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Everything posted by Lazro

  1. Plus, I don't think boats are in the scope of KSP currently. There is an aircraft carrier mod around somewhere, though.
  2. Initial testing with the "Dante" Armor Combustion Apparatus has yielded poor results, with the targets being pushed away in zero-g. Nevertheless, results were gained and will be put to use in our new "Illusion" weapon.
  3. Have you seen Mechjeb trying to dock? One moment you have an intercept and the next you're re-entering.
  4. What did you use it against? At what distance? How many were fired? Was the ship very large? I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions, but I need to know.
  5. 626: In game year 5,000,000,000, the sun explodes, turning everything from Moho to Duna to dust.
  6. Since nobody seems to be investigating burning through armor with sepatrons, I think I'll do an investigation myself. Watch this space.
  7. 619: A cabinet in the Hitchhiker can is marked "Don't Panic." What typo? I don't see no stinkin' typo.
  8. 615: Every once in a while, a sperm whale and bowl of petunias will fall from Duna orbit.
  9. Has anyone ever tested burning through hulls and structural elements? Heavy armor seems to be making missiles and torpedoes increasingly useless.
  10. No, I was wrong-they're made of mystery goo! That's why they're so round!
  11. Simple-from what I can see, the panels were coming through along the narrow dimension. If you fly solar panels through an atmosphere parallel to the axis along which they open, the game simply ignores it and lets it pass through unscathed. In other words, the solar panels are very strong as long as you don't push on them sideways very far.
  12. I just noticed something wrong with a lot of these. None of them have a probe core, so if you want to thrust the lander-can away to crash on the munar surface, you have to have someone in it!
  13. Nope, an overheated engine simply goes boom once it reaches its limit.
  14. Use Mechjeb or the Romfarer Lazor Mod. Since everything will be the same (no wind, weather, etc) the piloting style would be the same.
  15. I would like to see command pod testing, though. Although you could just send up an empty pod with a probe core, it isn't the same...
  16. In short, yes. However, look out for your ship pulling apart if the segments docked together are extremely heavy. This may not, in fact, be a good idea though, because if you add enough reaction wheels, you could ditch the ultra-heavy engines and extra fuel and just use those to turn it round...albeit very carefully.
  17. Built a radio observatory for my station, then realized it couldn't dock to the station correctly after flying it into rondez-vous. Went and rebuilt the ship, turning the observatory upside-down so the docking end would point to the station...Since I was feeling lazy, I decided to use Mechjeb. Remember that proton launch that went wrong because they installed the sensors upside-down? Yeah. That's what happened.
  18. In this case, with the ultra-heavy payload, definitely the LV-N.
  19. Our crew watched one too many episodes of Top Gear...
  20. *they For interplanetary travels, it all depends on whether you want speed or efficiency. The LV-N is more efficient in space, but is very inefficient in atmosphere, is heavy, and also has low thrust. The LV-909 (or Rockomax Poodle) is two times less efficient than the LV-N, but they have more thrust. In this case, you will need a large amount of fuel to get to Dres, meaning that, if you have time to spare, you should use the LV-N. For your next question, a "vectoring engine" consists of a rocket engine on a "gimbal:" basically a set of hinges that allows the engine to rotate around to some extent. This means that your engine thrust can be directed to one side or another, allowing you to steer.
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