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Everything posted by Jason_25

  1. I built a small probe controlled rocket that had no control immediately at launch. The fix was to change the probe core to the assembly anchor aka the former root part function. Adding antennas did not seem to fix the problem either.
  2. With the first version of the game every engine has a working thrust readout in the parts manager. Since the patch this seems to not be the case. Most engines are reading 0 thrust even though they are working fine. I have not found any workaround other than manual estimation based on the stats of the part.
  3. The SAS is already upgraded in some ways so I think this would be a nice addition too. Pitch hold would actually hold the pitch you are currently at rather than choosing an arbitrary pitch somewhere between where you are at and the prograde direction like it does now. For small ships it already works like a pitch hold. For large ships it does not. Having wings level bugs me because I want maximum lift during ascent. Also asking the SAS to level the wings now always results in a pitch down partly relating to the lack of a pitch hold. At least change the SAS to not make pitch motions when rolling.
  4. I think the collision checks that prevent players from doing much of anything are a complete drag on the game. They bring nothing at all and are an example of developers forcing realism without giving the player any actual tools for realism. An example of artificial difficulty. If the doors are blocked why do I not have a torch? Why do I not know what is blocking it? Why is something blocking it a long way away from the door? Why can I not move the door around to design the vehicle I like?
  5. There is a hibernation mode for the probes available in parts manager but power usage is still high when selected.
  6. I have also seen what BlueB1C2 has seen. The afterburner is more easily blocked for some reason. In KSP this was less of a problem because if the part was blocking an exhaust stream then it would become heated up and a heat indicator for the part would pop up. In this game, you should give all your engines a wide berth because you can even run into a partial thrust situation with occluded engines.
  7. Some action group toggles are toggling twice rapidly instead of once. The workaround is to assign specific actions instead of the toggles. I have noticed this on the small round intakes and the independent throttles for the small jet engines. I seem to remember this was a problem with KSP right after action groups came out.
  8. It turns out that the length to width ratio of the vehicle is what controls this. A thin vehicle will be pictured side on and a fat vehicle like most planes will be pictured from the top. My one plane had a very arrow shaped look and was pictured from the side. Adding some detachable girders on the side increased the width and now the portrait shows it from above like all the other aerial vehicles I have made.
  9. The landing gear is a little too short for one thing. The real F-117 even looks kind of funny on the landing gear. Once you make the landing gear tall you can move the rear landing gear forward. Keep moving it forward until the plane wants to fall backwards at start. This will make it so you do not have to "pull up" as hard to rotate and this will keep the wing less flat with respect to the airstream and reduce drag during takeoff. Is it using the smallest jet engine? Those are really weak and so it may be time for a new powerplant. edit: I suppose the wing would be "more flat" rather than "less flat". A lot of control deflection is a lot of drag. I should also note that the plane should not just have a good amount of thrust at takeoff. It should have a huge amount of thrust at takeoff because drag increases with the square of the speed and you will slow down very soon anyway. edit 2: Increase the size of the tail. That is going to create some sideslip. it is not proportional to the main wing and it does not look right compared to the real F-117.
  10. I am updating all my vehicles for the patch and this includes updating the portraits. But at least one aerial vehicle is portrayed side on instead from on top which is better for a plane. I see that my motorcycles are pictured from the side which is good. Any way to change the orientation?
  11. So the concept of FOD on runways is a big deal. No one is going to be launching a space mission with random parts on the runway. They should not be invisible and they should definitely not teleport to the vehicle half way down the runway and destroy it.
  12. This part remains parallel to the symmetric part instead of turning "away" from the other part when placed in symmetry. Attempts to work around the problem just make the problem worse. The best way I have found to deal with it is place the part individually on each side but then you are forced to only use radial symmetry going further. Inline symmetry will no longer work. But getting the angles right for a part that is supposed to be symmetrical is too hard so I have been forced to use stepwise angles.
  13. Around 1 in 5 times I revert to the VAB the game freezes up. To pile on the pressure, this usually happens after the vehicle fails in some way and is sitting on the runway.
