomes a bunch of violent, stinging wasps. My monitor suddenly goes dark as my computer transforms, and my only other nearby electronic device connected to the internet, my Iphone, also disappears as a bunch of wasps take its place. As I get stung to death by the gigantic horde of wasps which now surrounds me, I scream a scream of pure rage that my 2 most important electronic devices are now gone. The object you are directly looking at 30 minutes after reading this comment gets cooked and served to you as your next meal.
  11. Granted. You forget to cook the train and get trainmonella. I wish that this wish gained a punctuation mark at the end of it
  12. Maybe backseat moderators. But won't that get us in trouble?
  13. 20/10 see you around and moderating a lot.
  14. *Places bet that thread will be locked*
  15. 8/10 I've seen you around a lot in this section of the forums.
  16. I install a second computer called GLADOS because 2 minds are better than one! Should allow for more science gathering and far more precision
  17. Gets a half-sized version of self Inserts children's book
  18. If I were a betting man, I would bet that Youtube won't try to force anyone to put their videos behind a paywall, but will leave some sort of an incentive to do so. Like increasing the rate paywalled videos appear in recommendation lists when compared to public videos. Or allowing a channel with paywalled videos more customization options or something. Or maybe even giving videos behind paywalls more customization options and overall freedom. Heck, I could even see YouTube bribing some larger channels to put paywalled videos up. Youtube almost certainly will provide some incentive to put videos behind paywalls.
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