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Everything posted by Mulbin

  1. This might be of interest to players with VR. Currently in closed alpha with a free demo. VR Space exploration game inspired by 1980s sci-fi. From the maker of Go For Launch: Mercury https://firsttimegames.com
  2. Fuel cells don’t seem to be working in 1.5. They can be switched on but produce no power and use no resources. In the VAB the planner only ever shows production for a single cell no matter how many you stack. Im also getting an error message on start up saying kerbalism needs 1.5 (I’m using 1.5).
  3. Hi all, As you can tell I don't get much time for KSP these day as I now have 2 kids and I'm working constantly on my own game, Go For Launch: Mercury. If someone want's to start a new thread (or if they already have) let me know and I can link it in the original post! For now I've copied wile1411's awesome chart into the main post. Here's my "simpit" these days, all my own work... but it's built in 3D instead
  4. Hi All! Yes.. sorry, it's been a long while since I was active on this thread (or the entire forum!). As mentioned above I am also the creator of another PC space simulator - Go For Launch: Mercury , and also have a new baby! So my simpit has sadly been sitting in a box in the attic for nearly 3 years. As there is no way to sign control of the OP over it certainly would make sense to build a new thread run by an active member. I get an email whenever someone sends me a PM (which is why I happen to have turned up today!) so if a new thread is set up please let me know and I can put a "new thread" notice in the OP. Long term I'm really not sure if/when I will pick my simpit project up again. I'm actually now more likely to make a mercury capsule simpit using my own simulator as I will be able to take this to gaming expos. When I actaully get a bit of free time again I'll catch up on what people have been building!
  5. You can, just click the link!
  6. It's already on Steam, and just me working on it for 3-4 days every week over the last 2 years. 100% my own work, build using data and blueprints provided by the NASA history office. I'd love to do more sequels later and I do love Vostok... won't be much for the player to do in a Vostok capsule though, they were automated. Mercury was operated by the pilot.
  7. Hi All, I've not checked in for a loooong while but thought some people might like to see what I've been working on over the last couple of years since I dropped off the forums! (although obviously I still play KSP in my down time ) Go For Launch is a full simulation of project Mercury. It's not KSP, you don't build rockets etc, it's focus is on accurately recreating the Mercury spacecraft including fully interactive and functioning IVAs. It has support for VR although it can be played on a monitor too (all switches interact with the mouse). It's on steam early access, so just google it if you are interested! EDIT - Some confusion as to what Early Access is, it's already available to buy on Steam, right here - http://store.steampowered.com/app/467400/Go_For_Launch_Mercury/ Here are some screenshots!
  8. Hi, this mod just causes me to be spammed with errors like this (but for each tank type)... no "liquidChamicals" tank type in the library. Configuration of "FL-R10 RCS Fuel Tank" is invalid And all of my tanks are empty, and unable to be filled. Does this mod conflict with any other mod?
  9. Hi, I did reply in my thread with the link where you can pre-order my game but it got removed (squad doesn't allow links to "competitor" products).

    So here it is again!



  10. Yes it will include all missions and all manned spacecraft, missions and launch vehicles
  11. Right, been flat out with Go For Launch: Mercury so not kept up to date.... anyone need a project added or updated on the main post? PM me! Still keep looking at my panel longingly, but no time at the moment, to busy with virtual cockpits!
  12. Hi all, Just to let you all know that my game, Go For Launch: Mercury is now available to pre-order via the indiegogo page below. Don't worry about the crowd fund (although it is doing rather well ) as it does not need to get to the target to pay out. So if you pre-order, you will get your game (and any other goodies you opt for). Please note this is the last chance to get a mention in the credits or any of the other backer perks. Any questions, feedback or suggestions please feel free to drop them on this thread. After all this is a game by a KSPer for KSPers!
  13. Hah, yep. I'm afraid it's the reason I probably won't get to build any new KSP craft for a loooong time
  14. You can also fly a Mercury Capsule in Vr...Free Alpha version here - http://kck.st/1pygkt4
  15. Getting some really great feedback for my current project, Go For Launch: Mercury.... including backing from a certain Scottish Space fanatic! I've been working on this for a while and thought it would be interesting to other KSP fans, particularly with the optional VR support which I know has interested people in regards to KSP. If you like space sims (... you wouldn't be here if you didn't!) please do try the free demo and support if you can! I'm not a company or corporation, just a massive space fan making an Indie game so any support is greatly received. Here's some stuff about it! Free Alpha version here - http://kck.st/1pygkt4 A nice chap playing the desktop version... ...and a crazy guy playing the Oculus Rift version!
  16. Hah, yes... sadly with bugged graphics and all the lighting missing. Siiigh.
  17. Apologies guys, I've hardly had time to look at the forums recently! Moved house, renovating house, new design job, part time game development. Not had a chance to touch ksp in months and my control panel is still in storage! I'll get on this thread next week and update the main post with people's projects etc.
  18. Yes, although it will take some work and optimisation first. It's likely the monitor version will be on Mac but the VR may not be possible, Macs are very nice desktop publishing / design machines (I use them for graphic design) but sadly they have terrible graphics cards that aren't powerful enough for high end VR.
  19. UPDATE!!!! The Monitor version is now live at www.goforlaunch.co.uk There is also a kickstarter... just sayin'
  20. Yes... I've been a bit busy www.goforlaunch.co.uk
  21. Yes, within a week or two. Working on it now, swapping out the VR cameras for standard field of view as well as altering some visual effects (what looks good on a monitor is different from what looks good in VR). I couldn't resist the logo
  22. UPDATE!!! You can now get the demo on either Oculus or standard Monitor... well what are you waiting for?
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