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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. Could you verify this? Many people have attempted to plant flags via EVA and have failed miserably.
  2. Sigbro. I gotta screencap that sometime, and make him my...well, sig-bro.
  3. Look at what I found: Tintin meets Armstrong Translates to "Welcome to the moon, Mr. Armstrong!" (I think.)
  4. Mun at last...Mun at last...Thank Kod almighty, we have Mun at last! Congrats on your first Mun landing! Things can only go up from here.
  5. Great looking spacecraft, launchers are a bit iffy. The Saturn 1B used 8 clustered Redstone rockets for its first stage. Good job overall, though!
  6. Do that, and you would have enough delta-V for both the trip there and back...
  7. So teamwork in groups and assigning roles isn't important?
  8. I would do everything I could with my space program's current technology. Push limits! If I learned anything from playing BARIS, it is be bold!
  9. Procedural tanks is actually a thing! Part Generator 2.3
  10. Download link? I really want to get this
  11. I'm actually rather impressed now that I see you meant a smaller ring instead of one of those absurd planetary rings. Nice job!
  12. You need to have patience. Watch a video or read a book or something while it's burning, set up a timer to tell you when it's done.
  13. I tested it a while ago with an SSTO I built in 1.8, and given the tilting over I'd say yes.
  14. I usually use Ascent Autopilot with tried and tested designs, but I most always fly a new lifter or rocket by hand before I let MJ take over. While flying essentially the same design over and over again can be and often is tedious, flying something untested can be exciting!
  15. Blow up a bit of spaceship, it means he is having a bad problem and he will not go to space today.
  16. Also, shouldn't this be in the Suggestion/Dev forum?
  17. I never saw one instance of Mechjeb autopiloting, how can you call that "Unclean?" It would be extremely tedious to hold straight especially with .20's ASAS, so using Mechanical Jeb to point the right way is okay with me.
  18. I rather like that gas giant (ice giant?,) there's nothing quite like it in the Kerbolar system currently.
  19. Bearings would definitely be a game-changer. Low-profile hinges would change it as well.
  20. This is all getting a little jules-verne-esque, don't you think?
  21. If you explode when you have to wait for 5 seconds - even 30 seconds! - when you're playing your game, be glad you never played Spore on a slow laptop. I wrote essays while waiting for it to load.
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