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Everything posted by Jason_25

  1. This mode is really bad and has no place as far as I can tell. Maybe it is for docking but there is already a docking mode? Docking mode is itself pretty unclear when it is turned on, but precision controls are totally unclear. If you hit capslock during a crucial landing you are done. I have only found what this is after investigating a loss of control situation. Fortunately this is with a small vehicle that still had control. The only thing the user sees is lack of control and assumes it is a bug. Which it is is a bug the way it has been implemented.
  2. These parts are a combo meal of disaster. You can not have it your way with these items. Failures include command seat and other parts falling off when decoupling off of these parts/vehicle disappearing when coupled to these parts/framework made from these parts breaks when decoupling. We need developers to "drive through" a fix on this.
  3. I am seeing this too on Minmus. I wonder if it has to do with world unevenness and/or gravity gradients playing a role?
  4. When I flew my motorcycle back to my star cruiser on Minmus, the star cruiser went up into the sky and then fell over. I was not planning on returning anyway. This happened about 1.2k away. This happened in the earlier versions of KSP 1 also.
  5. This is a problem of "terrain resolution" and it is suprisingly common in flight simulators and other games to have bad terrain. Microsoft FSX was bad about this making Mount Everest look like a lump of mashed potatoes. Only maybe the latest versions of X-plane and Flight Simulator are getting better but all mountains in games also look too "smooth" like they are made of glass. We know what in reality there are tiny cracks and jagged sections that people can climb on that are all but nonexistent in games. But to have a whole planet like the pictures above would use a huge amount of memory.
  6. The cloud layer is closer to 2k I think. That means these mountains were all higher than any mountain in the Appalachian range for example. Because it was so far north it was snowy also. There also looks to be a fairly solitary large mountain that you fly over on the next continent east from Kafrica.
  7. Try going to the "Kimalayas" kind of southwest of the north pole. You can see it below you and to the left when flying to the north pole from the space center. It is a pretty high frozen plateau with many snowy mountains. After I landed my F-32 near a peak, a cloud came by and "fog" rolled in.
  8. No need to restart the computer. Just restart the game. Trust me, it makes a difference in structural stability. If a vehicle is on the edge of falling apart already then a game restart can help.
  9. I have managed to create a vehicle that aggravates the punishment protocol excellently. 1. It is a long horizontal vehicle that I just realized has the same kind of flex issues that tall rockets have. This makes it a nightmare on the runway and creates failures during the takeoff run. 2. The wings fall off every time like clockwork upon load unless the game is restarted. Every single change takes around 3 minutes and parts manager takes around 30 seconds to load. When the wings fall off they don't just fall they are jerked off the vehicle like the hand of God has taken them. 3. There are many pieces clipped into each other and many heavy hydrogen tanks inside of cargo bays. The structural integrity is nearly non-existent. 4. It is about 500 tons on the runway and needs MUCH more fuel because I am not playing around here. Random failures everywhere. 5. Still not up to my ultimate standards so I keep adding more stuff to it because how could I possibly go somewhere without a STOVL system etc. This creates more failures. Every time the wing falls off I scream out "EVOLUTION" and do a little dance or fist pump or say "YESSSSSSSSSSSSS" like Maccaulkay Caulkin in Home Alone 2 and promptly restart the game. I am not just building this on a whim this time. I was underwhelmed with the last vehicle I sent to Eve and I want to develop a beautiful vehicle that can return from the Eve surface with ease, dignity and safety. It will need hundreds of tons of conventional fuel and a few hundred tons of hydrogen fuel for the cheat nuclear engines I have created. The game is punishing people for having the nerve to fly around in a dignified way without a goofy stacked rocket that comes apart as it runs through fuel. That is not my way. I do not leave trash where I go. No staging. Only flying through space like an Angel without a worry in the world is how I want to fly. I will not rest until I drive fabulous winged vehicles all around the solar system. Where are everyone else's Eve returners I can compare to? Where is everyone's ambition? Why is the best vehicle in the spacecraft exchange a recreation dinosaur?
  10. I thought the fast warp mode was safe from physics bugs because that is how it works in KSP 1. Unfortunately a "gravitational wave" seems to go through the ship while going back to 1x mode and this sometimes destroys everything.
  11. That is very interesting. *Walks off to do analysis*. But seriously you are right. Hopefully I do not run into the undocking bug you mentioned. This had affected my latest fighter and going back to normal action group controls has made it much safer and less confusing to fly. I can remember the groups now instead of having to look at notes.
  12. I forgot to mention that I had to make the settings file read-only also. That is going to come back and bite me.
  13. You should try restarting the game when this starts to happens instead of adding more struts. Although in this case I do not think struts will attach to stabilizers anyway. I call this "Punishment Protocol" but some call it the Kraken.
  14. These 2 bugs are similar so I thought I would group them and try to define them. standard failures - a trivial failure - only meant to trip up noobs - workaround: double click vehicle and take back control punishment protocol - heavier failure associated with low fps/continuous wing and other part breakages - sadomaschism for the experienced - workaround: game restart
  15. Jason_25

