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Ohm Machre

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Everything posted by Ohm Machre

  1. Huh. Interesting that IFS would cause that midflight. And yeah, I think the only three mods I have that aren't at least 1.2.0 are B9 Interstellar, the Prakasa part pack, and Porky's nuclear turbojets (which is 1.0.5, but I don't use them currently).
  2. I'm going to drop my crash log and error message from my most recent crash in to here, and see if someone can make heads or tails of it. If I had to guess, it's being caused by 1.1.3 Prakasa mod. and trying to post the other results in a 502. >.>
  3. There is somewhere on here, but it's most easily found via Google, I think. I really honestly don't recall. The only two I've ever needed to know were -force-d3d11 for DX11 mode, and -force-opengl for OpenGL.
  4. I was using it as a means of performance enhancement. It wasn't that I didn't have enough RAM, it's that the game was running out far too quickly. (This was back before 1.1, mind you, and it seemed to carry over into the 1.1.x's.) I did notice, however, that after destroying some pre-1.2 parts in the ocean, my game is now lagging CONSIDERABLY.
  5. So, before 1.2.1, I was using the -force-d3d11 parameter in Steam. I have had zero problems. 1.2.1 hits, and now my game crashes CONSTANTLY. Just now, I removed that parameter, and it... works perfectly so far???? SQUAD, what in the dickens did you do?! WHAT DID YOU DOOOOO!?!
  6. Sorry, but bumping this thread to see if there's still interest?
  7. I am so super glad to see K Yeon return! I am so excited to see this mod develop in the future!
  8. Also, you're quite possibly overheating because the atmosphere is now Kerbin-sized, which means that you're now fighting a much more compacted atmosphere. Like the difference between broth and soup. Try reducing heat settings. 70-80% heating effects might compensate enough.
  9. This is looking fantastic so far! If you're still experiencing CTDs whilst in 1.1.2, cull any pre-1.1.2 mods - yeah, even ones from 1.1.1. I have zero mods that aren't for 1.1.2 right now, and I haven't experienced a single crash, either from the editors or in-flight.
  10. It's largely compatible if you are using the latest link within the last couple of pages. There may still be bugs floating around, so be wary of that.
  11. Thank you, the latest Firespitter.dll works. Intriguingly, I had a craft that I was experimenting building that decided to no longer let me right click ANY part. If you encounter that, just switch scenes (leave the SPH/VAB and re-enter).
  12. Ah, dang. I think I have some basic Firespitter stuff installed from another mod, but not the full release.
  13. So I don't have any fuel in my structural pieces. I've seen the solution posted before, but I have IFS 2.0.1. Do I need to go up to 2.0.6?
  14. Hey guys. I don't know how many others have had this problem, but I have received lots of crashes while in the editor, mostly CTDs. While watching my Task Manager, the RAM usage would go up fairly high. So I put -force-d3d11 in the command line, and what do you know, it reduced both the amount of RAM being used (like it always did) and the amount of crashes. So this post is just to say that, if you're suffering crashes, try that command line, and it just may help!
  15. I'm confused. The 2.tm engine has actually WORSE performance, at 4000 impulse vs. the Mk2 engines at 7000 impulse. But it trades off by being more powerful at Mach.
  16. I've been keeping track of this thread through my emails, and I have to say the work being done is impressive! Is it at all recommended to plug the latest link into 1.1.1? Or is this exclusively 1.0.5 due to the plugins?
  17. @troyfawkes, yeah, I hear what you're saying. I occasionally get some editor crashes, but I don't have Editor Extensions. I just think it is a slight bug/quirk in 1.1 currently, but it's not enough to stop me playing the game. And hey, my NewHorizons works, so I don't have to worry about that at least, heh.
  18. And you're sure you have the latest version of Kopernicus? I'm trying to rack my brain as to how my system works and yours doesn't. >.>
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