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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. Joolian Colander project? Are we making pasta out of Laythe?
  2. Yeah, it's a 0.625 m probe core. It's like the OKTO, but it has six sides and is named HECS.
  3. The new buildings apparently have fewer polygons than the older one and should therefore be less processor-intensive.
  4. When you refuse to play space games because they "aren't accurate."
  5. Struts have mass, drag, don't automatically snap upon decoupling, and can't really just sit there out in the open. Also, most rocket fuels are acutely poisonous, so that might also be a problem.
  6. Return from Moho? I haven't even been to Moho. Or made a return mission from Duna's surface (The Dunebeam spacecraft currently in orbit around Kerbin is destined to do that.)
  7. Staging is important! Mouse over the different icons to highlight the part described. If something seems off, drag the icon or the stage to a place where it will be more useful.
  8. Me: "Alright, Avionics Package, I think you'll do better than your cousin on my space station." Avionics Package: "Okaaay..." Me: "There, dock-" Av. Pack.: OMIGOSH IT'S A SPACE STATION Av. Pack.: I LOVE SPACE STATIONS Av. Pack.: I LOVE IT SO MUCH I WILL JIGGLE IT BACK AND FORTH Av. Pack.: WHEEEEEEEEE-*BOOM* Me: *sigh, reload, deorbits module*
  9. Clear, dry and cold, forever.
  10. Many people have trouble with airplanes, and particularly their construction. Well, if you've ever wanted to fly with the birds, here are some tips to keep you aloft. WARNING: This guide assumes that you know the basics of the game, including knowledge of what the respective engines need for flight, how to make fine-adjustments to part angling, and knowledge of what the values in part descriptions mean. This guide was not written for Ferram Aerospace, and was written during build 0.20.2 of Kerbal Space Program. Chapter One: Basic airplane construction Pick a command module, and start building your plane. Right now it doesn't matter if you picked a rocket engine or a jet engine for your plane, and it is slightly simpler to add a rocket engine. However, this also means that your plane will fly for less time than a jet powered plane, due to overall lower specific impulse. ENGINES THAT ARE NOT RECOMMENDED: Solid rocket boosters, including the Sepratron, RT-10, and the Rockomax BACC, due to extreme acceleration and change in weight Ion Engines, due to extreme power usage and low thrust Rockomax-sized engines, such as the "Skipper," "Mainsail," or "Poodle," due to difficulties in attaching landing gear. Now, before putting horizontal wings on, put everything else you'd like to put on the plane, on the plane, including landing gear and a rudder. This is vitally important later on to prevent having to fiddle around with the wings as you add more stuff. After you've added everything you want, click the "Center of Mass" button and the "Center of Lift" button. You will see a blue spherical marker and a yellow spherical marker. Now, add two wings, using symmetry, on either side of the craft. Add a control surface to to both wings. If the Blue marker is slightly behind or inside of the craft, you're set to fly. If not, move the wings so they are. Congratulations! You've built your first airplane. More coming soon...
  11. Above two are completely right, try grabbing the skycrane (and only that!) and rotating it through 45 degrees or so.
  12. This is always my strategy for building planes (although sometimes things go horribly wrong for a different reason.) I might try to write a more advanced guide for spaceplane construction.
  13. I don't take KSP too seriously. If the saves break, that's sad, but if they were to make saves compatible all the way back to 0.7.2 then they would be trying to build the Empire State Building on top of the foundations of the Pyramids. It would be possible, but it would be slow, painful, jury-rigged, unstable and most of all not worth it.
  14. Please don't necro old threads. Especially ones from 0.17.
  15. And I found this. Apparently we're working with tech from the 1960's-70's.
  16. I've gotten very good at quickly transferring fuel. ...Because all my planes are horribly imbalanced when they land.
  17. Good. Now, right click the docking port you need to get to, then click "Set as target." That will make the pink, four-segmented circle aoint at the port. Now, slowly make your prograde marker line up with that using the "IJKL" and "HN" keys with RCS. Finally, make sure that your target port is facing your ship. Thrust towards your target and you're docked!
  18. Lock steering on wheels in between the front four, it does wonders for steering in my experience and prevents wheels from flipping out. If you can deal with a reduced turning circle then lock all but the front two to prevent flipping over.
  19. I'm assuming that .craft files will remain intact, in which case, I am completely fine with my save file being wrecked, I need to redo some space stations and space missions anyway.
  20. It actually takes more fuel to get to Minmus, but not too much more that it becomes an issue. Requires a lot less fuel to land, though, so that is where fuel savings come in.
  21. The white lines at the top represent the transfer angle to get to Kerbin from Duna. A lot of good that does ON DUNA ITSELF, but I digress...
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