    Engine Bug

    The parts manager toggles and the on/off action group toggles for jet engines no longer function correctly. In order for jets to turn off they have to "spin down" and the throttle must be set to zero. This is terrible but there is a workaround. Use the independent throttle action group toggles to achieve nearly the same thing. This almost ruins VTOLs if not for the workaround. This bug only applies to jets and not rockets. If someone was going for realism they would know that the turbopumps in a rocket have a similar spool up spool down time like a jet engine but they probably were not going for realism and this is just a bug.
  16. I hope I do not need to provide more information on this and we can all agree this is a bad thing and must be reversed?
  17. Others have mentioned no-load control reversals before. This is somewhat different in that I see the reversal on vehicles that are using more of a single wing style that uses elevons. My "trainer" spaceplane which is the first I built in this game has now become afflicted with this reversal on Patch 2. It now has no roll control because of course that must be turned off when inverting the wing which is really another bug. Luckily it retains just enough SAS control to effect roll. Also the "roll animation" appears to be correct but the physics are what are reversed with it which can be particularly confusing.
  18. I wanted to add that I saw this yesterday on the way to Eve. When I reloaded within the Eve SOI but still far from the planet all I could see was purple filling the screen. The workaround was fairly simple. Just switch to map view and back.
  19. This does seem to happen to upper stages. In my case it was the fourth stage or so that glitched out. Luckily I had read about the workaround already where you edit the save file.
  20. This is a big deal when you have a long checklist of items you have to look over on every flight.
  21. One of my vehicles has the problem of working front wheel steering until it has landed then it is suddenly reversed. This trolls users to a fairly high degree. Obviously a workaround is to disable it or to toggle it with an action group.
  22. I can not use the UI to change windowing options. The result is that I can not see the windows volume indicator and there is a glitch when alt-tabbing. The bug seems to start when the game says "creating graphics manager". The workaround is the Unity fullScreenWindow option in the game options file.
  23. Sometimes struts from a rocket core to a rocket booster are weak and flop around like they are barely attached. One workaround may be to go with single strutting. Another workaround may be to reverse the direction of strutting. A final workaround may be to change from mirror to dual symmetry.
  24. When setting the panther engine to afterburner mode this changes the animation to afterburner in the VAB. But when loaded in the nozzles are in non-afterburner mode but they act like they are in afterburner. Also as someone else pointed out the animation itself may be in reverse. I don't know enough about that to make a determination. And also as I pointed out I think the plume should expand just like a rocket plume does in lower pressure.
  25. I was confused when approaching Eve and seeing a counter that showed 4 hours to PE but Eve was a small speck in the distance. Since I have not developed in system warp drive I eventually realized it was 1 day and 4 hours which made more sense. This is pretty safety critical.
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