  14. When the game crashes, someone needs to clean up the mess and not the user. It is not the user's fault. Clear the freaking runway out, do not leave any debris anywhere, and get the player back to where they originally intended with no hoops to jump through - ever. This should not be hard.
  15. I landed my star cruiser today through some miracle and after landing I noticed the ship does not sit level because a rear landing gear is lifted up from the ground. This means that after landing the vehicle is no longer usable. I tried to reset the problem by playing with the suspension settings with no luck and putting the landing gear down and up destroyed the vehicle suddenly as the landing gear came up and I noticed the bug transferred to the other side landing gear.
  16. For the control surface on/off bug try setting just one surface to off, saving the craft, load it in and come back the VAB and set another one to off and so on. In other words set just one control surface to off at once. That has helped me.
  17. In the Dinosaur days before KSP came out this was the only way to build rockets with the game Orbiter. Fire up notepad and get to work and then check what you made in the game. The syntax was much simpler than what KSP and KSP 2 use for the craft file.
  18. Parts manager is just the worst. I need a script that will let me watch TV for a while until parts manager pops up so I can immediately close it again. I like how sometimes it will just decide to pop up to ruin your day with the slowness in the VAB or while flying. Great feature. edit: Also maybe you guys can make the font even a few sizes larger in the parts manager so you could see it from LEO? edit 2: Have you noticed it REALLY likes to pop up when your vehicle is failing or self destructing due to other bugs in the game? It never pops up when you a build a vehicle that lacks all ambition like the stock vehicles. edit 3: I am convinced the entire game is an elaborate ruse to punish creative people.
  19. I think the KISS principle should be applied here and this naming system should be totally stripped out.
  20. This can happen on any size wing when the vehicle is very heavy. The wings flex causing unintended aerodynamic effects including control reversal. While wings do flex in real life they are also highly engineered. For purposes of gameplay I feel the connections to wings should be totally rigid or just break. This also plays into game "balance" - yuck I do not like that term here - where currently heavy planes and spaceplanes with large wings are banned. If you want to be successful do not build flying wings like the B-2 because those were not envisioned by the limited minds of the developers. Only build ugly 1960s style planes that look like an arrow like the F-104 Starfighter.
  21. Wing falling off checklist: 1. Attach 1 strut between wing and parent part 2.If this fails use 2 struts preferably on top and bottom between wing and parent part 3.If this fails try building a wingbox with a metal frame between the wings and struts between the frames and struts from the frames to major parts
  22. I have built a large spaceplane that cannot take off because in part due to the disproportional weight of the wings. When I remove the wings the vehicle goes from 146 to 65 tons with a usable jet fuel load compared to removing the wings of the Aeris K2 stock vehicle the weight drops from 7.7 to 7.46. I think even with Antimatter engines this vehicle is not going to be usable. As I understand it the fuel weight proportion of an SSTO should be around 99%. This is not going to cut it. When the wing thickness is scaled up it seems like the game treats the wing as a solid piece of aluminum. As we all know the honeycomb shape in the wing is both strong and light. This is fundamental to flight.
  23. I worked around this problem by changing the root part to the cockpit of the carrier vehicle. Previously it was a fueselage part of the carrier vehicle. edit: I consider this bug the "drifting camera bug", "wrong vehicle control bug", and "vehicle (reported) destroyed upon undocking bug". Also I am now seeing a bug related to this that causes the frame rate to go from around 25 to less than 1 when the bugged undocked vehicles remain near each other. Also the workaround above is not 100% effective. Another way to trigger this is to bump the vehicles together after undocking. If I hurry the vehicles away from each other this bug does not trigger.
  24. I have made a vehicle that fits underneath a plane. This vehicle drives fine normally on the runway. But after undocking from the plane it does not drive correctly. Including having the wheels remain partially submerged into the ground. This is not the bug where the game thinks you are controlling another ship. The navball shows normally.
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